/*globals React, Turbolinks*/ // Unobtrusive scripting adapter for React ;(function(document, window) { // jQuery is optional. Use it to support legacy browsers. var $ = (typeof window.jQuery !== 'undefined') && window.jQuery; // create the namespace window.ReactRailsUJS = { CLASS_NAME_ATTR: 'data-react-class', PROPS_ATTR: 'data-react-props', RAILS_ENV_DEVELOPMENT: <%= Rails.env == "development" %>, // helper method for the mount and unmount methods to find the // `data-react-class` DOM elements findDOMNodes: function(searchSelector) { // we will use fully qualified paths as we do not bind the callbacks var selector; if (typeof searchSelector === 'undefined') { var selector = '[' + window.ReactRailsUJS.CLASS_NAME_ATTR + ']'; } else { var selector = searchSelector + ' [' + window.ReactRailsUJS.CLASS_NAME_ATTR + ']'; } if ($) { return $(selector); } else { return document.querySelectorAll(selector); } }, mountComponents: function(searchSelector) { var nodes = window.ReactRailsUJS.findDOMNodes(searchSelector); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { var node = nodes[i]; var className = node.getAttribute(window.ReactRailsUJS.CLASS_NAME_ATTR); // Assume className is simple and can be found at top-level (window). // Fallback to eval to handle cases like 'My.React.ComponentName'. var constructor = window[className] || eval.call(window, className); var propsJson = node.getAttribute(window.ReactRailsUJS.PROPS_ATTR); var props = propsJson && JSON.parse(propsJson); React.render(React.createElement(constructor, props), node); } }, unmountComponents: function(searchSelector) { var nodes = window.ReactRailsUJS.findDOMNodes(searchSelector); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { var node = nodes[i]; React.unmountComponentAtNode(node); } } }; // functions not exposed publicly function handleTurbolinksEvents () { var handleEvent; var unmountEvent; if ($) { handleEvent = function(eventName, callback) { $(document).on(eventName, callback); }; } else { handleEvent = function(eventName, callback) { document.addEventListener(eventName, callback); }; } if (Turbolinks.EVENTS) { unmountEvent = Turbolinks.EVENTS.BEFORE_UNLOAD; } else { unmountEvent = 'page:receive'; Turbolinks.pagesCached(0); if (window.ReactRailsUJS.RAILS_ENV_DEVELOPMENT) { console.warn('The Turbolinks cache has been disabled (Turbolinks >= 2.4.0 is recommended). See https://github.com/reactjs/react-rails/issues/87 for more information.'); } } handleEvent('page:change', function() {window.ReactRailsUJS.mountComponents()}); handleEvent(unmountEvent, function() {window.ReactRailsUJS.unmountComponents()}); } function handleNativeEvents() { if ($) { $(function() {window.ReactRailsUJS.mountComponents()}); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {window.ReactRailsUJS.mountComponents()}); } } if (typeof Turbolinks !== 'undefined' && Turbolinks.supported) { handleTurbolinksEvents(); } else { handleNativeEvents(); } })(document, window);