module Ashton class Texture include Mixins::VersionChecking DEFAULT_DRAW_COLOR = Gosu::Color::WHITE VALID_DRAW_MODES = [:alpha_blend, :add, :multiply, :replace] class << self # [Boolean] Whether or not to pixelate (rather than smooth) on #draw attr_writer :pixelated # [Boolean] Whether or not to pixelate (rather than smooth) on #draw. Set true when Gosu::enable_undocumented_retrofication called. def pixelated?; @pixelated end end self.pixelated = false # [Boolean] Is this texture being rendered to currently? def rendering?; @rendering end # @overload initialize(image) # Create a texture from a Gosu::Image # # @see Image#to_texture # @param image [Gosu::Image] # # @overload initialize(blob, width, height) # Create a texture from a binary blob. # # @param blob [String] # @param width [Integer] # @param height [Integer] # # @overload initialize(width, height) # Create a blank (transparent) texture. # # @param width [Integer] # @param height [Integer] def initialize(*args) case args.size when 1 # Create from Gosu::Image image = args[0] raise TypeError, "Expected Gosu::Image" unless image.is_a? Gosu::Image initialize_ image.width, image.height, nil render do # TODO: Ideally we'd draw the image in replacement mode, but Gosu doesn't support that. $ do info = image.gl_tex_info glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, info.tex_name glEnable GL_BLEND glBlendFunc GL_ONE, GL_ZERO glBegin GL_QUADS do glTexCoord2d info.left, glVertex2d 0, height # BL glTexCoord2d info.left, info.bottom glVertex2d 0, 0 # TL glTexCoord2d info.right, info.bottom glVertex2d width, 0 # TR glTexCoord2d info.right, glVertex2d width, height # BR end end end when 2 # Create blank image. width, height = *args initialize_ width, height, nil clear when 3 # Create from blob - create a Gosu image first. blob, width, height = *args raise ArgumentError, "Blob data is not of expected size" if blob.length != width * height * 4 initialize_ width, height, blob else raise ArgumentError, "Expected 1, 2 or 3 parameters." end @rendering = false end public # Clears the buffer, optionally to a specific color. # # @option options :color [Gosu::Color, Array] (transparent) def clear(options = {}) options = { color: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], }.merge! options color = options[:color] color = color.to_opengl if color.is_a? Gosu::Color glBindFramebufferEXT GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fbo_id unless rendering? glDisable GL_BLEND # Need to replace the alpha too. glClearColor *color glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT glEnable GL_BLEND glBindFramebufferEXT GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0 unless rendering? nil end public # Enable the texture to use (e.g. to draw or convert it). def render raise ArgumentError, "Block required" unless block_given? raise Error, "Can't nest rendering" if rendering? $window.flush # Ensure that any drawing _before_ the render block is drawn to screen, rather than into the buffer. render_ @rendering = true # Project onto the texture itself, using Gosu (inverted) coordinates. glPushMatrix glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity glViewport 0, 0, width, height glOrtho 0, width, height, 0, -1, 1 begin yield self ensure $window.flush # Force all the drawing to draw now! glBindFramebufferEXT GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0 @rendering = false glPopMatrix cache.refresh # Force lazy reloading of the cache. end self end # @!method draw(x, y, z, options = {}) # Draw the Texture. # # This is not as versatile as converting the Texture into a Gosu::Image and then # drawing it, but it is many times faster, so use it when you are updating the buffer # every frame, rather than just composing an image. # # Drawing in Gosu orientation will be flipped in standard OpenGL and visa versa. # # @param x [Number] Top left corner x. # @param y [Number] Top left corner y. # @param z [Number] Z-order (can be nil to draw immediately) # # @option options :shader [Ashton::Shader] Shader to apply to drawing. # @option options :color [Gosu::Color] (Gosu::Color::WHITE) Color to apply to the drawing. # @option options :mode [Symbol] (:alpha_blend) :alpha_blend, :add, :multiply, :replace # @option options :multitexture [Texture] A texture to be used in a multi-texturing shader. # @option options :pixelated [Boolean] (true if Gosu::enable_undocumented_retrofication ever called) Pixelate, rather than smooth, when zoomed out. public # Convert the current contents of the buffer into a Gosu::Image # # @option options :caching [Boolean] (true) TexPlay behaviour. # @option options :tileable [Boolean] (false) Standard Gosu behaviour. # @option options :rect [Array] ([0, 0, width, height]) Rectangular area of buffer to use to create the image [x, y, w, h] def to_image(*args) cache.to_image *args end def dup # Create a new texture and draw self into it. new_texture = width, height new_texture.render do draw 0, 0, 0, mode: :replace end new_texture end end end