# frozen_string_literal: true require "rack" require "json" require "iodine" require "pathname" module Rage def self.application Application.new(__router) end def self.routes Rage::Router::DSL.new(__router) end def self.__router @__router ||= Rage::Router::Backend.new end def self.config @config ||= Rage::Configuration.new end def self.configure(&) config.instance_eval(&) config.__finalize end def self.env @__env ||= Rage::Env.new(ENV["RAGE_ENV"] || ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || ENV["RACK_ENV"] || "development") end def self.groups [:default, Rage.env.to_sym] end def self.root @root ||= Pathname.new(".").expand_path end def self.logger @logger ||= config.logger end def self.load_middlewares(rack_builder) config.middleware.middlewares.each do |middleware, args, block| # in Rails compatibility mode we first check if the middleware is a part of the Rails middleware stack; # if it is - it is expected to be built using `ActionDispatch::MiddlewareStack::Middleware#build`, but Rack # expects the middleware to respond to `#new`, so we wrap the middleware into a helper module if Rage.config.internal.rails_mode rails_middleware = Rails.application.config.middleware.middlewares.find { |m| m.name == middleware.name } if rails_middleware wrapper = Module.new do extend self attr_accessor :middleware def new(app, *, &) middleware.build(app) end end wrapper.middleware = rails_middleware middleware = wrapper end end rack_builder.use(middleware, *args, &block) end end def self.code_loader @code_loader ||= Rage::CodeLoader.new end def self.patch_active_record_connection_pool patch = proc do is_connected = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool rescue false if is_connected puts "INFO: Patching ActiveRecord::ConnectionPool" Iodine.on_state(:on_start) do ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.extend(Rage::Ext::ActiveRecord::ConnectionPool) ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.__init_rage_extension end else puts "WARNING: DB connection is not established - can't patch ActiveRecord::ConnectionPool" end end if Rage.config.internal.rails_mode Rails.configuration.after_initialize(&patch) else patch.call end end module Router module Strategies end end module Ext module ActiveRecord autoload :ConnectionPool, "rage/ext/active_record/connection_pool" end end end module RageController end require_relative "rage/env"