#!/usr/bin/env rake begin require 'bundler/setup' rescue LoadError puts 'You must `gem install bundler` and `bundle install` to run rake tasks' end require 'rake/testtask' require 'date' load 'rails/test_unit/testing.rake' load 'workarea/changelog.rake' GEMS = %w(admin storefront).freeze ROOT_DIR = Dir.pwd GEMS.each do |gem| Rake::TestTask.new("#{gem}_test") do |t| t.libs << "#{gem}/test" t.pattern = "#{gem}/test/**/*_test.rb" t.verbose = false t.warning = false end task "#{gem}_test_ci" do ENV['CI'] = 'true' ENV['JUNIT_PATH'] = "#{gem}/test/reports" $: << "#{gem}/test" Rails::TestUnit::Runner.rake_run(["#{gem}/test/**/*_test.rb"]) end end Rake::Task['test'].clear desc 'Run tests for all gems' task :test do require 'rails/test_unit/reporter' $: << 'admin/test' $: << 'storefront/test' Rails::TestUnitReporter.executable = 'bin/rails test' # Override this to print a command that we rerun the test on failure Rails::TestUnitReporter.class_eval do def format_rerun_snippet(result) location, line = result.method(result.name).source_location rel_path = relative_path_for(location) GEMS.each do |gem| if rel_path.include?(gem) return "cd #{gem} && bin/rails test #{rel_path}:#{line}" end end "#{executable} #{rel_path}:#{line}" end end Rails::TestUnit::Runner.rake_run(GEMS.map { |g| "#{g}/test" }) end $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) require 'workarea/api/version' desc "Release version #{Workarea::Api::VERSION} of the gem" task :release do host = "https://#{ENV['BUNDLE_GEMS__WEBLINC__COM']}@gems.weblinc.com" # # Updating changelog # # #Rake::Task['workarea:changelog'].execute #system 'git add CHANGELOG.md' #system 'git commit -m "Update CHANGELOG"' #system 'git push origin HEAD' # # Build documentation # # system 'GENERATE_API_DOCS=true bundle exec rake test && git add doc && git commit -am "Update documentation" && git push origin HEAD' # # Build gem files # # GEMS.each do |gem| Dir.chdir("#{ROOT_DIR}/#{gem}") system "gem build workarea-api-#{gem}.gemspec" end Dir.chdir(ROOT_DIR) system 'gem build workarea-api.gemspec' # # Push gem files # # puts 'Pushing gems...' GEMS.each do |gem| system "gem push #{gem}/workarea-api-#{gem}-#{Workarea::Api::VERSION}.gem" system "gem push #{gem}/workarea-api-#{gem}-#{Workarea::Api::VERSION}.gem --host #{host}" end system "gem push workarea-api-#{Workarea::Api::VERSION}.gem" system "gem push workarea-api-#{Workarea::Api::VERSION}.gem --host #{host}" system 'Tagging git...' system "git tag -a v#{Workarea::Api::VERSION} -m 'Tagging #{Workarea::Api::VERSION}'" system 'git push --tags' # # Clean up # # puts 'Cleaning up...' GEMS.each do |gem| system "rm #{gem}/workarea-api-#{gem}-#{Workarea::Api::VERSION}.gem" end system "rm workarea-api-#{Workarea::Api::VERSION}.gem" end