# This is injected into each page that is loaded class PoltergeistAgent constructor: -> @elements = [] @nodes = {} externalCall: (name, args) -> try { value: this[name].apply(this, args) } catch error { error: { message: error.toString(), stack: error.stack } } # Somehow PhantomJS returns all characters(brackets, etc) properly encoded # except whitespace character in pathname part of the location. This hack # is intended to fix this up. frameUrl: -> window.location.href find: (method, selector, within = document) -> try if method == "xpath" xpath = document.evaluate(selector, within, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null) results = (xpath.snapshotItem(i) for i in [0...xpath.snapshotLength]) else results = within.querySelectorAll(selector) this.register(el) for el in results catch error # DOMException.INVALID_EXPRESSION_ERR is undefined, using pure code if error.code == DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR || error.code == 51 throw new PoltergeistAgent.InvalidSelector else throw error register: (element) -> @elements.push(element) @elements.length - 1 documentSize: -> height: document.documentElement.scrollHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight, width: document.documentElement.scrollWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth get: (id) -> @nodes[id] or= new PoltergeistAgent.Node(this, @elements[id]) nodeCall: (id, name, args) -> node = this.get(id) throw new PoltergeistAgent.ObsoleteNode if node.isObsolete() node[name].apply(node, args) beforeUpload: (id) -> this.get(id).setAttribute('_poltergeist_selected', '') afterUpload: (id) -> this.get(id).removeAttribute('_poltergeist_selected') clearLocalStorage: -> try localStorage?.clear() catch error wrapResults: (result, page_id)-> @_visitedObjects ||= []; switch when result in @_visitedObjects '(cyclic structure)' when Array.isArray(result) || (result instanceof NodeList) @wrapResults(res, page_id) for res in result when result && result.nodeType == 1 && result['tagName'] {'ELEMENT': { id: @register(result), page_id: page_id } }; when not result? undefined when typeof result == 'object' @_visitedObjects.push(result); obj = {} obj[key] = @wrapResults(val, page_id) for own key, val of result @_visitedObjects.pop(); obj else result class PoltergeistAgent.ObsoleteNode toString: -> "PoltergeistAgent.ObsoleteNode" class PoltergeistAgent.InvalidSelector toString: -> "PoltergeistAgent.InvalidSelector" class PoltergeistAgent.Node @EVENTS = { FOCUS: ['blur', 'focus', 'focusin', 'focusout'], MOUSE: ['click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave', 'mousemove', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mouseup', 'contextmenu'], FORM: ['submit'] } constructor: (@agent, @element) -> parentId: -> @agent.register(@element.parentNode) parentIds: -> ids = [] parent = @element.parentNode while parent != document ids.push @agent.register(parent) parent = parent.parentNode ids find: (method, selector) -> @agent.find(method, selector, @element) isObsolete: -> obsolete = (element) => if (parent = element?.parentNode)? if parent == document return false else obsolete parent else return true obsolete @element changed: -> event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents') event.initEvent('change', true, false) # In the case of an OPTION tag, the change event should come # from the parent SELECT if @element.nodeName == 'OPTION' element = @element.parentNode element = element.parentNode if element.nodeName == 'OPTGROUP' element else element = @element element.dispatchEvent(event) input: -> event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents') event.initEvent('input', true, false) @element.dispatchEvent(event) keyupdowned: (eventName, keyCode) -> event = document.createEvent('UIEvents') event.initEvent(eventName, true, true) event.keyCode = keyCode event.which = keyCode event.charCode = 0 @element.dispatchEvent(event) keypressed: (altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, metaKey, keyCode, charCode) -> event = document.createEvent('UIEvents') event.initEvent('keypress', true, true) event.window = @agent.window event.altKey = altKey event.ctrlKey = ctrlKey event.shiftKey = shiftKey event.metaKey = metaKey event.keyCode = keyCode event.charCode = charCode event.which = keyCode @element.dispatchEvent(event) insideBody: -> @element == document.body || document.evaluate('ancestor::body', @element, null, XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE, null).booleanValue allText: -> @element.textContent visibleText: -> if this.isVisible() if @element.nodeName == "TEXTAREA" @element.textContent else if @element instanceof SVGElement @element.textContent else @element.innerText deleteText: -> range = document.createRange() range.selectNodeContents(@element) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges() window.getSelection().addRange(range) window.getSelection().deleteFromDocument() getProperty: (name) -> @element[name] getAttributes: -> attrs = {} for attr in @element.attributes attrs[attr.name] = attr.value.replace("\n","\\n"); attrs getAttribute: (name) -> if name == 'checked' || name == 'selected' @element[name] else @element.getAttribute(name) ? undefined scrollIntoView: -> @element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() #Sometimes scrollIntoViewIfNeeded doesn't seem to work, not really sure why. #Just calling scrollIntoView doesnt work either, however calling scrollIntoView #after scrollIntoViewIfNeeded when element is not in the viewport does appear to work @element.scrollIntoView() unless this.isInViewport() value: -> if @element.tagName == 'SELECT' && @element.multiple option.value for option in @element.children when option.selected else @element.value set: (value) -> return if @element.readOnly if (@element.maxLength >= 0) value = value.substr(0, @element.maxLength) this.trigger('focus') @element.value = '' if @element.type == 'number' @element.value = value else for char in value keyCode = this.characterToKeyCode(char) this.keyupdowned('keydown', keyCode) @element.value += char this.keypressed(false, false, false, false, char.charCodeAt(0), char.charCodeAt(0)) this.keyupdowned('keyup', keyCode) this.changed() this.input() this.trigger('blur') isMultiple: -> @element.multiple setAttribute: (name, value) -> @element.setAttribute(name, value) removeAttribute: (name) -> @element.removeAttribute(name) select: (value) -> if @isDisabled() false else if value == false && !@element.parentNode.multiple false else this.trigger('focus', {}, @element.parentNode) @element.selected = value this.changed() this.trigger('blur', {}, @element.parentNode) true tagName: -> @element.tagName isVisible: (element = @element) -> #if an area element, check visibility of relevant image if element.tagName == 'AREA' map_name = document.evaluate('./ancestor::map/@name', element, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null).stringValue element = document.querySelector("img[usemap='##{map_name}']") return false unless element? while (element) style = window.getComputedStyle(element) return false if style.display == 'none' or style.visibility == 'hidden' or parseFloat(style.opacity) == 0 element = element.parentElement return true isInViewport: -> rect = @element.getBoundingClientRect(); rect.top >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= window.innerHeight && rect.right <= window.innerWidth isDisabled: -> xpath = 'parent::optgroup[@disabled] | \ ancestor::select[@disabled] | \ parent::fieldset[@disabled] | \ ancestor::*[not(self::legend) or preceding-sibling::legend][parent::fieldset[@disabled]]' @element.disabled || document.evaluate(xpath, @element, null, XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE, null).booleanValue path: -> elements = @parentIds().reverse().map((id) => @agent.get(id)) elements.push(this) selectors = elements.map (el)-> prev_siblings = el.find('xpath', "./preceding-sibling::#{el.tagName()}") "#{el.tagName()}[#{prev_siblings.length + 1}]" "//" + selectors.join('/') containsSelection: -> selectedNode = document.getSelection().focusNode return false if !selectedNode if selectedNode.nodeType == 3 selectedNode = selectedNode.parentNode @element.contains(selectedNode) frameOffset: -> win = window offset = { top: 0, left: 0 } while win.frameElement rect = win.frameElement.getClientRects()[0] style = win.getComputedStyle(win.frameElement) win = win.parent offset.top += rect.top + parseInt(style.getPropertyValue("padding-top"), 10) offset.left += rect.left + parseInt(style.getPropertyValue("padding-left"), 10) offset position: -> # Elements inside an SVG return undefined for getClientRects??? rect = @element.getClientRects()[0] || @element.getBoundingClientRect() throw new PoltergeistAgent.ObsoleteNode unless rect frameOffset = this.frameOffset() pos = { top: rect.top + frameOffset.top, right: rect.right + frameOffset.left, left: rect.left + frameOffset.left, bottom: rect.bottom + frameOffset.top, width: rect.width, height: rect.height } pos trigger: (name, options = {}, element = @element) -> if Node.EVENTS.MOUSE.indexOf(name) != -1 event = document.createEvent('MouseEvent') event.initMouseEvent( name, true, true, window, 0, options['screenX'] || 0, options['screenY'] || 0, options['clientX'] || 0, options['clientY'] || 0, options['ctrlKey'] || false, options['altKey'] || false, options['shiftKey'] || false, options['metaKey'] || false, options['button'] || 0, null ) else if Node.EVENTS.FOCUS.indexOf(name) != -1 event = this.obtainEvent(name) else if Node.EVENTS.FORM.indexOf(name) != -1 event = this.obtainEvent(name) else throw "Unknown event" element.dispatchEvent(event) obtainEvent: (name) -> event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents') event.initEvent(name, true, true) event mouseEventTest: (x, y) -> frameOffset = this.frameOffset() x -= frameOffset.left y -= frameOffset.top el = origEl = document.elementFromPoint(x, y) while el if el == @element return { status: 'success' } else el = el.parentNode { status: 'failure', selector: origEl && this.getSelector(origEl) } getSelector: (el) -> selector = if el.tagName != 'HTML' then this.getSelector(el.parentNode) + ' ' else '' selector += el.tagName.toLowerCase() selector += "##{el.id}" if el.id #PhantomJS < 2.0 doesn't support classList for SVG elements - so get classes manually classes = el.classList || (el.getAttribute('class')?.trim()?.split(/\s+/)) || [] for className in classes when className != '' selector += ".#{className}" selector characterToKeyCode: (character) -> code = character.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) specialKeys = 96: 192 #` 45: 189 #- 61: 187 #= 91: 219 #[ 93: 221 #] 92: 220 #\ 59: 186 #; 39: 222 #' 44: 188 #, 46: 190 #. 47: 191 #/ 127: 46 #delete 126: 192 #~ 33: 49 #! 64: 50 #@ 35: 51 ## 36: 52 #$ 37: 53 #% 94: 54 #^ 38: 55 #& 42: 56 #* 40: 57 #( 41: 48 #) 95: 189 #_ 43: 187 #+ 123: 219 #{ 125: 221 #} 124: 220 #| 58: 186 #: 34: 222 #" 60: 188 #< 62: 190 #> 63: 191 #? specialKeys[code] || code isDOMEqual: (other_id) -> @element == @agent.get(other_id).element window.__poltergeist = new PoltergeistAgent document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', -> console.log('__DOMContentLoaded') ) console.log('__DOMContentLoaded') if document.readyState == 'complete'