== Horizontal dlist === default [horizontal] Foo:: bar Baz Qux:: quux corge Grault Garply Waldo:: fred plugh xyzzy thud Tata Toto Tete:: First line + Second line + Third line + Xyzzy:: Long long line which can not be written in a line. So renderer should find one or some position(s) to split this line to two lines or more. === margin-left=20, margin-bottom=0 [horizontal, margin-left=20, margin-bottom=0] Foo:: bar Baz Qux:: quux corge Grault Garply Waldo:: fred plugh xyzzy thud Tata Toto Tete:: First line + Second line + Third line + Xyzzy:: Long long line which can not be written in a line. So renderer should find one or some position(s) to split this line to two lines or more. === margin-left=0, margin-bottom=20 [horizontal, margin-left=0, margin-bottom=20] Foo:: bar Baz Qux:: quux corge Grault Garply Waldo:: fred plugh xyzzy thud Tata Toto Tete:: First line + Second line + Third line + Xyzzy:: Long long line which can not be written in a line. So renderer should find one or some position(s) to split this line to two lines or more. === margin-left=0, margin-bottom=0 [horizontal, margin-left=0, margin-bottom=0] Foo:: bar Baz Qux:: quux corge Grault Garply Waldo:: fred plugh xyzzy thud Tata Toto Tete:: First line + Second line + Third line + Xyzzy:: Long long line which can not be written in a line. So renderer should find one or some position(s) to split this line to two lines or more.