# Oxidized Script
CLI and Library to interface with network devices in Oxidized

## Install
 % gem install oxidized-script

## Use

### CLI
[fisakytt@lan-login1 ~]% oxs S-2250220 'sh ver'
                Jan 29 2010 12:18:24
[fisakytt@lan-login1 ~]% cat > cmds
show ip route
[fisakytt@lan-login1 ~]% oxs -x cmds
Default gateway is

Host               Gateway           Last Use    Total Uses  Interface
ICMP redirect cache is empty
[fisakytt@lan-login1 ~]% cat >> cmds
sh ip cef
[fisakytt@lan-login1 ~]% cat cmds|oxs -x-
Default gateway is

Host               Gateway           Last Use    Total Uses  Interface
ICMP redirect cache is empty
%IPv4 CEF not running

[nertwork@lan-login2 ~]% oxs --verbose --group ios --threads 4 --regex ^test 'show vrf'
running list for hosts in group: ios and matching: ^test
## HOST - test-node-1
## OXS - show vrf
Name                             Default RD          Protocols   Interfaces
  mgmtVRF                          <not set>           ipv4,ipv6   Fa1

[fisakytt@lan-login1 ~]% oxs --help
Usage: oxs [options] hostname [command]
    -m, --model            host model (ios, junos, etc), otherwise discovered from Oxidized source
    -o, --ostype           OS Type (ios, junos, etc)
    -x, --commands         commands file to be sent
    -u, --username         username to use
    -p, --password         password to use
    -t, --timeout          timeout value to use
    -e, --enable           enable password to use
    -c, --community        snmp community to use for discovery
    -g, --group            group to run commands on (ios, junos, etc), specified in oxidized db
    -r, --threads          specify ammount of threads to use for running group (default: 1)
        --regex            run on all hosts that match the regexp
        --dryrun           do a dry run on either groups or regexp to find matching hosts
        --protocols        protocols to use, default "ssh, telnet"
    -v, --verbose          verbose output, e.g. show commands sent
    -d, --debug            turn on debugging
        --terse            display clean output
        --list-models      list supported models
        --list-nodes       list nodes in oxidized source
    -h, --help             Display this help message.
[fisakytt@lan-login1 ~]% 


### Library
[fisakytt@lan-login1 ~]% cat moi42.b 
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'oxidized/script'


Oxidized::Script.new(:host=>'') do |oxs|
  puts oxs.cmd 'show mac address-table dynamic vlan 101'
[fisakytt@lan-login1 ~]% ./moi42.b 
          Mac Address Table

Vlan    Mac Address       Type        Ports
----    -----------       --------    -----
 101    44d3.ca4c.383e    DYNAMIC     Gi0/1
[fisakytt@lan-login1 ~]% 

  * Interactive use?
  * Tests+docs, as always :(