require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') require 'uuidtools' describe "uuidify" do it "returns a uuid" do foo = Foo.create lambda {foo.uuid}.should_not raise_error end it "returns a valid uuid" do foo = Foo.create foo.uuid.should be_a UUIDTools::UUID end it "persists the uuid" do foo = Foo.create original_uuid = foo.uuid foo.uuid.should == original_uuid end it "won't generate a uuid on an unsaved object" do foo = lambda{foo.uuid}.should raise_error(Uuidify::UuidifyException) end it "finds model by uuid" do foo = Foo.create uuid = foo.uuid new_foo = Foo.lookup_uuid(uuid) new_foo.should == foo end it "doesn't find the wrong model" do foo = Foo.create bad_uuid = UUIDTools::UUID.timestamp_create Uuidify::Uuid.create(:model_name => "Baz", :model_id =>, :model_uuid => bad_uuid) Foo.lookup_uuid(bad_uuid).should be_nil end it "destroys entry when destroying model" do foo = Foo.create uuid = foo.uuid foo.destroy Foo.lookup_uuid(uuid).should be_nil end it "raises error for orphan entry" do foo = Foo.create uuid = foo.uuid foo.delete lambda{Foo.lookup_uuid(uuid)}.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end it "Only works when explicitly activated" do bar = Bar.create lambda {bar.uuid}.should raise_error end context "garbage collector" do let(:foo1) { Foo.create } let(:foo2) { Foo.create } let(:foo3) { Foo.create } before :each do # force generation of uuids foo1.uuid;foo2.uuid;foo3.uuid end it "should sweep up orphans" do foo1_uuid = foo1.uuid foo1.delete Foo.garbage_collect_uuids Foo.lookup_uuid(foo1_uuid).should be_nil end it "shouldn't sweep up non-orphans" do foo2_uuid = foo2.uuid foo1.delete Foo.garbage_collect_uuids Foo.lookup_uuid(foo2_uuid).should_not be_nil end it "has global gc" do foo3_uuid = foo3.uuid foo3.delete Uuidify.garbage_collect_uuids Foo.lookup_uuid(foo2.uuid).should_not be_nil Foo.lookup_uuid(foo3_uuid).should be_nil end it "has global gc that handles orphaned CLASSES" do foo1_uuid = foo1.uuid Uuidify::Uuid.create(:model_name => "NonexistantClass", :model_id => 1, :model_uuid => UUIDTools::UUID.timestamp_create) Uuidify.garbage_collect_uuids Uuidify::Uuid.where(:model_name => "NonexistantClass").should be_empty Foo.lookup_uuid(foo1_uuid).should_not be_nil end end it "can force a uuid" do new_uuid = UUIDTools::UUID.timestamp_create foo = Foo.create foo.uuid = new_uuid Foo.lookup_uuid(new_uuid).should == foo end it "can force a new uuid over an existing one" do foo = Foo.create existing_uuid = foo.uuid new_uuid = UUIDTools::UUID.timestamp_create foo.uuid = new_uuid Foo.lookup_uuid(new_uuid).should == foo Foo.lookup_uuid(existing_uuid).should be_nil end end