# Joybox Introduced at [#Inspect 2013](http://www.rubymotion.com/conference/), Joybox is the easiest way to build 2D games for iPhones and iPads using [RubyMotion](http://www.rubymotion.com/). Joybox combines the most popular and widely used 2D game engine for iOS, [Cocos2D](http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/), folds in the amazing [Box2D](http://box2d.org/) physics engine, and then wraps them up into a clean Ruby API that will make game development faster and more enjoyable for both beginners and experts alike. For more information, see the presentation: [Cocos2D, an Easier Way](https://speakerdeck.com/curveberyl/cocos2d-an-easier-way). ## Feedback and Help For questions, feedback, bug reports, use the project's [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/rubymotion/Joybox/issues). ## Getting Started ### Installation with RubyGems First install Joybox from RubyGems. Run: gem install joybox Next, add to your Rakefile: require 'joybox' ### Installation with Bundler First, add to your Gemfile: gem 'joybox' Next, install the Joybox gem by running: bundle ## Core Classes For building games, the core classes are Director, Scene, Layer, and Sprite. For more info, see: [cocos2d Basic Concepts](http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/wiki/doku.php/prog_guide:basic_concepts) ### Director The director presents scenes, manages flow from one scene to another, manages the game loop, and responds to interruptions. ### Scene A scene is composed of multiple layers. Examples of scenes are: menus, game levels, cut scenes, and high score screen. ### Layer Layers are primarily where a game's sprites are placed. Layers handle user interaction, for example screen touches or device orientation. ### Sprite Sprites are 2D images that have independent movement, such as rotation, scaling, translation and animation. ## Contributions 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature) 3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature') 4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature) 5. Create new Pull Request ## License Joybox is released under the MIT License. ## Authors [Juan Karam](https://github.com/CurveBeryl) [@JuanKaram](https://twitter.com/JuanKaram) ## Box 2D Wrapper If you wish to download or contribute to the Objective-C Box 2D wrapper, the repository URL is the following: https://github.com/CurveBeryl/Joybox-Box2D