require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Sequel do # describe "has method 'fos' that" do # before :all do # @db = Sequel.fos('fos') # end # # it "instantiates a fos/pervasive db from an odbc name" do # @db.should_not be nil # end # # it "actually works to see a fos table" do # TripLeg.db=@db # TripLeg.first.should_not be nil # end # end describe "has method 'fos_dbr' that" do before :all do hash = {:host=>'hrkdm.pcmt.local', :user=>'datamart', :password=>'datap@ss', :database=>'dbr'} @db = Sequel.fos_dbr(hash) end # it "instantiates dbr/mysql db from hash of params name" do # @db.should_not be nil # end it "actually works to see dbr tables" do [TripLeg,Aircraft,Code,CrewLeg].each{|model| model.db=@db} # TripLeg.first.should_not be nil # TripLeg.first.aircraft.should_not be nil # p TripLeg.filter(:id=>"WERJ-1-17-40385-1243").first p TripLeg.filter(:'trip legs__trip_number'=>68070,:leg_number=>5).eager_graph(:crew_legs => [:crew_name, :position_code]).sql t = TripLeg.filter(:'trip legs__trip_number'=>68070,:leg_number=>5).eager_graph(:crew_legs => [:crew_name, :position_code]).all.first p [t.status,t.division,t.regulation,t.closed,t.ete,t.department,t.deadhead,] # p TripLeg.filter(:id=>"WERJ-1-17-40385-1243").eager_graph(:aircraft).all.first # TripLeg.filter(:'trip legs__kid_date'=>40475..40475, :cancel_code=>0,:leg_type_code=>7).eager_graph(:crew_legs=>:position_code).all.size.should == 3 end end # it "set_db method finds sets db on all Sequel models" do # db = Sequel.fos('fos') # Sequel.set_db db # Trip.db.should == db # end # # it "converts fos_id to key that can be used to query model" do # Sequel.fos_id_to_lookup_key("MERE-0-8-40443-1259").should == ['MERE',0,8,40443,1259] # end end