// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_SOCKETS_EXTENSIONs_CPP #define DLIB_SOCKETS_EXTENSIONs_CPP #include #include #include "../sockets.h" #include "../error.h" #include "sockets_extensions.h" #include "../timer.h" #include "../algs.h" #include "../timeout.h" #include "../misc_api.h" #include "../serialize.h" #include "../string.h" namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- network_address:: network_address( const std::string& full_address ) { std::istringstream sin(full_address); sin >> *this; if (!sin || sin.peek() != EOF) throw invalid_network_address("invalid network address: " + full_address); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void serialize( const network_address& item, std::ostream& out ) { serialize(item.host_address, out); serialize(item.port, out); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void deserialize( network_address& item, std::istream& in ) { deserialize(item.host_address, in); deserialize(item.port, in); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& out, const network_address& item ) { out << item.host_address << ":" << item.port; return out; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::istream& operator>> ( std::istream& in, network_address& item ) { std::string temp; in >> temp; std::string::size_type pos = temp.find_last_of(":"); if (pos == std::string::npos) { in.setstate(std::ios::badbit); return in; } item.host_address = temp.substr(0, pos); try { item.port = sa = temp.substr(pos+1); } catch (std::exception& ) { in.setstate(std::ios::badbit); return in; } return in; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- connection* connect ( const std::string& host_or_ip, unsigned short port ) { std::string ip; connection* con; if (is_ip_address(host_or_ip)) { ip = host_or_ip; } else { if( hostname_to_ip(host_or_ip,ip)) throw socket_error(ERESOLVE,"unable to resolve '" + host_or_ip + "' in connect()"); } if(create_connection(con,port,ip)) { std::ostringstream sout; sout << "unable to connect to '" << host_or_ip << ":" << port << "'"; throw socket_error(sout.str()); } return con; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- connection* connect ( const network_address& addr ) { return connect(addr.host_address, addr.port); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace connect_timeout_helpers { mutex connect_mutex; signaler connect_signaler(connect_mutex); timestamper ts; long outstanding_connects = 0; struct thread_data { std::string host_or_ip; unsigned short port; connection* con; bool connect_ended; bool error_occurred; }; void thread(void* param) { thread_data p = *static_cast(param); try { p.con = connect(p.host_or_ip, p.port); } catch (...) { p.error_occurred = true; } auto_mutex M(connect_mutex); // report the results back to the connect() call that spawned this // thread. static_cast(param)->con = p.con; static_cast(param)->error_occurred = p.error_occurred; connect_signaler.broadcast(); // wait for the call to connect() that spawned this thread to terminate // before we delete the thread_data struct. while (static_cast(param)->connect_ended == false) connect_signaler.wait(); connect_signaler.broadcast(); --outstanding_connects; delete static_cast(param); } } connection* connect ( const std::string& host_or_ip, unsigned short port, unsigned long timeout ) { using namespace connect_timeout_helpers; auto_mutex M(connect_mutex); const uint64 end_time = ts.get_timestamp() + timeout*1000; // wait until there are less than 100 outstanding connections while (outstanding_connects > 100) { uint64 cur_time = ts.get_timestamp(); if (end_time > cur_time) { timeout = static_cast((end_time - cur_time)/1000); } else { throw socket_error("unable to connect to '" + host_or_ip + "' because connect timed out"); } connect_signaler.wait_or_timeout(timeout); } thread_data* data = new thread_data; data->host_or_ip = host_or_ip.c_str(); data->port = port; data->con = 0; data->connect_ended = false; data->error_occurred = false; if (create_new_thread(thread, data) == false) { delete data; throw socket_error("unable to connect to '" + host_or_ip); } ++outstanding_connects; // wait until we have a connection object while (data->con == 0) { uint64 cur_time = ts.get_timestamp(); if (end_time > cur_time && data->error_occurred == false) { timeout = static_cast((end_time - cur_time)/1000); } else { // let the thread know that it should terminate data->connect_ended = true; connect_signaler.broadcast(); if (data->error_occurred) throw socket_error("unable to connect to '" + host_or_ip); else throw socket_error("unable to connect to '" + host_or_ip + "' because connect timed out"); } connect_signaler.wait_or_timeout(timeout); } // let the thread know that it should terminate data->connect_ended = true; connect_signaler.broadcast(); return data->con; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool is_ip_address ( std::string ip ) { for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < ip.size(); ++i) { if (ip[i] == '.') ip[i] = ' '; } std::istringstream sin(ip); bool bad = false; int num; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { sin >> num; if (!sin || num < 0 || num > 255) { bad = true; break; } } if (sin.get() != EOF) bad = true; return !bad; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void close_gracefully ( connection* con, unsigned long timeout ) { scoped_ptr ptr(con); close_gracefully(ptr,timeout); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void close_gracefully ( scoped_ptr& con, unsigned long timeout ) { if (!con) return; if(con->shutdown_outgoing()) { // there was an error so just close it now and return con.reset(); return; } try { dlib::timeout t(*con,&connection::shutdown,timeout); char junk[100]; // wait for the other end to close their side while (con->read(junk,sizeof(junk)) > 0) ; } catch (...) { con.reset(); throw; } con.reset(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_SOCKETS_EXTENSIONs_CPP