# BrDanfe [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/asseinfo/br_danfe.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/asseinfo/br_danfe) This gem generates PDF files for Brazilian DANFE (_Documento Auxiliar da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica_) from a valid NF-e XML. It also can generates PDF file for CC-e (_Carta de Correção Eletrônica_). [See an example here.](https://github.com/asseinfo/br_danfe/blob/master/spec/fixtures/v2.00/nfe_with_logo.xml.fixture.pdf?raw=true) This gem requires `ruby >= 1.9.3`. ## Supported NF-e versions XML version | Supported? ----------- | ---------- 1.00 | no 2.00 | yes 3.10 | yes 4.00 | yes ## Installing gem install ruby_danfe ## Usage ### DANFE - _Documento Auxiliar da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica_ #### Usage in Ruby xml = File.read("nfe.xml") danfe = BrDanfe::Danfe.new(xml) danfe.options.logo_path = "logo.png" danfe.save_pdf("nfe.pdf") #### Usage in Rails Controller class DanfeController < ApplicationController def new invoice = Invoice.find(params[:id]) xml_as_string = invoice.generate_xml # your method that generates the NF-e's xml danfe = BrDanfe::Danfe.new(xml_as_string) send_data danfe.render_pdf, filename: "danfe.pdf", type: "application/pdf" end end ### Options * `logo_path`: Path of sender's logo image. * `logo_dimensions`: Dimensions of the logo. Ex: logo_dimensions = { width: 100, height: 90 } ### CC-e - Carta de Correção Eletrônica #### Usage in Ruby xml = File.read("cce.xml") cce = BrDanfe::Cce.new(xml) cce.save_pdf("nfe.pdf") #### Usage in Rails Controller class CCeController < ApplicationController def new invoice = Invoice.find(params[:id]) xml_as_string = invoice.generate_xml # your method that generates the CC-e's xml cce = BrDanfe::Cce.new(xml_as_string) send_data cce.render_pdf, filename: "cce.pdf", type: "application/pdf" end end ## I18n By default, your rails application must be configured to `pt-Br`. If you need to customize some message or field label, you can override the content of pt-Br.yml file. ## Development - With Docker You needs to build docker container like above: $ docker-compose build You can run all RSpec specs using: $ docker-compose run --rm br_danfe rspec ## Development - Without Docker You needs to install all necessaries dependencies using bunder like above: $ bundle install You can run all RSpec specs using: $ bundle exec rspec ## About tests > If you modify something that caused general visual changes at output pdf's, so you have to rebuild the fixtures pdf files. > > You can do this simply deleting the fixture pdf file. The `have_same_content_of` matcher will recreate the fixture in the next time you run the `bundle exec rspec` command. ### Code coverage Code coverage is available through of SimpleCov. Just run `bundle exec rspec` and open the coverage report in your browser. ### Fake data for generating new fixtures If you need to generate new danfes for using as fixtures, please don't use real data. These data bellow are suggested: **Sender:** Field | Content ------------ | ---------------------- Name | Nome do Remetente Ltda Trade | Nome Fantasia do Remetente Ltda Address | Rua do Remetente Number | 123 Complement | Casa Neighborhood | Bairro do Remetente CEP | 12.345-678 City | São Paulo - SP Phone | (11) 1234-5678 CNPJ | 62.013.294/0001-43 IE | 526.926.313.553 **Recipient:** Field | Content ------------ | ------------------------- Name | Nome do Destinatário PJ Ltda Address | Rua do Destinatário PJ Number | 345 Complement | SL 1 e 2 Neighborhood | Bairro do Destinatário PJ CEP | 23.456-789 City | Sumaré - SP Phone | (19) 2345-6789 CNPJ | 71.058.884/0001-83 IE | 671.008.375.110 IE ST | 611.724.092.039 Field | Content ------------ | ------------------------- Name | Nome do Destinatário PF Address | Rua do Destinatário PF Number | 345 Complement | 1o Andar Neighborhood | Bairro do Destinatário PF CEP | 98.765-432 City | Vinhedo - SP Phone | (16) 4567-8901 CPF | 485.325.574-57 RG | 11.420.947-9 **Transporter:** Field | Content ------------ | -------------------------- Name | Nome do Transportador Ltda Address | Rua do Transportador, 456 City | Votorantim - SP CNPJ | 71.434.064/0001-49 IE | 964.508.990.089 You can generate new data using [4devs generators](http://www.4devs.com.br). ## Building and publishing You can build using one of the above tasks $ bundle exec rake build # Build br_danfe-X.X.X.gem into the pkg directory $ bundle exec rake install # Build and install br_danfe-X.X.X.gem into system gems $ bundle exec rake release # Create tag vX.X.X, build and push br_danfe-X.X.X.gem to Rubygems ## Contributing We encourage you to contribute to BrDanfe! 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request ## Ruby DANFE gem This project is based on [Ruby DANFE gem](http://github.com/taxweb/ruby_danfe). ## License BrDanfe is released under the [MIT License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT).