require File.expand_path("../../webdriver/spec_helper", __FILE__) require 'selenium/rake/server_task' describe Selenium::Rake::ServerTask do let(:mock_server) { double(Selenium::Server).as_null_object } it "raises an error if no jar file is specified" do lambda { }.should raise_error(Selenium::Rake::MissingJarFileError) end it "launches the server with default options" do expected_opts = { :port => 4444, :timeout => 30, :background => true, :log => true, } Selenium::Server.should_receive(:new). with("selenium-server.jar", expected_opts). and_return(mock_server) task = { |t| t.jar = "selenium-server.jar" } task.port.should == 4444 task.timeout.should == 30 task.background.should be_true task.log.should be_true task.opts.should == [] end it "lets the user override the default options" do expected_opts = { :port => 5555, :timeout => 120, :background => false, :log => false, } Selenium::Server.should_receive(:new). with("selenium-server.jar", expected_opts). and_return(mock_server) task = { |t| t.jar = "selenium-server.jar" t.port = 5555 t.timeout = 120 t.background = false t.log = false t.opts << "-some" << "args" } task.port.should == 5555 task.timeout.should == 120 task.background.should be_false task.log.should be_false task.opts.should == ["-some", "args"] end it "lets the user specify a version to use which it will automatically download" do required_version = '10.2.0' jar_file = "selenium-server-standalone-#{required_version}.jar" Selenium::Server.should_receive(:new). with(jar_file, anything()). and_return(mock_server) Selenium::Server.should_receive(:download). with(required_version). and_return(jar_file) { |t| t.version = required_version } end end