def klass(klass_name = nil) @klass ||= klass_name.singularize.camelize.constantize end def query(klass_name = nil) @query ||= klass(klass_name).criteria end When "I also want a $number query with criteria $criteria" do |number, criteria| instance_variable_set("@#{number}", eval("query.#{criteria}")) end When /^I requery$/ do # do nothing end Then /^the query result is equal to the document '(.*)'$/ do |name| doc = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") query.should == doc end Then /^one of the query results is the document '(.*)'$/ do |name| doc = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") query.any? {|d| d == doc}.should be_true end Then /^the query result with "(.*)" == "(.*)" has a count of (.*)$/ do |key, value, count| query.find {|r| r.has_key?(key) and r[key] == value }['count'].should == count.to_i end Then /^the query result with "([^\"]*)" == "([^\"]*)" has the document '(.*)'$/ do |key, value, name| doc = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") query.find {|r| r.has_key?(key) and r[key] == value }['group'].should include(doc) end Then /^the query result has (.*) documents*$/ do |count| if query.respond_to?(:size) query.size.should == count.to_i else query.count.should == count.to_i end end Then /^the (first|last) query result is the document '(.*)'$/ do |position, name| doc = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") query.entries.send(position).should == doc end Then /^the size of the query result is (.*)$/ do |count| query.to_a.size.should == count.to_i end Then /^the query result is the document '(.*)'$/ do |name| object = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") if query.kind_of?(Array) query.size.should == 1 query.first.should == object else query.should == object end end Then /^the query (is|is not) (empty|blank)$/ do |is, empty| query.send("#{empty}?").should == (is == 'is') end Then /^the (.+) query (is|is not) (empty|blank)$/ do |number, is, empty| instance_variable_get("@#{number}").send("#{empty}?").should == (is == 'is') end