U: FXMap[f0.5FC:FXMapperSettings{"Box BG Color" white"Arrow Color" black"Grid Straight ConnectionsT"Edit on CreationF"Location TasksT"Paths as CurvesT"Box Number Color" grey"Create on ConnectionT"Use Room CursorF"Location DescriptionF"Font Objects" Times" BG Color"dark grey"Box Border Color" black"Font Text" Times"Automatic ConnectionT"Grid Diagonal ConnectionsF"Box Darkness Color" grey"Location NumbersT"Grid BoxesT" Kaged"0i[ U:FXSection[[U: FXRoom["Office of Documentation"4clock inkpad (Pieter) (white card) (pink paper)"[ 000000U:FXConnection[ Fii[U;["Vestibule" Gruber"[ 00@000U; [ Fii[@3U;["Hall of the Mural""[ U; [ Fii[U;[")The Chambers of the Grand Inquisitor""[ 0000@B000Fii"F@<[ii@9U; [ Fii[@