module ManageableContent class Manager # Retrieves a list of Controllers eligible for having manageable content. # A Controller is eligible if it has set contents with :manageable_content_for. # def self.eligible_controllers @@eligible_controllers ||= Rails.configuration.paths["app/controllers"] .expanded.inject([]) do |controllers, dir| controllers += Dir["#{dir}/**/*_controller.rb"].map do |file| file.gsub("#{dir}/", "") .gsub(".rb", "") .camelize .constantize end end .uniq .select do |controller_class| controller_class.respond_to?(:manageable_content_keys) && !controller_class.manageable_content_keys.empty? end .sort { |controller_a, controller_b| <=> } end # Generates a Page and PageContent for each Controller with manageable content keys, # and the layout Page for manageable layout content keys. # def self.generate! controllers = eligible_controllers Engine.config.locales.each do |locale| # layout page Controllers::Dsl.manageable_layout_content_keys.each_key do |layout| self.generate_page! layout, locale, Controllers::Dsl.manageable_layout_content_keys[layout] end # controllers pages controllers.each do |controller_class| self.generate_page! controller_class.controller_path, locale, controller_class.manageable_content_keys end end controllers end # Retrieves a Page relation with a filter for eligible Pages. # A Page is eligible if the corresponding controller is still eligible # (from the eligible_controllers method). # # This method should be used to access a list of valid Pages instead of directly accessing the # Page model. # def self.pages Page.where(:key => {|controller_class| controller_class.controller_path }) end # Retrieves a Page relation for the given key and locale. # By default I18n.locale is used as the locale option. # def, locale = I18n.locale) Page.with_contents .where(:key => key) .where(:locale => locale) end # Retrieves a list of eligible keys for a given Page key. # This can be useful to check if a PageContent is still relevant # based on the current configurations. # # This will return a list of page keys with it's corresponding content type (:string or :text). # def self.eligible_contents(key) layout_content_keys = Controllers::Dsl.manageable_layout_content_keys[key] || {} content_keys = begin "#{key.camelize}Controller".constantize.manageable_content_keys rescue NameError [] end layout_content_keys.merge(content_keys) end protected # Generates a Page and PageContent for the given key, locale and content keys. # def self.generate_page!(key, locale, content_keys) "Generating ManageableContent::Page for key '#{key}', locale '#{locale}' and keys [#{content_keys.keys.join(',')}]" Page.transaction do page =, locale).first || if page.new_record? page.key = key page.locale = locale! end content_keys.each do |content_key, content_type| page_content = page.page_content(content_key) || page_content.key = content_key page_content.short = content_type == :string end! end end end end