require 'yaml' require "front_matter_parser/version" require "front_matter_parser/parsed" # FrontMatterParser module is the entry point to parse strings or files with YAML front matters. When working with files, it can automatically detect the syntax of a file from its extension and it supposes that the front matter is marked as that syntax comments. module FrontMatterParser # {Hash {Symbol => Array}} Comments delimiters for FrontMatterParser known syntaxes. Keys are file extensions for {FrontMatterParser.parse_file} or :syntax option values for {FrontMatterParser.parse}, and values are three elements array: # # * First element is single line comment delimiter. # * Second element is the start multiline comment delimiter. # * Third element is the end multiline comment delimiter. If it is `nil` and start multiline comment delimiter isn't, it means that the comment is closed by indentation. COMMENT_DELIMITERS = { slim: [nil, '/', nil], html: [nil, ''], erb: [nil, '<%#', '%>'], coffee: ['#', nil, nil], haml: [nil, '-#', nil], liquid: [nil, '{% comment %}', '{% endcomment %}'], sass: ['//', nil, nil], scss: ['//', nil, nil], md: [nil, nil, nil], } # Parses a string into a {Parsed} instance. The syntax of the string can be set with :syntax option. Otherwise, comment marks can be manually indicated with :comment, :start_comment and :end_comment options. # # @param string [String] The string to parse # @param opts [Hash] Options # @option opts [Symbol] :syntax The syntax used in the string. See {FrontMatterParser::COMMENT_DELIMITERS} for allowed values and the comment delimiters that are supposed. # @option opts [String, nil] :comment Single line comment delimiter # @option opts [String, nil] :start_comment Start multiline comment delimiter # @option opts [String, nil] :end_comment End multiline comment delimiter. If it is `nil` and :start_comment isn't, the multiline comment is supposed to be closed by indentation # @return [Parsed] # @raise [ArgumentError] If :syntax is not within {COMMENT_DELIMITERS} keys # @raise [ArgumentError] If :end_comment option is given but not :start_comment # @raise [ArgumentError] If :comment and :start_comment options are given # @see COMMENT_DELIMITERS def self.parse(string, opts = {}) opts = { comment: nil, start_comment: nil, end_comment: nil, syntax: nil, }.merge(opts) raise(ArgumentError, "If you provide :end_comment, you must also provide :start_comment") if (opts[:end_comment] != nil and opts[:start_comment] == nil) raise(ArgumentError, "You can not provide :comment and :start_comment options at the same time") if (opts[:start_comment] != nil and opts[:comment] != nil) if opts[:comment].nil? and opts[:start_comment].nil? and not opts[:syntax].nil? raise(ArgumentError, "#{opts[:syntax]} syntax not known. Please call parse providing manually comment delimiters for that syntax.") unless COMMENT_DELIMITERS.has_key?(opts[:syntax]) opts[:comment], opts[:start_comment], opts[:end_comment] = COMMENT_DELIMITERS[opts[:syntax]] end parsed = if matches = (string.match(/ # Start of string \A # Zero or more space characters ([[:space:]]*) # Start multiline comment #{'(?-x:(?^[[:blank:]]*)'+opts[:start_comment]+'[[:blank:]]*[\n\r][[:space:]]*)' unless opts[:start_comment].nil?} # Begin front matter (?-x:^[[:blank:]]*#{opts[:comment]}[[:blank:]]*---[[:blank:]]*$[\n\r]) # The front matter (?.*) # End front matter (?-x:^[[:blank:]]*#{opts[:comment]}[[:blank:]]*---[[:blank:]]*$[\n\r]) # End multiline comment #{'(?-x:\k)' if opts[:end_comment].nil? and not opts[:start_comment].nil?} #{'(?-x:[[:space:]]*^[[:blank:]]*'+opts[:end_comment]+'[[:blank:]]*[\n\r])' if not opts[:end_comment].nil?} # The content (?.*) # End of string \z /mx)) front_matter = matches[:front_matter].gsub(/^[[:blank:]]*#{opts[:comment]}/, '') parsed.front_matter = YAML.load(front_matter) parsed.content = matches[:content] else parsed.front_matter = {} parsed.content = string end parsed end # Parses a file into a {Parsed} instance. Syntax is automatically guessed from the file extension, unless :comment, :start_comment or :end_comment options are given. See {COMMENT_DELIMITERS} for a list of known extensions and the comment delimiters values that are supposed. # # @param pathname [String] The path to the file # @param opts [Hash] Options # @option opts [String, nil] :comment Single line comment delimiter # @option opts [String, nil] :start_comment Start multiline comment delimiter # @option opts [String, nil] :end_comment End multiline comment delimiter. If it is `nil`, the multiline comment is supposed to be closed by indentation. # @return [Parsed] # @raise [ArgumentError] If :start_comment option is provided but not :end_comment # @raise [ArgumentError] If :comment and :start_comment options are both provided # @raise [ArgumentError] If :end_comment is provided but :start_comment isn't # @raise [RuntimeError] If the syntax of the file (the extension) is not within the keys of {COMMENT_DELIMITERS} or the file has no extension, and none of :comment, :start_comment or :end_comment are provided # @see COMMENT_DELIMITERS def self.parse_file(pathname, opts={}) opts = { comment: nil, start_comment: nil, end_comment: nil, }.merge(opts) if opts[:comment].nil? and opts[:start_comment].nil? ext = File.extname(pathname)[1 .. -1] ext = ext.to_sym unless ext.nil? raise(RuntimeError, "Comment delimiters for extension #{ext.to_s} not known. Please, call #parse_file providing manually comment delimiters for that extension.") unless COMMENT_DELIMITERS.has_key?(ext) do |file| parse(, syntax: ext) end else do |file| parse(, comment: opts[:comment], start_comment: opts[:start_comment], end_comment: opts[:end_comment]) end end end end