require "optparse" module Photomosaic class Options KEYS = %w( api_key base_image color_model colors height keyword level output_path results search_engine width ) REQUIRED_KEYS = %w( api_key base_image output_path ) def self.parse(argv) options = default_options parser(options).parse(argv) options[:api_key] = api_key check_options(options) end def initialize(options) @options = options end KEYS.each do |key| define_method(key) { @options[key.to_sym] } end private def self.api_key ENV["PHOTOMOSAIC_API_KEY"] end def self.check_options(options) REQUIRED_KEYS.each do |key| raise OptionParser::MissingArgument, key unless options[key.to_sym] end end def self.default_options { color_model: :rgb, colors: 16, height: 200, level: 4, results: 50, search_engine: Photomosaic::SearchEngine::Bing, width: 200, } end def self.parser(options) do |opt| opt.on("-b", "--base_image=VAL", "Path of base image") { |val| options[:base_image] = File.expand_path(val) } opt.on("-c", "--colors=VAL", "Number of colors") { |val| options[:colors] = val.to_i } opt.on("-h", "--height=VAL", "Height of output image") { |val| options[:height] = val.to_i } opt.on("-k", "--keyword=VAL", "Keyword") { |val| options[:keyword] = val } opt.on("-l", "--level=VAL", "Color level") { |val| options[:level] = val.to_i } opt.on("-o", "--output_path=VAL", "Path of mosaic image") { |val| options[:output_path] = File.expand_path(val) } opt.on("-r", "--results=VAL", "Number of results") { |val| options[:results] = val.to_i } opt.on("-w", "--width=VAL", "Width of output image") { |val| options[:width] = val.to_i } opt.on("--hsv", "Use HSV") { |val| options[:color_model] = :hsv } end end end end