# encoding: utf-8 # Created L/21/05/2012 # Updated J/23/09/2021 # # Copyright 2008-2021 | Fabrice Creuzot (luigifab) # https://www.luigifab.fr/redmine/apijs # # This program is free software, you can redistribute it or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published # by the free software foundation, either version 2 of the license, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but without any warranty, without even the implied warranty of # merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the # GNU General Public License (GPL) for more details. require 'redmine' require 'apijs_const' require 'apijs_files' require 'apijs_attachment' require 'useragentparser' Redmine::Plugin.register :redmine_apijs do name 'Redmine Apijs plugin' author 'Fabrice Creuzot' description 'Integrate the apijs JavaScript library into Redmine. Provides a gallery for image and video attachments.' version '6.8.1-gem' url 'https://www.luigifab.fr/redmine/apijs' author_url 'https://www.luigifab.fr/' permission :edit_attachments, {apijs: :edit}, {require: :loggedin} permission :rename_attachments, {apijs: :rename}, {require: :loggedin} permission :delete_attachments, {apijs: :delete}, {require: :loggedin} requires_redmine version_or_higher: '1.4.0' settings({ partial: 'settings/apijs', default: { enabled: '0', sort_attachments: '0', browser: '0', show_album: '0', show_album_infos: '0', show_filename: '0', show_exifdate: '0', album_exclude_name: '', album_exclude_desc: '', create_all: '0', # python-pil album_mimetype_jpg: '1', album_mimetype_jpeg: '1', album_mimetype_gif: '0', album_mimetype_png: '0', album_mimetype_tif: '0', album_mimetype_tiff: '0', album_mimetype_webp: '0', album_mimetype_bmp: '0', album_mimetype_eps: '0', album_mimetype_psd: '0', # python-scour album_mimetype_svg: '1', # ffmpegthumbnailer album_mimetype_ogv: '1', album_mimetype_webm: '1', album_mimetype_mp4: '0' } }) end