# Author:: Steven Danna (<steve@chef.io>) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require_relative "../../version" class Chef class Knife class SubcommandLoader # # Load a subcommand from a pre-computed path # for the given command. # class HashedCommandLoader < Chef::Knife::SubcommandLoader KEY = "_autogenerated_command_paths".freeze attr_accessor :manifest def initialize(chef_config_dir, plugin_manifest) super(chef_config_dir) @manifest = plugin_manifest end def guess_category(args) category_words = positional_arguments(args) category_words.map! { |w| w.split("-") }.flatten! find_longest_key(manifest[KEY]["plugins_by_category"], category_words, " ") end def list_commands(pref_category = nil) if pref_category || manifest[KEY]["plugins_by_category"].key?(pref_category) commands = { pref_category => manifest[KEY]["plugins_by_category"][pref_category] } else commands = manifest[KEY]["plugins_by_category"] end # If any of the specified plugins in the manifest dont have a valid path we will # eventually get an error and the user will need to rehash - instead, lets just # print out 1 error here telling them to rehash errors = {} commands.collect { |k, v| v }.flatten.each do |command| paths = manifest[KEY]["plugins_paths"][command] if paths && paths.is_a?(Array) # It is only an error if all the paths don't exist if paths.all? { |sc| !File.exists?(sc) } errors[command] = paths end end end if errors.empty? commands else Chef::Log.error "There are plugin files specified in the knife cache that cannot be found. Please run knife rehash to update the subcommands cache. If you see this error after rehashing delete the cache at #{Chef::Knife::SubcommandLoader.plugin_manifest_path}" Chef::Log.error "Missing files:\n\t#{errors.values.flatten.join("\n\t")}" {} end end def subcommand_files manifest[KEY]["plugins_paths"].values.flatten end def load_command(args) paths = manifest[KEY]["plugins_paths"][subcommand_for_args(args)] if paths.nil? || paths.empty? || (! paths.is_a? Array) false else paths.each do |sc| if File.exists?(sc) Kernel.load sc else return false end end true end end def subcommand_for_args(args) if manifest[KEY]["plugins_paths"].key?(args) args else find_longest_key(manifest[KEY]["plugins_paths"], args, "_") end end end end end end