# encoding: utf-8 module Mongoid module Association module Embedded # This module provides convenience macros for using cyclic embedded # relations. module Cyclic extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :cyclic end module ClassMethods # Create a cyclic embedded relation that creates a tree hierarchy for # the document and many embedded child documents. # # @example Set up a recursive embeds many. # # class Role # include Mongoid::Document # recursively_embeds_many # end # # @example The previous example is a shorcut for this. # # class Role # include Mongoid::Document # embeds_many :child_roles, :class_name => "Role", :cyclic => true # embedded_in :parent_role, :class_name => "Role", :cyclic => true # end # # This provides the default nomenclature for accessing a parent document # or its children. # # @since 2.0.0.rc.1 def recursively_embeds_many(options = {}) embeds_many( cyclic_child_name, options.merge(class_name: self.name, cyclic: true) ) embedded_in cyclic_parent_name, class_name: self.name, cyclic: true end # Create a cyclic embedded relation that creates a single self # referencing relationship for a parent and a single child. # # @example Set up a recursive embeds one. # # class Role # include Mongoid::Document # recursively_embeds_one # end # # @example The previous example is a shorcut for this. # # class Role # include Mongoid::Document # embeds_one :child_role, :class_name => "Role", :cyclic => true # embedded_in :parent_role, :class_name => "Role", :cyclic => true # end # # This provides the default nomenclature for accessing a parent document # or its children. # # @since 2.0.0.rc.1 def recursively_embeds_one(options = {}) embeds_one( cyclic_child_name(false), options.merge(class_name: self.name, cyclic: true) ) embedded_in cyclic_parent_name, class_name: self.name, cyclic: true end private # Determines the parent name given the class. # # @example Determine the parent name. # Role.cyclic_parent_name # # @return [ String ] "parent_" plus the class name underscored. # # @since 2.0.0.rc.1 def cyclic_parent_name ("parent_" << self.name.demodulize.underscore.singularize).to_sym end # Determines the child name given the class. # # @example Determine the child name. # Role.cyclic_child_name # # @param [ true, false ] many Is the a many relation? # # @return [ String ] "child_" plus the class name underscored in # singular or plural form. # # @since 2.0.0.rc.1 def cyclic_child_name(many = true) ("child_" << self.name.demodulize.underscore.send(many ? :pluralize : :singularize)).to_sym end end end end end end