#!/usr/local/ruby-current/bin/ruby # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2017 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'optimist' require 'simple-password-gen' require 'socket' require 'open-uri' require 'colorize' require 'timeout' require 'etc' require 'aws-sdk-core' require 'json' require 'pp' require 'readline' require 'fileutils' require 'erb' require 'tmpdir' GIT_PATTERN = /(((git|ssh|http(s)?)|(git@[\w\.]+))(:(\/\/)?))?([\w\.@\:\/\-~]+)(\.git)?(\/)?/ # Top-level keys in $MU_CFG for which we'll provide interactive, menu-driven # configuration. $CONFIGURABLES = { "public_address" => { "title" => "Public Address", "desc" => "IP address or hostname", "required" => true, "rootonly" => true, "pattern" => /^(localhost|127\.0\.0\.1|#{Socket.gethostname})$/, "negate_pattern" => true, "changes" => ["389ds", "chef-server", "chefrun", "chefcerts"] }, "mu_admin_email" => { "title" => "Admin Email", "desc" => "Administative contact email", "pattern" => /\A([\w+\-].?)+@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i, "required" => true, "rootonly" => true, "changes" => ["mu-user", "chefrun"] }, "mu_admin_name" => { "title" => "Admin Name", "desc" => "Administative contact's full name", "default" => "Mu Administrator", "rootonly" => true, "changes" => ["mu-user", "chefrun"] }, "hostname" => { "title" => "Local Hostname", "pattern" => /^[a-z0-9\-_]+$/i, "required" => true, "rootonly" => true, "desc" => "The local system's value for HOSTNAME", "changes" => ["chefrun", "hostname"] }, "banner" => { "title" => "Banner", "desc" => "Login banner, displayed in various locations", "rootonly" => true, "changes" => ["chefrun"] }, "mu_repository" => { "title" => "Mu Tools Repository", "desc" => "Source repository for Mu tools", "pattern" => GIT_PATTERN, "callback" => :cloneGitRepo, "changes" => ["chefartifacts", "chefrun"], "default" => "git://github.com/cloudamatic/mu.git" }, "repos" => { "title" => "Additional Repositories", "desc" => "Optional platform repositories, as a Git URL or Github repo name (ex: eGT-Labs/fema_platform.git)", "pattern" => GIT_PATTERN, "callback" => :cloneGitRepo, "changes" => ["chefartifacts", "chefrun"], "array" => true, "default" => ['https://github.com/cloudamatic/mu_demo_platform'] }, "master_runlist_extras" => { "title" => "Mu Master Runlist Extras", "desc" => "Optional extra Chef roles or recipes to invoke when running chef-client on this Master (ex: recipe[mycookbook::mumaster])", "array" => true, "rootonly" => true, "changes" => ["chefrun"] }, "allow_invade_foreign_vpcs" => { "title" => "Invade Foreign VPCs?", "desc" => "If set to true, Mu will be allowed to modify routing and peering behavior of VPCs which it did not create, but for which it has permissions.", "boolean" => true }, "jenkins" => { "title" => "Jenkins Continuous Integration", "rootonly" => true, "subtree" => { "enable" => { "title" => "Enable Jenkins", "desc" => "Enable Jenkins, with UI web-accessible at /jenkins.", "default" => false, "boolean" => true, "changes" => ["chefrun"] }, "admin_email" => { "title" => "Jenkins Admin Email", "desc" => "Administative contact email for Jenkins", "pattern" => /\A([\w+\-].?)+@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i, "changes" => ["chefrun"] }, "admin_user" => { "title" => "Jenkins admin username", "desc" => "The name of a Mu user who will serve as the Jenkins admin.", "default" => "jenkins", "changes" => ["chefrun"] } } }, "aws" => { "title" => "Amazon Web Services", "subtree" => { "account_number" => { "title" => "Account Number", "desc" => "Account number for the Amazon Web Services account which we administer", "pattern" => /^\d+$/ }, "region" => { "title" => "Default Region", "desc" => "Default Amazon Web Services region in which we operate" }, "access_key" => { "title" => "Access Key", "desc" => "Credentials used for accessing the AWS API (looks like: AKIAINWLOOAA24PBRBZA)", "pattern" => /^[a-z0-9]+$/i }, "access_secret" => { "title" => "Access Secret", "desc" => "Credentials used for accessing the AWS API (looks like: +Z16iRP9QAq7EcjHINyEMs3oR7A76QpfaSgCBogp)" }, "log_bucket_name" => { "title" => "Log and Secret Bucket Name", "desc" => "S3 bucket into which we'll synchronize deploy secrets, and if we're hosted in AWS, collected system logs", "changes" => ["chefrun"] } } }, "google" => { "title" => "Google Cloud Platform", "subtree" => { "project" => { "title" => "Default Project", "desc" => "Default Google Cloud Platform project in which we operate and deploy. Generate a service account at: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts/project, making sure the account has sufficient privileges to manage cloud resources. Download the private key as JSON, and import that key to the vault specified here. Import example: knife vault create secrets google -J my-google-service-account.json" }, "credentials" => { "title" => "Credentials Vault:Item", "desc" => "A vault and item from which to retrieve the JSON-formatted Service Account credentials for our GCP account, in the format vault:itemname (e.g. 'secrets:google'). Generate a service account at: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts/project, making sure the account has sufficient privileges to manage cloud resources. Download the private key as JSON, and import that key to the vault specified here. Import example: knife vault create secrets google -J my-google-service-account.json " }, "region" => { "title" => "Default Region", "desc" => "Default Google Cloud Platform region in which we operate and deploy", "default" => "us-east4" }, "log_bucket_name" => { "title" => "Log and Secret Bucket Name", "desc" => "Cloud Storage bucket into which we'll synchronize deploy secrets, and if we're hosted in GCP, collected system logs", "changes" => ["chefrun"] } } } } AMROOT = Process.uid == 0 HOMEDIR = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir $opts = Optimist::options do banner <<-EOS EOS required = [] opt :noninteractive, "Skip menu-based configuration prompts. If there is no existing configuration, the following flags are required: #{required.map{|x|"--"+x}.join(", ")}", :require => false, :default => false, :type => :boolean $CONFIGURABLES.each_pair { |key, data| next if !AMROOT and data['rootonly'] if data.has_key?("subtree") data["subtree"].each_pair { |subkey, subdata| next if !AMROOT and subdata['rootonly'] subdata['cli-opt'] = (key+"-"+subkey).gsub(/_/, "-") opt (key+"-"+subkey).to_sym, subdata["desc"], :require => false, :type => (subdata["boolean"] ? :boolean : :string) required << subdata['cli-opt'] if subdata['required'] } elsif data["array"] data['cli-opt'] = key.gsub(/_/, "-") opt key.to_sym, data["desc"], :require => false, :type => (data["boolean"] ? :booleans : :strings) required << data['cli-opt'] if data['required'] else data['cli-opt'] = key.gsub(/_/, "-") opt key.to_sym, data["desc"], :require => false, :type => (data["boolean"] ? :boolean : :string) required << data['cli-opt'] if data['required'] end } opt :force, "Run all rebuild actions, whether or not our configuration is changed.", :require => false, :default => false, :type => :boolean if AMROOT opt :ssh_keys, "One or more paths to SSH private keys, which we can try to use for SSH-based Git clone operations", :require => false, :type => :strings end if ENV.has_key?("MU_INSTALLDIR") MU_BASE = ENV["MU_INSTALLDIR"] else MU_BASE = "/opt/mu" end $INITIALIZE = (!File.size?("#{MU_BASE}/etc/mu.yaml") or $opts[:force]) $HAVE_GLOBAL_CONFIG = File.size?("#{MU_BASE}/etc/mu.yaml") if !AMROOT and ($INITIALIZE or !$HAVE_GLOBAL_CONFIG) puts "Global configuration has not been initialized or is missing. Must run as root to correct." exit 1 end if !$HAVE_GLOBAL_CONFIG and $opts[:noninteractive] and (!$opts[:public_address] or !$opts[:mu_admin_email]) puts "Specify --public-address and --mu-admin-email on new non-interactive configs" exit 1 end $IN_AWS = false begin Timeout.timeout(2) do instance_id = open("").read $IN_AWS = true if !instance_id.nil? and instance_id.size > 0 end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError, Timeout::Error, SocketError, Errno::ENETUNREACH end $IN_GOOGLE = false begin Timeout.timeout(2) do instance_id = open( "http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/name", "Metadata-Flavor" => "Google" ).read $IN_GOOGLE = true if !instance_id.nil? and instance_id.size > 0 end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError, Timeout::Error, SocketError, Errno::ENETUNREACH end KNIFE_TEMPLATE = "log_level :info log_location STDOUT node_name '<%= chefuser %>' client_key '<%= MU_BASE %>/var/users/<%= user %>/<%= chefuser %>.user.key' validation_client_name 'mu-validator' validation_key '<%= MU_BASE %>/var/orgs/<%= user %>/<%= chefuser %>.org.key' chef_server_url 'https://<%= MU.mu_public_addr %>:7443/organizations/<%= chefuser %>' chef_server_root 'https://<%= MU.mu_public_addr %>:7443/organizations/<%= chefuser %>' syntax_check_cache_path '<%= HOMEDIR %>/.chef/syntax_check_cache' cookbook_path [ '<%= HOMEDIR %>/.chef/cookbooks', '<%= HOMEDIR %>/.chef/site_cookbooks' ] <% if $MU_CFG.has_key?('ssl') and $MU_CFG['ssl'].has_key?('chain') %> ssl_ca_path '<%= File.dirname($MU_CFG['ssl']['chain']) %>' ssl_ca_file '<%= File.basename($MU_CFG['ssl']['chain']) %>' <% end %> knife[:vault_mode] = 'client' knife[:vault_admins] = ['<%= chefuser %>']" CLIENT_TEMPLATE = "chef_server_url 'https://<%= MU.mu_public_addr %>:7443/organizations/<%= user %>' validation_client_name 'mu-validator' log_location STDOUT node_name 'MU-MASTER' verify_api_cert false ssl_verify_mode :verify_none " PIVOTAL_TEMPLATE = "node_name 'pivotal' chef_server_url 'https://<%= MU.mu_public_addr %>:7443' chef_server_root 'https://<%= MU.mu_public_addr %>:7443' no_proxy '<%= MU.mu_public_addr %>' client_key '/etc/opscode/pivotal.pem' ssl_verify_mode :verify_none " $CHANGES = [] $MENU_MAP = {} def assignMenuEntries count = 1 $CONFIGURABLES.each_pair { |key, data| next if !AMROOT and data['rootonly'] if data.has_key?("subtree") letters = ("a".."z").to_a lettercount = 0 data["subtree"].each_pair { |subkey, subdata| next if !AMROOT and subdata['rootonly'] $CONFIGURABLES[key]["subtree"][subkey]["menu"] = count.to_s+letters[lettercount] $MENU_MAP[count.to_s+letters[lettercount]] = $CONFIGURABLES[key]["subtree"][subkey] lettercount = lettercount + 1 } end $MENU_MAP[count.to_s] = $CONFIGURABLES[key] $CONFIGURABLES[key]["menu"] = count.to_s count = count + 1 } $MENU_MAP.freeze end def trySSHKeyWithGit(repo, keypath = nil) cfgbackup = nil deletekey = false repo.match(/^([^@]+?)@([^:]+?):/) ssh_user = Regexp.last_match(1) ssh_host = Regexp.last_match(2) if keypath.nil? response = nil puts "Would you like to provide a private ssh key for #{repo} and try again?" begin response = Readline.readline("Y/N> ".bold, false) end while !response and !response.match(/^(y|n)$/i) if response == "y" or response == "Y" Dir.mkdir("#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh", 0700) if !Dir.exists?("#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh") keynamestr = repo.gsub(/[^a-z0-9\-]/i, "-") + Process.pid.to_s keypath = "#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/#{keynamestr}" puts "Paste a complete SSH private key for #{ssh_user.bold}@#{ssh_host.bold} below, then ^D" system("cat > #{keypath}") File.chmod(0600, keypath) puts "Key saved to "+keypath.bold deletekey = true else return false end end if File.exists?("#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/config") FileUtils.cp("#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/config", "#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/config.bak.#{Process.pid.to_s}") cfgbackup = "#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/config.bak.#{Process.pid.to_s}" end File.open("#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/config", "a", 0600){ |f| f.puts "Host "+ssh_host f.puts " User "+ssh_user f.puts " IdentityFile "+keypath f.puts " StrictHostKeyChecking no" } puts "/usr/bin/git clone #{repo}" output = %x{/usr/bin/git clone #{repo} 2>&1} if $?.exitstatus == 0 puts "Successfully cloned #{repo}".green.on_black return true else puts output.red.on_black if cfgbackup puts "Restoring #{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/config" File.rename(cfgbackup, "#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/config") end if deletekey puts "Removing #{keypath}" File.unlink(keypath) end end return false end def cloneGitRepo(repo) puts "Testing ability to check out Git repository #{repo.bold}" fullrepo = repo if !repo.match(/@|:\/\//) # we try ssh first fullrepo = "git@github.com:"+repo puts "Doesn't look like a full URL, trying SSH to #{fullrepo}" end cwd = Dir.pwd Dir.mktmpdir("mu-git-test-") { |dir| Dir.chdir(dir) puts "/usr/bin/git clone #{fullrepo}" output = %x{/usr/bin/git clone #{fullrepo} 2>&1} if $?.exitstatus == 0 puts "Successfully cloned #{fullrepo}".green.on_black Dir.chdir(cwd) return fullrepo elsif $?.exitstatus != 0 and output.match(/permission denied/i) puts "" puts output.red.on_black if $opts[:ssh_keys_given] $opts[:ssh_keys].each { |keypath| if trySSHKeyWithGit(fullrepo, keypath) Dir.chdir(cwd) return fullrepo end } end if !$opts[:noninteractive] if trySSHKeyWithGit(fullrepo) Dir.chdir(cwd) return fullrepo end end end if !repo.match(/@|:\/\//) fullrepo = "git://github.com/"+repo puts "" puts "No luck there, trying #{fullrepo}".bold puts "/usr/bin/git clone #{fullrepo}" output = %x{/usr/bin/git clone #{fullrepo} 2>&1} if $?.exitstatus == 0 puts "Successfully cloned #{fullrepo}".green.on_black Dir.chdir(cwd) return fullrepo else puts output.red.on_black fullrepo = "https://github.com/"+repo puts "Final attempt, trying #{fullrepo}" puts "/usr/bin/git clone #{fullrepo}" output = %x{/usr/bin/git clone #{fullrepo} 2>&1} if $?.exitstatus == 0 puts "Successfully cloned #{fullrepo}".green.on_black Dir.chdir(cwd) return fullrepo else puts output.red.on_black end end else puts "No other methods I can think to try, giving up on #{repo.bold}".red.on_black end } Dir.chdir(cwd) nil end # Rustle up some sensible default values, if this is our first time def setDefaults ips = [] if $IN_AWS ["public-ipv4", "local-ipv4"].each { |addr| begin Timeout.timeout(2) do ip = open("{addr}").read ips << ip if !ip.nil? and ip.size > 0 end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError, Timeout::Error, SocketError # these are ok to ignore end } elsif $IN_GOOGLE base_url = "http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1" begin Timeout.timeout(2) do # TODO iterate across multiple interfaces/access-configs ip = open("#{base_url}/instance/network-interfaces/0/ip", "Metadata-Flavor" => "Google").read ips << ip if !ip.nil? and ip.size > 0 ip = open("#{base_url}/instance/network-interfaces/0/access-configs/0/external-ip", "Metadata-Flavor" => "Google").read ips << ip if !ip.nil? and ip.size > 0 end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError, Timeout::Error, SocketError => e # This is fairly normal, just handle it gracefully end end ips.concat(Socket.ip_address_list.delete_if { |i| !i.ipv4? or i.ip_address.match(/^(0\.0\.0\.0$|169\.254\.|127\.0\.)/) }.map { |a| a.ip_address }) $CONFIGURABLES["allow_invade_foreign_vpcs"]["default"] = false $CONFIGURABLES["public_address"]["default"] = ips.first $CONFIGURABLES["hostname"]["default"] = Socket.gethostname $CONFIGURABLES["banner"]["default"] = "Mu Master at #{$CONFIGURABLES["public_address"]["default"]}" if $CONFIGURABLES["mu_admin_email"]["value"] $CONFIGURABLES["jenkins"]["subtree"]["admin_email"]["default"] = $CONFIGURABLES["mu_admin_email"]["value"] end if $IN_AWS aws = JSON.parse(open("").read) iam = nil begin iam = open("").read rescue OpenURI::HTTPError, SocketError end $CONFIGURABLES["aws"]["subtree"]["account_number"]["default"] = aws["accountId"] $CONFIGURABLES["aws"]["subtree"]["region"]["default"] = aws["region"] if iam and iam.size > 0 # XXX can we think of a good way to test our permission set? $CONFIGURABLES["aws"]["subtree"]["access_key"]["desc"] = $CONFIGURABLES["aws"]["subtree"]["access_key"]["desc"] + ". Not necessary if IAM Profile #{iam.bold} has sufficient API access." $CONFIGURABLES["aws"]["subtree"]["access_secret"]["desc"] = $CONFIGURABLES["aws"]["subtree"]["access_key"]["desc"] + ". Not necessary if IAM Profile #{iam.bold} has sufficient API access." end end $CONFIGURABLES["aws"]["subtree"]["log_bucket_name"]["default"] = $CONFIGURABLES["hostname"]["default"] $CONFIGURABLES["google"]["subtree"]["log_bucket_name"]["default"] = $CONFIGURABLES["hostname"]["default"] end def runValueCallback(desc, val) if desc['array'] if desc["callback"] newval = [] val.each { |v| v = send(desc["callback"].to_sym, v) newval << v if !v.nil? } val = newval end elsif desc["callback"] val = send(desc["callback"].to_sym, val) end val end def importCLIValues $CONFIGURABLES.each_pair { |key, data| next if !AMROOT and data['rootonly'] if data.has_key?("subtree") data["subtree"].each_pair { |subkey, subdata| next if !AMROOT and subdata['rootonly'] if $opts[(subdata['cli-opt'].gsub(/-/, "_")+"_given").to_sym] newval = runValueCallback(subdata, $opts[subdata['cli-opt'].gsub(/-/, "_").to_sym]) subdata["value"] = newval if !newval.nil? $CHANGES.concat(subdata['changes']) if subdata['changes'] end } else if $opts[(data['cli-opt'].gsub(/-/, "_")+"_given").to_sym] newval = runValueCallback(data, $opts[data['cli-opt'].gsub(/-/, "_").to_sym]) data["value"] = newval if !newval.nil? $CHANGES.concat(data['changes']) if data['changes'] end end } end # Load values from our existing configuration into the $CONFIGURABLES hash def importCurrentValues require File.realpath(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/mu-load-config.rb")) $CONFIGURABLES.each_key { |key| next if !$MU_CFG.has_key?(key) if $CONFIGURABLES[key].has_key?("subtree") # It's a sub-tree. I'm too lazy to write a recursive thing for this, just # cover the simple case that we actually care about for now. $CONFIGURABLES[key]["subtree"].keys.each { |subkey| next if !$MU_CFG[key].has_key?(subkey) $CONFIGURABLES[key]["subtree"][subkey]["value"] = $MU_CFG[key][subkey] } else $CONFIGURABLES[key]["value"] = $MU_CFG[key] end } end def printVal(data) valid = true valid = validate(data["value"], data, false) if data["value"] if !valid print " "+data["value"].to_s.red.on_black print " (consider default of #{data["default"].to_s.bold})" if data["default"] elsif !data["value"].nil? print " - "+data["value"].to_s.green.on_black elsif data["required"] print " - "+"REQUIRED".red.on_black elsif !data["default"].nil? print " - "+data["default"].to_s.yellow.on_black+" (DEFAULT)" end end # Converts the current $CONFIGURABLES object to a Hash suitable for merging # with $MU_CFG. def setConfigTree cfg = {} $CONFIGURABLES.each_pair { |key, data| next if !AMROOT and data['rootonly'] if data.has_key?("subtree") data["subtree"].each_pair { |subkey, subdata| next if !AMROOT and subdata['rootonly'] if !subdata["value"].nil? cfg[key] ||= {} cfg[key][subkey] = subdata["value"] elsif !subdata["default"].nil? and !$HAVE_GLOBAL_CONFIG or ($MU_CFG and (!$MU_CFG[key] or !$MU_CFG[key][subkey])) cfg[key] ||= {} cfg[key][subkey] = subdata["default"] end } elsif !data["value"].nil? cfg[key] = data["value"] elsif !data["default"].nil? and !$HAVE_GLOBAL_CONFIG or ($MU_CFG and !$MU_CFG[key]) cfg[key] = data["default"] end } cfg end def displayCurrentOpts count = 1 optlist = [] $CONFIGURABLES.each_pair { |key, data| next if !AMROOT and data['rootonly'] print data["menu"].bold+") "+data["title"] if data.has_key?("subtree") puts "" data["subtree"].each_pair { |subkey, subdata| next if !AMROOT and subdata['rootonly'] print " "+subdata["menu"].bold+". "+subdata["title"] printVal(subdata) puts "" } else printVal(data) puts "" end count = count + 1 } optlist end ############################################################################### trap("INT"){ puts "" ; exit } importCurrentValues if !$INITIALIZE or $HAVE_GLOBAL_CONFIG importCLIValues setDefaults assignMenuEntries # populates and freezes $MENU_MAP def ask(desc) puts "" puts (desc['required'] ? "REQUIRED".red.on_black : "OPTIONAL".yellow.on_black)+" - "+desc["desc"] puts "Enter one or more values, separated by commas".yellow.on_black if desc['array'] puts "Enter 0 or false, 1 or true".yellow.on_black if desc['boolean'] prompt = desc["title"].bold + "> " current = desc['value'] || desc['default'] if current current = current.join(", ") if desc['array'] and current.is_a?(Array) Readline.pre_input_hook = -> do Readline.insert_text current.to_s Readline.redisplay Readline.pre_input_hook = nil end end val = Readline.readline(prompt, false) if desc['array'] and !val.nil? val = val.strip.split(/\s*,\s*/) end if desc['boolean'] val = false if ["0", "false", "FALSE"].include?(val) val = true if ["1", "true", "TRUE"].include?(val) end val = runValueCallback(desc, val) val = current if val.nil? and desc['value'] val end def validate(newval, reqs, addnewline = true) ok = true def validate_individual_value(newval, reqs, addnewline) ok = true if reqs['boolean'] and newval != true and newval != false and newval != nil puts "\nInvalid value '#{newval.bold}' for #{reqs['title'].bold} (must be true or false)".light_red.on_black puts "\n\n" if addnewline ok = false elsif reqs['pattern'] if newval.nil? puts "\nSupplied value for #{reqs['title'].bold} did not pass validation".light_red.on_black puts "\n\n" if addnewline ok = false elsif reqs['negate_pattern'] if newval.to_s.match(reqs['pattern']) puts "\nInvalid value '#{newval.bold}' for #{reqs['title'].bold} (must NOT match #{reqs['pattern']})".light_red.on_black puts "\n\n" if addnewline ok = false end elsif !newval.to_s.match(reqs['pattern']) puts "\nInvalid value '#{newval.bold}' #{reqs['title'].bold} (must match #{reqs['pattern']})".light_red.on_black puts "\n\n" if addnewline ok = false end end ok end if reqs['array'] if !newval.is_a?(Array) puts "\nInvalid value '#{newval.bold}' for #{reqs['title'].bold} (should be an array)".light_red.on_black puts "\n\n" if addnewline ok = false else newval.each { |v| ok = false if !validate_individual_value(v, reqs, addnewline) } end else ok = false if !validate_individual_value(newval, reqs, addnewline) end ok end answer = nil changed = false def entireConfigValid? ok = true $CONFIGURABLES.each_pair { |key, data| next if !AMROOT and data['rootonly'] if data.has_key?("subtree") data["subtree"].each_pair { |subkey, subdata| next if !AMROOT and subdata['rootonly'] next if !data["value"] ok = false if !validate(data["value"], data, false) } else next if !data["value"] ok = false if !validate(data["value"], data, false) end } ok end def menu begin optlist = displayCurrentOpts begin print "Enter an option to change, "+"O".bold+" to save this config, or "+"^D".bold+" to quit.\n> " answer = gets if answer.nil? puts "" exit 0 end answer.strip! rescue EOFError puts "" exit 0 end if $MENU_MAP.has_key?(answer) and !$MENU_MAP[answer].has_key?("subtree") newval = ask($MENU_MAP[answer]) if !validate(newval, $MENU_MAP[answer]) sleep 1 next end $MENU_MAP[answer]['value'] = newval == "" ? nil : newval $CHANGES.concat($MENU_MAP[answer]['changes']) if $MENU_MAP[answer].include?("changes") if $MENU_MAP[answer]['title'] == "Local Hostname" $CONFIGURABLES["aws"]["subtree"]["log_bucket_name"]["default"] = newval elsif $MENU_MAP[answer]['title'] == "Public Address" $CONFIGURABLES["banner"]["default"] = "Mu Master at #{newval}" elsif $MENU_MAP[answer]['title'] == "Mu Admin Email" $CONFIGURABLES["jenkins"]["subtree"]["admin_email"]["default"] = newval end changed = true puts "" elsif !["", "0", "O", "o"].include?(answer) puts "\nInvalid option '#{answer.bold}'".light_red.on_black+"\n\n" sleep 1 else answer = nil if !entireConfigValid? end end while answer != "0" and answer != "O" and answer != "o" end if !$opts[:noninteractive] menu else if !entireConfigValid? puts "Configuration had validation errors, exiting.\nRe-invoke #{$0} to correct." exit 1 end end if AMROOT $MU_CFG['multiuser'] = true saveMuConfig($MU_CFG) end def set389DSCreds require 'mu' credlist = { "bind_creds" => { "user" => "CN=mu_bind_creds,#{$MU_CFG["ldap"]['user_ou']}" }, "join_creds" => { "user" => "CN=mu_join_creds,#{$MU_CFG["ldap"]['user_ou']}" }, "cfg_directory_adm" => { "user" => "admin" }, "root_dn_user" => { "user" => "CN=root_dn_user" } } credlist.each_pair { |creds, cfg| begin data = nil if $MU_CFG["ldap"].has_key?(creds) data = MU::Groomer::Chef.getSecret( vault: $MU_CFG["ldap"][creds]["vault"], item: $MU_CFG["ldap"][creds]["item"] ) MU::Groomer::Chef.grantSecretAccess("MU-MASTER", $MU_CFG["ldap"][creds]["vault"], $MU_CFG["ldap"][creds]["item"]) else data = MU::Groomer::Chef.getSecret(vault: "mu_ldap", item: creds) MU::Groomer::Chef.grantSecretAccess("MU-MASTER", "mu_ldap", creds) end rescue MU::Groomer::Chef::MuNoSuchSecret user = cfg["user"] pw = Password.pronounceable(14..16) if $MU_CFG["ldap"].has_key?(creds) data = { $MU_CFG["ldap"][creds]["username_field"] => user, $MU_CFG["ldap"][creds]["password_field"] => pw } MU::Groomer::Chef.saveSecret( vault: $MU_CFG["ldap"][creds]["vault"], item: $MU_CFG["ldap"][creds]["item"], data: data, permissions: "name:MU-MASTER" ) else MU::Groomer::Chef.saveSecret( vault: "mu_ldap", item: creds, data: { "username" => user, "password" => pw }, permissions: "name:MU-MASTER" ) end end } end if AMROOT cur_chef_version = `/bin/rpm -q chef`.sub(/^chef-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+-\d+)\..*/, '\1').chomp pref_chef_version = File.read("#{MU_BASE}/var/mu-chef-client-version").chomp if cur_chef_version != pref_chef_version puts "Updating MU-MASTER's Chef Client to '#{pref_chef_version}'" chef_installer = open("https://omnitruck.chef.io/install.sh").read File.open("#{HOMEDIR}/chef-install.sh", File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0644){ |f| f.puts chef_installer } system("/bin/rm -rf /opt/chef ; sh #{HOMEDIR}/chef-install.sh -v #{pref_chef_version}"); # This will go fix gems, permissions, etc system("/opt/chef/bin/chef-apply #{MU_BASE}/lib/cookbooks/mu-master/recipes/init.rb"); end end if $INITIALIZE %x{/sbin/service iptables stop} # Chef run will set up correct rules later $MU_SET_DEFAULTS = setConfigTree require File.realpath(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/mu-load-config.rb")) else if AMROOT $NEW_CFG = $MU_CFG.merge(setConfigTree) else $NEW_CFG = setConfigTree end saveMuConfig($NEW_CFG) $MU_CFG = $MU_CFG.merge(setConfigTree) require File.realpath(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/mu-load-config.rb")) end begin require 'mu' rescue MU::MuError => e puts "Correct the above error before proceeding. To retry, run:\n\n#{$0.bold} #{ARGV.join(" ").bold}" exit 1 rescue LoadError system("cd #{MU_BASE}/lib/modules && umask 0022 && /usr/local/ruby-current/bin/bundle install") require 'mu' end if AMROOT and ($INITIALIZE or $CHANGES.include?("hostname")) system("/bin/hostname #{$MU_CFG['hostname']}") end # Do some more basic-but-Chef-dependent configuration *before* we meddle with # the Chef Server configuration, which depends on some of this (SSL certs and # local firewall ports). if AMROOT and ($INITIALIZE or $CHANGES.include?("chefartifacts")) MU.log "Purging and re-uploading all Chef artifacts", MU::NOTICE %x{/sbin/service iptables stop} if $INITIALIZE output = %x{MU_INSTALLDIR=#{MU_BASE} MU_LIBDIR=#{MU_BASE}/lib MU_DATADIR=#{MU_BASE}/var #{MU_BASE}/lib/bin/mu-upload-chef-artifacts} if $?.exitstatus != 0 puts output MU.log "mu-upload-chef-artifacts failed, can't proceed", MU::ERR %x{/sbin/service iptables start} if $INITIALIZE exit 1 end %x{/sbin/service iptables start} if $INITIALIZE end if $INITIALIZE and AMROOT MU.log "Force open key firewall holes", MU::NOTICE system("chef-client -o 'recipe[mu-master::firewall-holes]'") end if AMROOT MU.log "Checking internal SSL signing authority and certificates", MU::NOTICE if !system("chef-client -o 'recipe[mu-master::ssl-certs]'") and $INITIALIZE MU.log "Got bad exit code trying to run recipe[mu-master::ssl-certs]', aborting", MU::ERR exit 1 end end def updateChefRbs user = AMROOT ? "mu" : Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).name chefuser = user.gsub(/\./, "") templates = { HOMEDIR+"/.chef/knife.rb" => KNIFE_TEMPLATE } if AMROOT templates["/etc/chef/client.rb"] = CLIENT_TEMPLATE templates["/etc/opscode/pivotal.rb"] = PIVOTAL_TEMPLATE end templates.each_pair { |file, template| erb = ERB.new(template) processed = erb.result(binding) tmpfile = file+".tmp."+Process.pid.to_s File.open(tmpfile, File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0644){ |f| f.puts processed } if !File.size?(file) or File.read(tmpfile) != File.read(file) File.rename(tmpfile, file) MU.log "Updated #{file}", MU::NOTICE $CHANGES << "chefcerts" else File.unlink(tmpfile) end } end if AMROOT erb = ERB.new(File.read("#{MU_BASE}/lib/cookbooks/mu-master/templates/default/chef-server.rb.erb")) updated_server_cfg = erb.result(binding) cfgpath = "/etc/opscode/chef-server.rb" tmpfile = "/etc/opscode/chef-server.rb.#{Process.pid}" File.open(tmpfile, File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0644){ |f| f.puts updated_server_cfg } if !File.size?(cfgpath) or File.read(tmpfile) != File.read(cfgpath) File.rename(tmpfile, cfgpath) # Opscode can't seem to get things right with their postgres socket Dir.mkdir("/var/run/postgresql", 0755) if !Dir.exists?("/var/run/postgresql") if File.exists?("/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432") and !File.exists?("/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432") File.symlink("/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432", "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432") elsif !File.exists?("/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432") and File.exists?("/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432") File.symlink("/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432", "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432") end MU.log "Chef Server config was modified, reconfiguring...", MU::NOTICE # XXX Some undocumented port Chef needs only on startup is being blocked by # iptables. Something rabbitmq-related. Dopey workaround. %x{/sbin/service iptables stop} system("/opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl reconfigure") system("/opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl restart") %x{/sbin/service iptables start} updateChefRbs $CHANGES << "chefcerts" else File.unlink(tmpfile) updateChefRbs end else updateChefRbs end if $IN_AWS and AMROOT system("#{MU_BASE}/lib/bin/mu-aws-setup --dns --sg --logs --ephemeral") # XXX --ip? Do we really care? end if $IN_GOOGLE and AMROOT system("#{MU_BASE}/lib/bin/mu-gcp-setup --sg --logs") end if $INITIALIZE or $CHANGES.include?("chefcerts") system("rm -f #{HOMEDIR}/.chef/trusted_certs/* ; knife ssl fetch -c #{HOMEDIR}/.chef/knife.rb") if AMROOT system("rm -f /etc/chef/trusted_certs/* ; knife ssl fetch -c /etc/chef/client.rb") end end # knife ssl fetch isn't bright enough to nab our intermediate certs, which # ironically becomes a problem when we use one from the real world. Jam it # into knife and chef-client's faces thusly: if $MU_CFG['ssl'] and $MU_CFG['ssl']['chain'] and File.size?($MU_CFG['ssl']['chain']) cert = File.basename($MU_CFG['ssl']['chain']) FileUtils.cp($MU_CFG['ssl']['chain'], HOMEDIR+"/.chef/trusted_certs/#{cert}") File.chmod(0600, HOMEDIR+"/.chef/trusted_certs/#{cert}") if AMROOT File.chmod(0644, $MU_CFG['ssl']['chain']) FileUtils.cp($MU_CFG['ssl']['chain'], "/etc/chef/trusted_certs/#{cert}") end end if $MU_CFG['repos'] and $MU_CFG['repos'].size > 0 $MU_CFG['repos'].each { |repo| repo.match(/\/([^\/]+?)(\.git)?$/) shortname = Regexp.last_match(1) repodir = MU.dataDir + "/" + shortname if !Dir.exists?(repodir) MU.log "Cloning #{repo} into #{repodir}", MU::NOTICE Dir.chdir(MU.dataDir) system("/usr/bin/git clone #{repo}") $CHANGES << "chefartifacts" end } end if !AMROOT exit end begin MU::Groomer::Chef.getSecret(vault: "secrets", item: "consul") rescue MU::Groomer::Chef::MuNoSuchSecret data = { "private_key" => File.read("#{MU_BASE}/var/ssl/consul.key"), "certificate" => File.read("#{MU_BASE}/var/ssl/consul.crt"), "ca_certificate" => File.read("#{MU_BASE}/var/ssl/Mu_CA.pem") } MU::Groomer::Chef.saveSecret( vault: "secrets", item: "consul", data: data, permissions: "name:MU-MASTER" ) end if $INITIALIZE or $CHANGES.include?("vault") MU.log "Setting up Hashicorp Vault", MU::NOTICE system("chef-client -o 'recipe[mu-master::vault]'") end if $MU_CFG['ldap']['type'] == "389 Directory Services" begin MU::Master::LDAP.listUsers rescue Exception => e # XXX lazy exception handling is lazy $CHANGES << "389ds" end if $INITIALIZE or $CHANGES.include?("389ds") File.unlink("/root/389ds.tmp/389-directory-setup.inf") if File.exists?("/root/389ds.tmp/389-directory-setup.inf") MU.log "Configuring 389 Directory Services", MU::NOTICE set389DSCreds system("chef-client -o 'recipe[mu-master::389ds]'") exit 1 if $? != 0 MU::Master::LDAP.initLocalLDAP system("chef-client -o 'recipe[mu-master::sssd]'") exit 1 if $? != 0 end end if $MU_CFG['jenkins'] and $MU_CFG['jenkins']['enable'] MU::Groomer::Chef.loadChefLib chef_node = ::Chef::Node.load("MU-MASTER") begin data = MU::Groomer::Chef.getSecret(vault: "jenkins", item: "admin") MU::Groomer::Chef.grantSecretAccess("MU-MASTER", "jenkins", "admin") rescue MU::Groomer::Chef::MuNoSuchSecret MU.log "Saving keys for Jenkins admin user '#{$MU_CFG['jenkins']['admin_user']}' into Vault jenkins:admin", MU::NOTICE if !File.exists?("#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/mu-jenkins-admin.pub") and !File.exists?("#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/mu-jenkins-admin.pub") system("/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -N '' -f #{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/mu-jenkins-admin") end public_key = File.read("#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/mu-jenkins-admin.pub").chomp private_key = File.read("#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/mu-jenkins-admin").chomp MU::Groomer::Chef.saveSecret( vault: "jenkins", item: "admin", data: { "username": $MU_CFG['jenkins']['admin_user'], "private_key": private_key, "public_key": public_key } ) end end # Figure out if our run list is dumb MU.log "Verifying MU-MASTER's Chef run list", MU::NOTICE MU::Groomer::Chef.loadChefLib chef_node = ::Chef::Node.load("MU-MASTER") run_list = ["role[mu-master]"] run_list << "role[mu-master-jenkins]" if $MU_CFG['jenkins']['enable'] run_list.concat($MU_CFG['master_runlist_extras']) if $MU_CFG['master_runlist_extras'].is_a?(Array) set_runlist = false run_list.each { |rl| set_runlist = true if !chef_node.run_list?(rl) } if set_runlist MU.log "Updating MU-MASTER run_list", MU::NOTICE, details: run_list chef_node.run_list(run_list) chef_node.save $CHANGES << "chefrun" else MU.log "Chef run list looks correct", MU::NOTICE, details: run_list end # TODO here are some things we don't do yet but should # accommodate running as a non-root user if $INITIALIZE MU::Config.emitSchemaAsRuby MU.log "Generating YARD documentation in /var/www/html/docs (see http://#{$MU_CFG['public_address']}/docs/frames.html)" File.umask(0022) system("cd #{MU.myRoot} && umask 0022 && env -i PATH=#{ENV['PATH']} HOME=#{HOMEDIR} /usr/local/ruby-current/bin/yard doc modules -m markdown -o /var/www/html/docs && chcon -R -h -t httpd_sys_script_exec_t /var/www/html/") end MU.log "Running chef-client on MU-MASTER", MU::NOTICE system("chef-client -o '#{run_list.join(",")}'") if !File.exists?("#{MU_BASE}/var/users/mu/email") or !File.exists?("#{MU_BASE}/var/users/mu/realname") MU.log "Finalizing the 'mu' Chef/LDAP account", MU::NOTICE MU.setLogging(MU::Logger::SILENT) MU::Master.manageUser( "mu", name: $MU_CFG['mu_admin_name'], email: $MU_CFG['mu_admin_email'], admin: true, password: MU.generateWindowsPassword # we'll just overwrite this and do it with mu-user-manage below, which can do smart things with Scratchpad ) MU.setLogging(MU::Logger::NORMAL) sleep 3 # avoid LDAP lag for mu-user-manage end output = %x{/opt/chef/bin/knife vault show scratchpad 2>&1} if $?.exitstatus != 0 or output.match(/is not a chef-vault/) MU::Groomer::Chef.saveSecret( vault: "scratchpad", item: "placeholder", data: { "secret" => "DO NOT DELETE", "timestamp" => "9999999999" }, permissions: "name:MU-MASTER" ) end MU.log "Regenerating documentation in /var/www/html/docs" %x{#{MU_BASE}/lib/bin/mu-gen-docs} if $INITIALIZE MU.log "Setting initial password for admin user 'mu', for logging into Nagios and other built-in services.", MU::NOTICE puts %x{#{MU_BASE}/lib/bin/mu-user-manage -g mu} MU.log "If Scratchpad web interface is not accessible, try the following:", MU::NOTICE puts "#{MU_BASE}/lib/bin/mu-user-manage -g --no-scratchpad mu".bold end if !ENV['PATH'].match(/(^|:)#{Regexp.quote(MU_BASE)}\/bin(:|$)/) MU.log "I added some entries to your $PATH, run this to import them:", MU::NOTICE puts "source #{HOMEDIR}/.bashrc".bold end