describe LinkedIn::API::People, vcr: { cassette_name: 'people' } do subject { } context '#profile' do it 'fetches the profile of the current user' do profile = subject.profile expect(profile['firstName']).to eq 'Josh' expect(profile['lastName']).to eq 'Testjordan' end it 'fetches publicly available profiles' do profile = subject.profile('id=Fy5e5a4mqr') expect(profile['firstName']).to eq 'Sir Richard' expect(profile['lastName']).to eq 'B.' end end context '#connections' do it 'fetches the connections of the current user' do expect(subject.connections['values']).to have(2).things end end context 'todo' do it "should be able to search with a keyword if given a String" do pending """business") end it "should be able to search with an option" do pending "" => "Javan") end it "should be able to search with an option and fetch specific fields" do pending ",total)?first-name=Javan" => "Javan", :fields => ["num_results", "total"]) end it "should be able to share a new status" do pending "" response = subject.add_share(:comment => "Testing, 1, 2, 3") response.body.should == nil response.code.should == "201" end it "returns the shares for a person" do pending "" subject.shares(:after => 1234, :count => 35) end it "should be able to comment on network update" do pending "" response = subject.update_comment('SOMEKEY', "Testing, 1, 2, 3") response.body.should == nil response.code.should == "201" end it "should be able to send a message" do pending "" response = subject.send_message("subject", "body", ["recip1", "recip2"]) response.body.should == nil response.code.should == "201" end it "should be able to like a network update" do pending "" response = subject.like_share('SOMEKEY') response.body.should == nil response.code.should == "201" end it "should be able to unlike a network update" do pending "" response = subject.unlike_share('SOMEKEY') response.body.should == nil response.code.should == "201" end it "should be able to pass down the additional arguments to OAuth's get_request_token" do pending 'this test is bullshit, reasses it in the context of this gem' consumer.should_receive(:get_request_token).with( {:oauth_callback => "http://localhost:3000/auth/callback"}, :scope => "rw_nus").and_return("request_token") request_token = subject.request_token( {:oauth_callback => "http://localhost:3000/auth/callback"}, :scope => "rw_nus" ) request_token.should == "request_token" end it "should raise AccessDeniedError when LinkedIn returns 403 status code" do pending "" expect{ => "Javan") }.to raise_error(LinkedIn::Forbidden) end end context '#connections' do it 'finds all connections for the current user' do linkedin_keys = %w(id headline firstName lastName industry location pictureUrl siteStandardProfileRequest) connections = subject.connections connections['values'].should_not be_nil connections['values'].first.keys.should include(*linkedin_keys) end it 'finds all connections for a user' do linkedin_keys = %w(id headline firstName lastName industry location pictureUrl siteStandardProfileRequest) connections = subject.connections connections['values'].should_not be_nil connections['values'].first.keys.should include(*linkedin_keys) end end end