Given /'setup.rb make' has been run$/ do"make", "--quiet") #, "--trace") end When /^I issue the command 'setup\.rb make'$/ do"make", "--quiet") end When /^I issue the command 'setup\.rb make' unprepared$/ do begin"make", "--quiet") rescue SystemExit => error $setup_feature_error = error end end Then /^the extensions should be compiled$/ do exts = Dir['ext/faux/'] exts.assert!.empty? end Then /^I will be told that I must first run 'setup\.rb config'$/ do $setup_feature_error.message.assert == "must run \'setup config\' first" end Then /^the extensions will not be compiled$/ do exts = Dir['ext/faux/'] exts.assert.empty? end