require 'grit' require 'pathname' module Thegarage module Gitx module Git AGGREGATE_BRANCHES = %w{ staging prototype } RESERVED_BRANCHES = %w{ HEAD master next_release } + AGGREGATE_BRANCHES private def assert_not_protected_branch!(branch, action) raise "Cannot #{action} reserved branch" if RESERVED_BRANCHES.include?(branch) || aggregate_branch?(branch) end # lookup the current branch of the PWD def current_branch Grit::Head.current(current_repo).name end def current_repo @repo ||= end # retrieve a list of branches def branches(options = {}) branches = [] args = [] args << '-r' if options[:remote] args << "--merged #{options[:merged].is_a?(String) ? options[:merged] : ''}" if options[:merged] output = `git branch #{args.join(' ')}`.split("\n") output.each do |branch| branch = branch.gsub(/\*/, '').strip.split(' ').first branch = branch.split('/').last if options[:remote] branches << branch unless RESERVED_BRANCHES.include?(branch) end branches.uniq end # reset the specified aggregate branch to the same set of commits as the destination branch def nuke_branch(outdated_branch, head_branch) return if outdated_branch == head_branch fail "Only aggregate branches are allowed to be reset: #{AGGREGATE_BRANCHES}" unless aggregate_branch?(outdated_branch) return if migrations_need_to_be_reverted? say "Resetting " say "#{outdated_branch} ", :green say "branch to " say head_branch, :green run_cmd "git checkout #{Thegarage::Gitx::BASE_BRANCH}" run_cmd "git branch -D #{outdated_branch}", :allow_failure => true run_cmd "git push origin --delete #{outdated_branch}", :allow_failure => true run_cmd "git checkout -b #{outdated_branch} #{head_branch}" share_branch outdated_branch run_cmd "git checkout #{Thegarage::Gitx::BASE_BRANCH}" end # share the local branch in the remote repo def share_branch(branch) run_cmd "git push origin #{branch}" track_branch branch end def track_branch(branch) run_cmd "git branch --set-upstream-to origin/#{branch}" end # integrate a branch into a destination aggregate branch # blow away the local aggregate branch to ensure pulling into most recent "clean" branch def integrate_branch(branch, destination_branch) assert_not_protected_branch!(branch, 'integrate') unless aggregate_branch?(destination_branch) raise "Only aggregate branches are allowed for integration: #{AGGREGATE_BRANCHES}" unless aggregate_branch?(destination_branch) || destination_branch == Thegarage::Gitx::BASE_BRANCH say "Integrating " say "#{branch} ", :green say "into " say destination_branch, :green refresh_branch_from_remote destination_branch run_cmd "git pull . #{branch}" run_cmd "git push origin HEAD" run_cmd "git checkout #{branch}" end # nuke local branch and pull fresh version from remote repo def refresh_branch_from_remote(destination_branch) run_cmd "git branch -D #{destination_branch}", :allow_failure => true run_cmd "git fetch origin" run_cmd "git checkout #{destination_branch}" end def aggregate_branch?(branch) AGGREGATE_BRANCHES.include?(branch) end def create_build_tag(branch, label) timestamp = '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S' git_tag = "build-#{branch}-#{timestamp}" run_cmd "git tag #{git_tag} -a -m '#{label}'" run_cmd "git push origin #{git_tag}" end def build_tags_for_branch(branch) run_cmd "git fetch --tags" build_tags = run_cmd("git tag -l 'build-#{branch}-*'").split build_tags.sort end def migrations_need_to_be_reverted? return false unless File.exists?('db/migrate') outdated_migrations = run_cmd("git diff #{head_branch}...#{outdated_branch} --name-only db/migrate").split return false if outdated_migrations.empty? say "#{outdated_branch} contains migrations that may need to be reverted. Ensure any reversable migrations are reverted on affected databases before nuking.", :red say 'Example commands to revert outdated migrations:' outdated_migrations.reverse.each do |migration| version = File.basename(migration).split('_').first say "rake db:migrate:down VERSION=#{version}" end !yes?("Are you sure you want to nuke #{outdated_branch}? (y/n) ", :green) end end end end