require "active_support/ordered_options" require "rails_erd/railtie" if defined? Rails require "rails_erd/config" # Welcome to the API documentation of Rails ERD. If you wish to extend or # customise the output that is generated by Rails ERD, you have come to the # right place. # # == Creating custom output # # If you want to create your own kind of diagrams, or some other output, a # good starting point is the RailsERD::Diagram class. It can serve as the base # of your output generation code. # # == Options # # Rails ERD provides several options that allow you to customise the # generation of the diagram and the domain model itself. For an overview of # all options available in Rails ERD, see README.rdoc. # # You can specify the option on the command line if you use Rails ERD with # Rake: # # % rake erd orientation=vertical title='My model diagram' # # When using Rails ERD from within Ruby, you can set the options on the # RailsERD namespace module: # # RailsERD.options.orientation = :vertical # RailsERD.options.title = "My model diagram" module RailsERD class << self # Access to default options. Any instance of RailsERD::Domain and # RailsERD::Diagram will use these options unless overridden. attr_accessor :options def default_options ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions[ :attributes, :content, :disconnected, true, :filename, "erd", :filetype, :pdf, :fonts, {}, :indirect, true, :inheritance, false, :markup, true, :notation, :simple, :orientation, :horizontal, :polymorphism, false, :sort, true, :warn, true, :title, true, :exclude, nil, :only, nil, :only_recursion_depth, nil, :prepend_primary, false, :cluster, false, ] end def loaded_tasks=(val); @loaded_tasks = val; end def loaded_tasks; return @loaded_tasks; end def load_tasks return if(self.loaded_tasks) self.loaded_tasks = true Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'tasks', '**/*.rake')].each { |rake| load rake } end end module Inspectable # @private :nodoc: def inspection_attributes(*attributes) attribute_inspection = attributes.collect { |attribute| " @#{attribute}=\#{[Symbol, String].include?(#{attribute}.class) ? #{attribute}.inspect : #{attribute}}" }.join class_eval <<-RUBY def inspect "#<\#{self.class}:0x%.14x#{attribute_inspection}>" % (object_id << 1) end RUBY end end self.options = default_options.merge(Config.load) end