namespace :rubber do namespace :mysql do rubber.allow_optional_tasks(self) after "rubber:create", "rubber:mysql:validate_db_roles" task :validate_db_roles do db_instances = rubber_instances.for_role("mysql_slave") db_instances.each do |instance| if instance.role_names.find {|n| n == 'mysql_master'} fatal "Cannot have a mysql slave and master on the same instance, please removing slave role for #{}" end end end after "rubber:bootstrap", "rubber:mysql:bootstrap" # Bootstrap the production database config. Db bootstrap is special - the # user could be requiring the rails env inside some of their config # templates, which creates a catch 22 situation with the db, so we try and # bootstrap the db separate from the rest of the config task :bootstrap, :roles => [:mysql_master, :mysql_slave] do # Conditionaly bootstrap for each node/role only if that node has not # been boostrapped for that role before master_instances = rubber_instances.for_role("mysql_master") & rubber_instances.filtered master_instances.each do |ic| task_name = "_bootstrap_mysql_master_#{ic.full_name}".to_sym() task task_name, :hosts => ic.full_name do env = rubber_cfg.environment.bind("mysql_master", exists = capture("echo $(ls #{env.db_data_dir}/ 2> /dev/null)") if exists.strip.size == 0 common_bootstrap("mysql_master") pass = "identified by '#{env.db_pass}'" if env.db_pass rubber.sudo_script "create_master_db", <<-ENDSCRIPT mysql -u root -e "create database #{env.db_name};" mysql -u root -e "delete from mysql.user where user='';" mysql -u root -e "grant all on *.* to '#{env.db_user}'@'%' #{pass};" mysql -u root -e "grant select on *.* to '#{env.db_slave_user}'@'%' #{pass};" mysql -u root -e "grant replication slave on *.* to '#{env.db_replicator_user}'@'%' #{pass};" mysql -u root -e "flush privileges;" ENDSCRIPT end end send task_name end slave_instances = rubber_instances.for_role("mysql_slave") & rubber_instances.filtered slave_instances.each do |ic| task_name = "_bootstrap_mysql_slave_#{ic.full_name}".to_sym() task task_name, :hosts => ic.full_name do env = rubber_cfg.environment.bind("mysql_slave", exists = capture("echo $(ls #{env.db_data_dir}/ 2> /dev/null)") if exists.strip.size == 0 common_bootstrap("mysql_slave") master = rubber_instances.for_role("mysql_master").first # Doing a mysqldump locks the db, so ideally we'd do it against a slave replica thats # not serving traffic (mysql_util role), but if thats not available try a regular # slave (mysql_slave role), and finally default dumping from master (mysql_master role) # TODO: handle simultaneous creating of multi slaves/utils slaves = rubber_instances.for_role("mysql_slave") slaves.delete(ic) # don't want to try and dump from self source = slaves.find {|sc| sc.role_names.include?("mysql_util")} source = slaves.first unless source source = master unless source pass = "identified by '#{env.db_pass}'" if env.db_pass master_pass = ", master_password='#{env.db_pass}'" if env.db_pass master_host = master.full_name source_host = source.full_name if source == master "Creating slave from a dump of master #{source_host}" rubber.sudo_script "create_slave_db_from_master", <<-ENDSCRIPT mysql -u root -e "change master to master_host='#{master_host}', master_user='#{env.db_replicator_user}' #{master_pass}" mysqldump -u #{env.db_user} #{env.db_pass.nil? ? '' : '--password=' + env.db_pass} -h #{source_host} --all-databases --master-data=1 | mysql -u root ENDSCRIPT else "Creating slave from a dump of slave #{source_host}" rsudo "mysql -u #{env.db_user} --password #{env.db_pass} -h #{source_host} -e \"stop slave;\"" slave_status = capture("mysql -u #{env.db_user} #{pass} -h #{source_host} -e \"show slave status\\G\"") slave_config = Hash[*slave_status.scan(/([^\s:]+): ([^\s]*)/).flatten] log_file = slave_config['Master_Log_File'] log_pos = slave_config['Read_Master_Log_Pos'] rubber.sudo_script "create_slave_db_from_slave", <<-ENDSCRIPT mysqldump -u #{env.db_user} #{env.db_pass.nil? ? '' : '--password=' + env.db_pass} -h #{source_host} --all-databases --master-data=1 | mysql -u root mysql -u root -e "change master to master_host='#{master_host}', master_user='#{env.db_replicator_user}', master_log_file='#{log_file}', master_log_pos=#{log_pos} #{master_pass}" mysql -u #{env.db_user} --password #{env.db_pass} -h #{source_host} -e "start slave;" ENDSCRIPT end # this doesn't work without agent forwarding which sudo breaks, as well as not having your # ec2 private key ssh-added on workstation # sudo "scp -o \"StrictHostKeyChecking=no\" #{source_host}:/etc/mysql/debian.cnf /etc/mysql" rsudo "mysql -u root -e \"flush privileges;\"" rsudo "mysql -u root -e \"start slave;\"" end end send task_name end end # TODO: Make the setup/update happen just once per host def common_bootstrap(role) # mysql package install starts mysql, so stop it rsudo "service mysql stop" rescue nil # After everything installed on machines, we need the source tree # on hosts in order to run rubber:config for bootstrapping the db rubber.update_code_for_bootstrap # Gen just the conf for the given mysql role rubber.run_config(:file => "role/#{role}|role/db/", :force => true, :deploy_path => release_path) # reconfigure mysql so that it sets up data dir in /mnt with correct files sudo_script 'reconfigure-mysql', <<-ENDSCRIPT server_package=`dpkg -l | grep mysql-server-[0-9] | awk '{print $2}'` dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive $server_package ENDSCRIPT sleep 5 end desc <<-DESC Starts the mysql daemons DESC task :start, :roles => [:mysql_master, :mysql_slave] do rsudo "service mysql start" end desc <<-DESC Stops the mysql daemons DESC task :stop, :roles => [:mysql_master, :mysql_slave] do rsudo "service mysql stop" end desc <<-DESC Restarts the mysql daemons DESC task :restart, :roles => [:mysql_master, :mysql_slave] do rsudo "service mysql restart" end end end