--- title: Interactive Fiction for Power Users --- .page-header .row.jumbotron .col-sm-8.col-xs-12 %h1 Twee2 .lead Interactive Fiction for Power Users, powered by %a{href: 'http://twinery.org'} Twine %ul.list-inline{style: 'line-height: 4em;'} %li %a.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg{role: 'button', href: 'install.html'} %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-cloud-download{aria: { hidden: true }} Install Twee2 %li %a.btn.btn-default.btn-lg{role: 'button', href: 'tutorial.html'} %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-time{aria: { hidden: true }} 2-minute tutorial %li %a.btn.btn-default.btn-lg{role: 'button', href: 'documentation.html'} %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-book{aria: { hidden: true }} Documentation %li %a.btn.btn-default.btn-lg{role: 'button', href: 'https://github.com/Dan-Q/twee2'} %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-link{aria: { hidden: true }} Source .col-sm-4.hidden-xs %img.img-responsive{src: 'images/twee2-logo.png', alt: 'Twee2 Logo'} .row .col-sm-12 %h2 What is Twee2? %p Twee2 is a system for writing web-based interactive fiction in the %a{href: 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choose_Your_Own_Adventure', title: 'Wikipedia article: Choose Your Own Adventure'} "Choose Your Own Adventure" style (but it can do a lot more than that, too). It's built on top of = succeed ',' do %a{href: 'http://twinery.org', title: 'Twine'} Twine but instead of Twine's graphical editing system Twee2 works with your favourite text editor and tools, making it more-suitable for power users, advanced Twine authors, and those with a programming background. %h2 What does it look like? .row .col-md-6 .panel.panel-primary .panel-heading Code .panel-body %pre :preserve ::StoryTitle Choosing Your Own CYOA ::Start ### Choose Your Own CYOA #### A demonstrative adventure You sit at your computer and contemplate how you're going to write your next HTML adventure game. You wrote your last one [using Twine->Twine], but you've heard good things about [Twee2], as well. ::Twine You decide to stick with what you know and use Twine. That's fine: it's a great system and it's easy to use, especially for beginners. Maybe next time you'll be ready to try Twee2! **THE END** [Play again?->Start] ::Twee2 You decide to write your latest adventure using Twee2. You find that you're able to use all of the things you're familiar with from Twine, but you also get to use your favourite text editor, break up your work into multiple files, mark up content using modern languages, and preview in a separate browser while you work. **THE END** [Play again?->Start] .col-md-6 .panel.panel-primary .panel-heading Output .panel-body .embed-responsive.embed-responsive-4by3 %iframe.embed-responsive-item{src: 'eg1.html'} .row .col-sm-12 %h2 How does it compare to Twine? %p Twee2 and Twine 2 produce %em the same output. They differ only in how you, the author, work to produce that output: %table.table.table-bordered %thead %tr %th.warning Feature %th Twine 2 %th.success Twee2 %tbody %tr %th.warning.text-right Editor %td Web-based "drag-and-drop" editor %td.success Your favourite text editor %tr %th.warning.text-right Story formats supported %td Harlowe, Paperthin, Snowman, SugarCube, and any custom ones you add %td.success Harlowe, Paperthin, Snowman, SugarCube, and any custom ones you add %tr %th.warning.text-right Files saved to... %td Twine 2's own store (can be exported elsewhere) %td.success Wherever you like %tr %th.warning.text-right Inputs %td Twine 2 files %td.success Twee2 files, Twee files, Twine 2 files (except on Windows) %tr %th.warning.text-right Outputs %td Twine 2 web pages %td.success Twine 2 web pages %tr %th.warning.text-right Supported formatting languages %td Markdown %td.success Markdown, HAML %tr %th.warning.text-right Supported additional languages %td CSS, Javascript %td.success CSS, Javascript, SASS/SCSS, Coffeescript %tr %th.warning.text-right Simultaneous working %td No %td.success Yes, using includes and/or source control %tr %th.warning.text-right Source control support %td No/barely %td.success Yes, use your favourite source control %tr %th.warning.text-right Can split work into multiple files %td No %td.success Yes %tr %th.warning.text-right Regeneration-on-save %td No %td.success Yes, with 'watch' command %ul %li Twine is better for people new to writing interactive fiction and to programming in general, or those who prefer a visual interface. %li Twee2 is better for people experienced in writing interactive fiction and/or other kinds of programming, or who prefer a text interface. .row .col-md-8.col-md-offset-2 .well %h3 Get started! %ul.list-inline{style: 'line-height: 4em;'} %li %a.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg{role: 'button', href: 'install.html'} %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-cloud-download{aria: { hidden: true }} Install Twee2 %li %a.btn.btn-default.btn-lg{role: 'button', href: 'tutorial.html'} %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-time{aria: { hidden: true }} 2-minute tutorial %li %a.btn.btn-default.btn-lg{role: 'button', href: 'documentation.html'} %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-book{aria: { hidden: true }} Documentation %li %a.btn.btn-default.btn-lg{role: 'button', href: 'https://github.com/Dan-Q/twee2'} %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-link{aria: { hidden: true }} Source