# frozen_string_literal: true require 'atacama/types' require 'atacama/contract/parameter' require 'atacama/contract/validator' require 'atacama/contract/context' module Atacama # This class enables a DSL for creating a contract for the initializer class Contract # @private RESERVED_KEYS = %i[call initialize context].freeze # Namespace alias for easier reading when defining types. Types = Atacama::Types # @private NameInterface = Types::Strict::Symbol.constrained(excluded_from: RESERVED_KEYS) # @private ContextInterface = Types::Strict::Hash | Types.Instance(Context) class << self # Define an initializer value. # # @example Set an option # option :model. type: Types.Instance(User) # # @param name [Symbol] name of the argument # @param type [Dry::Type?] the type object to optionally check def option(name, type: nil) options[NameInterface[name]] = Parameter.new(name: name, type: type) define_method(name) { @context[name] } define_method("#{name}?") { !!@context[name] } end # Set the return type for the contract. This is only validated automatically # through the #call class method. # # @param type [Dry::Type?] the type object to optionally check def returns(type) # rubocop:disable Style/TrivialAccessors @returns = type end # The main interface to executing contracts. Given a set of options it # will check the parameter types as well as return types, if defined. # # @param arguments [Hash] keyword arguments that match the defined options # # @yield the block is evaluated in the context of the instance call method # # @return The value of the #call instance method. def call(context = {}, &block) new(context: context).call(&block).tap { |result| validate_return(result) } end # Inject dependencies statically in to the Contract object. Allows for easier # composition of contracts when used in a Transaction. # # @example # SampleClass.inject(user: User.new).call(attributes: { name: "Cindy" }) # # @param injected [Hash] the options to inject in to the initializer # # @return [Class] a new class object that contains the injection def inject(injected) Validator.call({ options: Hash[injected.keys.zip(options.values_at(*injected.keys))], context: Context.new(injected), klass: self }) Class.new(self) do self.injected = injected end end # The defined return type on the Contract. # # @return [Dry::Type?] the type object to optionally check def return_type defined?(@returns) && @returns end # Execute type checking on a value for the defined return value. Useful # when executing `new` on these objects. # # @raise [Dry::Types::ConstraintError] a type check failure # # @param value [Any] the object to type check def validate_return(value) Atacama.check(return_type, value) do |e| raise ReturnTypeMismatchError, Atacama.format_exception(self, e, 'The return value was an incorrect type.', ) end end # The defined options on the contract. # # @return [Hash] def options @options ||= {} end # Executed by the Ruby VM at subclass time. Ensure that all internal state # is copied to the new subclass. def inherited(subclass) subclass.returns(return_type) options.each do |name, parameter| subclass.option(name, type: parameter.type) end end # @private def injected=(hash) @injected = Types::Strict::Hash[hash] end # @private def injected # Silences the VM warning about accessing uninitalized ivar defined?(@injected) ? @injected : {} end end attr_reader :context # @raise [Dry::Types::ConstraintError] a type check failure # # @param context [Hash] the values to satisfy the option definition def initialize(context: {}, **) ContextInterface[context] # Validate the type @context = Context.new(self.class.injected).tap do |ctx| ctx.merge!(context.is_a?(Context) ? context.to_h : context) end Validator.call(options: self.class.options, context: @context, klass: self.class) end # @private def inspect "#<#{self.class}:0x%x %s>" % [ object_id, self.class.options.keys.map do |option| "#{option}: #{context.send(option).inspect[0..20]}" end.join(' ') ] end # @abstract # The default entrypoint for all Contracts. This is executed and # type checked when called from the Class#call. def call self end end end