require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe Jaysus::Local do let(:site) {{ :title => "New Site", :user_id => 1 }) } describe Site::Local do subject { Site::Local } its(:model_name) { should == 'Site' } its(:store_file_dir_name) { should == 'sites' } end describe "finder methods" do before(:each) { FileUtils.cp('spec/fixtures/1', Site::Local.store_file_dir) } describe ".store_file_dir_name" do context "normal" do subject { Site::Local } its(:store_file_dir_name) { should == 'sites' } end context "within a module" do subject { Kalipso::Site::Local } its(:store_file_dir_name) { should == 'sites' } end end describe ".all" do context "normal" do subject { Site::Local.all } its(:length) { should == 1} its(:first) { should be_a_kind_of(Site::Local) } end context "within a module" do subject { Kalipso::Site::Local.all } its(:length) { should == 1 } its(:first) { should be_a_kind_of(Kalipso::Site::Local) } end end describe ".find" do subject { Site::Local.find(1) } it { should_not be_nil } its(:title) { should == "A nice fixture" } end describe ".find_by_x" do subject { Site::Local.find_by_title("A nice fixture") } it { should_not be_nil } its(:title) { should == "A nice fixture" } end describe ".find_or_create_by_x" do subject { Site::Local.find_or_create_by_id(2) } it { should_not be_nil } its(:title) { should be_blank } its(:id) { should == 2 } end end describe ".new" do subject { site } its(:title) { should == "New Site"} its(:user_id) { should == 1 } end describe "#to_json" do let(:decoded_site) { ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(site.to_json)['site'] } it("should have a title") { decoded_site['title'].should == "New Site" } it("should have a user id"){ decoded_site['user_id'].should == 1 } end describe "#save" do subject { site } before do end it { should be_persisted } its(:id) { should be_a_kind_of(String) } end describe "#update_attributes" do before do site.update_attributes(:title => "Newer Site", :path => "nice") end subject {"#{Site::Local.store_file_dir}/#{}")} it { should match(/nice/) } end describe "#destroy" do before {; site.destroy } subject { site.store_file } it { should_not exist } end end