--- template: extensions.template --- name:summary pipeline:erb,tags,maruku,blocks The following tag names are registered for this tag class: <%= context.website.config['contentprocessor.tags.map']. select {|k,v| v == context.content_node['title']}. map {|k,v| '`' + (k.kind_of?(Symbol) ? k.inspect : k.to_s) + '`'}.join(', ') %> <% if context.content_node['used_options'] %> This tag uses the following options (see [configuration option reference]({relocatable: reference_configuration.html}) for detailed information on the options): <% for option in context.content_node['used_options'] temp = 'mandatory' if !context.website.config.meta_info[option][:mandatory].nil? temp += ' default' if context.website.config.meta_info[option][:mandatory] == 'default' %>* `<%= option %>` <%= temp ? '(' + temp + ')' : '' %> <% temp = nil end %> <% end %> --- name:content