/** * @class ExtMVC * ExtMVC * @singleton */ ExtMVC = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { version: "0.7a", constructor: function() { ExtMVC.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); /** * @property dispatcher * @type Ext.lib.Dispatcher * The dispatcher object which finds the right controller and action when ExtMVC.dispatch is called */ // this.dispatcher = new Ext.lib.Dispatcher({ // // }); }, dispatch: function() { var dispatcher = this.dispatcher; return dispatcher.dispatch.apply(dispatcher, arguments); }, /** * Sets the Ext.Application instance currently in use. This is currently required :/ * @param {Ext.Application} app The application currently in use */ setApplication: function(app) { this.app = app; this.name = app.name; ExtMVC.model.modelNamespace = window[app.name].models; }, fields: { }, registerFields: function(name, fields) { this.fields[name] = fields; }, getFields: function(name) { return this.fields[name]; }, /** * Registers a model class with Ext MVC * @param {String} name The name to give this model * @param {Object} config Model definition configuration */ registerModel: function(name, config) { this.registerClass('model', arguments); }, /** * Registers a controller class with Ext MVC * @param {String} name The name to give this controller * @param {Object} config Controller definition configuration */ registerController: function(name, config) { this.registerClass('controller', arguments); }, /** * Registers a view class with Ext MVC. * @param {String} namesapce The namespace to add this view to * @param {String} name The name to give this view * @param {Object} config View definition configuration */ registerView: function(namespace, name, config) { this.registerClass('view', arguments); }, /** * Abstraction for registering views, models and controllers * @param {String} managerName The name of the class manager to register with * @param {Array} args The args to pass to the manager's register method */ registerClass: function(managerName, args) { var manager = this.getClassManager(managerName); manager.register.apply(manager, args); }, /** * @property classManagers * @type Object * {name: classManager} mappings used by this.getClassManager and this.registerClassManager */ classManagers: {}, /** * @private * Sets up model, view and controller class managers */ initializeClassManagers: function() { this.registerClassManager('model', new ExtMVC.lib.ModelClassManager()); this.registerClassManager('view', new ExtMVC.lib.ViewClassManager()); this.registerClassManager('controller', new ExtMVC.lib.ControllerClassManager()); }, /** * Returns the class manager for the given name * @param {String} name The name of the manager (model, view or controller) * @return {ExtMVC.lib.ClassManager} The class manager instance */ getClassManager: function(name) { return this.classManagers[name]; }, /** * Registers a class manager instance under a given name * @param {String} name The name of the class manager * @param {ExtMVC.lib.ClassManager} manager The ClassManager instance to register */ registerClassManager: function(name, manager) { this.classManagers[name] = manager; }, /** * Returns the canonical controller instance for the given controller name * @return {ExtMVC.Controller} The controller instance */ getController: function(name) { return this.getClassManager('controller').getInstance(name); }, /** * Returns the constructor for a given model name * @param {String} name The name of the model * @return {Function} The model constructor */ getModel: function(name) { return this.getClassManager('model').getConstructor(name); }, /** * Instantiates a model of the given name with the data supplied * @param {String} modelName The name of the model to instantiate * @param {Object} data Data object to instantiate the instance with * @return {ExtMVC.Model} The new model instance */ buildModel: function(modelName, data) { return new (this.getModel(modelName))(data); }, /** * Returns the constructor for a given view namespace/name combination * @param {String} namespace The view namespace to look in * @param {String} name The name of the view within the view namespace * @return {Function} The view constructor */ getView: function getView(namespace, name) { return this.getClassManager('view').getConstructor(namespace, name); }, /** * Returns a new view instance for the given namespace/name combo, using the supplied config * @param {String} namespace The namespace to find the view from * @param {String} name The view name * @param {Object} config Optional config object * @return {Ext.Component} The new view instance */ buildView: function buildView(namespace, name, config) { var constructor = this.getView(namespace, name); return new (constructor)(config); }, /** * Loads packaged classes from a given url, calling a callback when they have been registered. Sample return:
    controllers: [
        name: 'comments',
        superclass: 'crud',
        config: {
          index: function() {
            this.render('index', {
              title: "Loaded on demand!"
    views: [
        name: 'new',
        namespace: 'comments',
        config: {
          xtype: 'scaffoldnew',
          title: "New Comment"
    models: [
        name  : 'Comment',
        config: {
          fields: [
            {name: 'id',      type: 'int'},
            {name: 'title',   type: 'string'},
            {name: 'message', type: 'string'}
* @param {String} url The url to retrieve the package from * @param {Function} callback Optional callback function, called after the package has been read and registered * @param {Object} scope The scope to execute the callback function in */ loadOnDemand: function(url, callback, scope) { Ext.Ajax.request({ url : url, scope : scope || this, success: function(response) { var pkg = Ext.decode(response.responseText); Ext.each(pkg.controllers || [], function(config) { this.registerController(config.name, config); }, this); Ext.each(pkg.models || [], function(config) { this.registerModel(config.name, config); }, this); Ext.each(pkg.views || [], function(config) { this.registerView(config.namespace, config.name, config); }, this); if (Ext.isFunction(callback)) callback.call(scope, pkg); } }); } }); ExtMVC = new ExtMVC(); // ExtMVC.initializeClassManagers(); Ext.onReady(function() { /** * @property dispatcher * @type Ext.lib.Dispatcher * The dispatcher object which finds the right controller and action when ExtMVC.dispatch is called */ ExtMVC.dispatcher = new ExtMVC.lib.Dispatcher(); }); Ext.ns('ExtMVC.router', 'ExtMVC.plugin', 'ExtMVC.controller', 'ExtMVC.view', 'ExtMVC.view.scaffold', 'ExtMVC.lib', 'ExtMVC.test');