<%# kind: user_data name: Proxmox UserData model: ProvisioningTemplate require: - plugin: foreman_fog_proxmox version: 0.16.1 oses: - AlmaLinux - Amazon - CentOS - CentOS_Stream - Debian - Rocky - Ubuntu description: | This template is used during image based provisioning with Proxmox Compute Resource, when the image is configured to use user-data and network config. The output is a list of cloud-init directives that cloud-init parses to configures the VM booted from the image. The image must have cloud-init installed in order for this to work. This template accepts the following parameters: - ssh_pwauth: boolean (default=true unless ssh_authorized_keys) - ssh_authorized_keys: string w newline seperated keys (default="") - package_upgrade: boolean (default=false) - reboot: boolean (default=false) - skip-puppet-setup: boolean (default=false) -%> <% ssh_pwauth = host_param('ssh_pwauth') ? host_param_true?('ssh_pwauth') : !host_param('ssh_authorized_keys') rhel_compatible = @host.operatingsystem.family == 'Redhat' && @host.operatingsystem.name != 'Fedora' # safemode renderer does not support unary negation puppet_enabled = !host_param_true?('skip-puppet-setup') && (host_puppet_server.present? || host_param_true?('force-puppet')) salt_enabled = host_param('salt_master') ? true : false chef_enabled = @host.respond_to?(:chef_proxy) && @host.chef_proxy -%> <% username_to_create = host_param('username_to_create', 'root') password_to_create = host_param('password_to_create') || @host.root_pass -%> #cloud-config hostname: <%= @host.shortname %> fqdn: <%= @host %> manage_etc_hosts: true <% if ssh_pwauth -%> <%# Don't enable this in production. It is very insecure! Use ssh_authorized_keys instead... http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/examples.html#including-users-and-groups -%> ssh_pwauth: true users: - name: <%= username_to_create %> shell: /bin/bash sudo: ALL=(ALL) ALL lock_passwd: false hashed_passwd: <%= password_to_create %> <% end -%> <% if host_param('ssh_authorized_keys') -%> ssh_authorized_keys: <% host_param('ssh_authorized_keys').split("\n").each do |ssh_key| -%> - <%= ssh_key %> <% end -%> <% end -%> <% if host_param_true?('package_upgrade') -%> package_upgrade: true <% end -%> runcmd: <% if rhel_compatible -%> - | <%= indent(2) { snippet('epel') } %> <% end -%> - | <%= indent(2) { snippet('remote_execution_ssh_keys') } %> <% if chef_enabled -%> - | <%= indent(2) { snippet('chef_client') } %> <% end -%> <% if puppet_enabled -%> - | <%= indent(2) { snippet('puppetlabs_repo') } %> - | <%= indent(2) { snippet('puppet_setup') } %> <% end -%> <% if salt_enabled -%> - | <%= indent(2) { snippet('saltstack_setup') } %> <% end -%> <%# Contact Foreman to confirm instance is built -%> phone_home: url: <%= foreman_url('built') %> post: [] tries: 10 <% if host_param_true?('reboot') -%> power_state: mode: reboot timeout: 30 condition: true <% end -%> #network-config version: 2 ethernets: eth0: match: name: e* dhcp4: false dhcp6: false addresses: - <%= @host.ip %>/<%= @host.subnet.cidr %> routes: - to: via: <%= @host.subnet.gateway %> nameservers: addresses: - <%= @host.subnet.dns_primary%> search: - <%= @host.domain.name %>