require 'uri' require 'net/imap' require 'stringio' require 'time' ## fucking imap fucking sucks. what the FUCK kind of committee of ## dunces designed this shit. ## imap talks about 'unique ids' for messages, to be used for ## cross-session identification. great---just what sup needs! except ## it turns out the uids can be invalidated every time the ## 'uidvalidity' value changes on the server, and 'uidvalidity' can ## change without restriction. it can change any time you log in. it ## can change EVERY time you log in. of course the imap spec "strongly ## recommends" that it never change, but there's nothing to stop ## people from just setting it to the current timestamp, and in fact ## that's exactly what the one imap server i have at my disposal ## does. thus the so-called uids are absolutely useless and imap ## provides no cross-session way of uniquely identifying a ## message. but thanks for the "strong recommendation", guys! ## so right now i'm using the 'internal date' and the size of each ## message to uniquely identify it, and i scan over the entire mailbox ## each time i open it to map those things to message ids. that can be ## slow for large mailboxes, and we'll just have to hope that there ## are no collisions. ho ho! a perfectly reasonable solution! ## fuck you, imap committee. you managed to design something as shitty ## as mbox but goddamn THIRTY YEARS LATER. module Redwood class IMAP < Source attr_reader_cloned :labels attr_accessor :username, :password def initialize uri, username, password, last_idate=nil, usual=true, archived=false, id=nil raise ArgumentError, "username and password must be specified" unless username && password raise ArgumentError, "not an imap uri" unless uri =~ %r!imaps?://! super uri, last_idate, usual, archived, id @parsed_uri = URI(uri) @username = username @password = password @imap = nil @imap_ids = {} @ids = [] @labels = [:unread] @labels << :inbox unless archived? @labels << mailbox.intern unless mailbox =~ /inbox/i || mailbox.nil? @mutex = end def say s @say_id = BufferManager.say s, @say_id if BufferManager.instantiated? Redwood::log s end def shutup BufferManager.clear @say_id if BufferManager.instantiated? @say_id = nil end private :say, :shutup def connect return false if broken? return true if @imap ## ok, this is FUCKING ANNOYING. ## ## what imap.rb likes to do is, if an exception occurs, catch it ## and re-raise it on the calling thread. seems reasonable. but ## what that REALLY means is that the only way to reasonably ## initialize imap is in its own thread, because otherwise, you ## will never be able to catch the exception it raises on the ## calling thread, and the backtrace will not make any sense at ## all, and you will waste HOURS of your life on this fucking ## problem. ## ## FUCK!!!!!!!!! say "Connecting to IMAP server #{host}:#{port}..." Redwood::reporting_thread do begin #raise Net::IMAP::ByeResponseError, "simulated imap failure" @imap = host, ssl? ? 993 : 143, ssl? say "Logging in..." @imap.authenticate 'LOGIN', @username, @password say "Sizing mailbox..." @imap.examine mailbox last_id = @imap.responses["EXISTS"][-1] say "Reading headers (because IMAP sucks)..." values = @imap.fetch(1 .. last_id, ['RFC822.SIZE', 'INTERNALDATE']) say "Successfully connected to #{@parsed_uri}" values.each do |v| id = make_id v @ids << id @imap_ids[id] = v.seqno end rescue SocketError, Net::IMAP::Error, SourceError => e self.broken_msg = e.message.chomp # fucking chomp! fuck!!! @imap = nil Redwood::log "error connecting to IMAP server: #{self.broken_msg}" ensure shutup end end.join !!@imap end private :connect def make_id imap_stuff msize, mdate = imap_stuff.attr['RFC822.SIZE'], Time.parse(imap_stuff.attr["INTERNALDATE"]) sprintf("%d%07d", mdate.to_i, msize).to_i end private :make_id def host;; end def port; @parsed_uri.port || (ssl? ? 993 : 143); end def mailbox; @parsed_uri.path[1..-1] || 'INBOX'; end def ssl?; @parsed_uri.scheme == 'imaps' end def load_header id MBox::read_header end def load_message id raw_full_message(id) end ## load the full header text def raw_header id @mutex.synchronize do connect or raise SourceError, broken_msg get_imap_field(id, 'RFC822.HEADER').gsub(/\r\n/, "\n") end end def raw_full_message id @mutex.synchronize do connect or raise SourceError, broken_msg get_imap_field(id, 'RFC822').gsub(/\r\n/, "\n") end end def get_imap_field id, field f = nil imap_id = @imap_ids[id] or raise SourceError, "Unknown message id #{id}. It is likely that messages have been deleted from this IMAP mailbox." begin f = @imap.fetch imap_id, [field, 'RFC822.SIZE', 'INTERNALDATE'] got_id = make_id f[0] raise SourceError, "IMAP message mismatch: requested #{id}, got #{got_id}. It is likely the IMAP mailbox has been modified." unless got_id == id rescue Net::IMAP::Error => e raise SourceError, e.message end raise SourceError, "null IMAP field '#{field}' for message with id #{id} imap id #{imap_id}" if f.nil? f[0].attr[field] end private :get_imap_field def each @mutex.synchronize { connect or raise SourceError, broken_msg } start = @ids.index(cur_offset || start_offset) start.upto(@ids.length - 1) do |i| id = @ids[i] self.cur_offset = id yield id, labels end end def start_offset @mutex.synchronize { connect or raise SourceError, broken_msg } @ids.first end def end_offset @mutex.synchronize { connect or raise SourceError, broken_msg } @ids.last end end Redwood::register_yaml(IMAP, %w(uri username password cur_offset usual archived id)) end