# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- module Blacklight::CatalogHelperBehavior ## # Override the Kaminari page_entries_info helper with our own, blacklight-aware # implementation. # Displays the "showing X through Y of N" message. # # @param [RSolr::Resource] (or other Kaminari-compatible objects) # @return [String] def page_entries_info(collection, options = {}) return unless show_pagination? collection entry_name = if options[:entry_name] options[:entry_name] elsif collection.respond_to? :model # DataMapper collection.model.model_name.human.downcase elsif collection.respond_to? :model_name and !collection.model_name.nil? # AR, Blacklight::PaginationMethods collection.model_name.human.downcase elsif collection.is_a?(::Kaminari::PaginatableArray) 'entry' else t('blacklight.entry_name.default') end entry_name = entry_name.pluralize unless collection.total_count == 1 # grouped response objects need special handling end_num = if collection.respond_to? :groups and render_grouped_response? collection collection.groups.length else collection.limit_value end end_num = if collection.offset_value + end_num <= collection.total_count collection.offset_value + end_num else collection.total_count end case collection.total_count when 0; t('blacklight.search.pagination_info.no_items_found', :entry_name => entry_name ).html_safe when 1; t('blacklight.search.pagination_info.single_item_found', :entry_name => entry_name).html_safe else; t('blacklight.search.pagination_info.pages', :entry_name => entry_name, :current_page => collection.current_page, :num_pages => collection.total_pages, :start_num => number_with_delimiter(collection.offset_value + 1) , :end_num => number_with_delimiter(end_num), :total_num => number_with_delimiter(collection.total_count), :count => collection.total_pages).html_safe end end ## # Get the offset counter for a document # # @param [Integer] document index # @return [Integer] def document_counter_with_offset idx unless render_grouped_response? idx + 1 + @response.params[:start].to_i end end ## # Like #page_entries_info above, but for an individual # item show page. Displays "showing X of Y items" message. # # @see #page_entries_info # @return [String] def item_page_entry_info t('blacklight.search.entry_pagination_info.other', :current => number_with_delimiter(search_session['counter']), :total => number_with_delimiter(search_session['total']), :count => search_session['total'].to_i).html_safe end ## # Look up search field user-displayable label # based on params[:qt] and blacklight_configuration. def search_field_label(params) h( label_for_search_field(params[:search_field]) ) end ## # Look up the current sort field, or provide the default if none is set # # @return [Blacklight::Configuration::SortField] def current_sort_field (blacklight_config.sort_fields.values.find {|f| f.sort == @response.sort} if @response and @response.sort.present?) || blacklight_config.sort_fields[params[:sort]] || default_sort_field end ## # Look up the current per page value, or the default if none if set # # @return [Integer] def current_per_page (@response.rows if @response and @response.rows > 0) || params.fetch(:per_page, default_per_page).to_i end ## # Get the classes to add to a document's div # # @return [String] def render_document_class(document = @document) types = document[blacklight_config.view_config(document_index_view_type).display_type_field] return if types.blank? Array(types).map do |t| document_class_prefix + t.parameterize rescue nil end.join(' ') end def document_class_prefix 'blacklight-' end ## # Render the sidebar partial for a document # # @param [SolrDocument] # @return [String] def render_document_sidebar_partial(document = @document) render :partial => 'show_sidebar' end ## # Should we display the sort and per page widget? # # @param [Blacklight::SolrResponse] # @return [Boolean] def show_sort_and_per_page? response = nil response ||= @response !response.empty? end ## # Should we display the pagination controls? # # @param [Blacklight::SolrResponse] # @return [Boolean] def show_pagination? response = nil response ||= @response response.limit_value > 0 end ## # If no search parameters have been given, we should # auto-focus the user's cursor into the searchbox # # @return [Boolean] def should_autofocus_on_search_box? controller.is_a? Blacklight::Catalog and action_name == "index" and !has_search_parameters? end ## # Does the document have a thumbnail to render? # # @param [SolrDocument] # @return [Boolean] def has_thumbnail? document blacklight_config.view_config(document_index_view_type).thumbnail_method.present? or blacklight_config.view_config(document_index_view_type).thumbnail_field && document.has?(blacklight_config.view_config(document_index_view_type).thumbnail_field) end ## # Render the thumbnail, if available, for a document and # link it to the document record. # # @param [SolrDocument] # @param [Hash] options to pass to the image tag # @param [Hash] url options to pass to #link_to_document # @return [String] def render_thumbnail_tag document, image_options = {}, url_options = {} value = if blacklight_config.view_config(document_index_view_type).thumbnail_method send(blacklight_config.view_config(document_index_view_type).thumbnail_method, document, image_options) elsif blacklight_config.view_config(document_index_view_type).thumbnail_field image_tag thumbnail_url(document), image_options end if value if url_options === false || url_options[:suppress_link] value else link_to_document document, value, url_options end end end ## # Get the URL to a document's thumbnail image # # @param [SolrDocument] # @return [String] def thumbnail_url document if document.has? blacklight_config.view_config(document_index_view_type).thumbnail_field document.first(blacklight_config.view_config(document_index_view_type).thumbnail_field) end end ## # Get url parameters to a search within a grouped result set # # @param [Blacklight::SolrResponse::Group] # @return [Hash] def add_group_facet_params_and_redirect group add_facet_params_and_redirect(group.field, group.key) end ## # Render the view type icon for the results view picker # # @param [String] # @return [String] def render_view_type_group_icon view content_tag :span, '', class: "glyphicon #{blacklight_config.view[view].icon_class || default_view_type_group_icon_classes(view) }" end ## # Get the default view type classes for a view in the results view picker # # @param [String] # @return [String] def default_view_type_group_icon_classes view "glyphicon-#{view.to_s.parameterize } view-icon-#{view.to_s.parameterize}" end def current_bookmarks response = nil response ||= @response @current_bookmarks ||= current_or_guest_user.bookmarks_for_documents(response.documents).to_a end def render_marc_tools return unless defined? Blacklight::Marc begin # blacklight-marc 5.4+ render 'marc_tools' rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate # blacklight-marc 5.0+ render('endnote') + render('refworks') end end def render_refworks_action? config, options = {} options[:document] && options[:document].respond_to?(:export_formats) && options[:document].export_formats.keys.include?(:refworks_marc_txt ) end def render_endnote_action? config, options = {} options[:document] && options[:document].respond_to?(:export_formats) && options[:document].export_formats.keys.include?(:endnote ) end def render_librarian_view_control? config, options = {} respond_to? :librarian_view_catalog_path and options[:document] and options[:document].respond_to?(:to_marc) end end