# encoding: utf-8
module ConstructorPages
# Page model. Pages are core for company websites, blogs etc.
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
# Adding has_many for all field types
Field::TYPES.each do |t|
class_eval %{has_many :#{t}_types, dependent: :destroy, class_name: 'Types::#{t.titleize}Type'}
has_many :fields, through: :template
belongs_to :template
default_scope -> { order :lft }
validate :template_check
before_save :friendly_url, :template_assign, :full_url_update
after_update :descendants_update
after_create :create_fields_values
class << self
# Used for find page by request. It return first page if no request given or request is home page
# @param request for example '/conditioners/split-systems/zanussi'
def find_by_request_or_first(request = nil)
request == nil || '/' ? Page.first : Page.find_by(full_url: request)
# Generate full_url from parent id and url
# @param parent_id integer
# @param url should looks like 'hello-world-page' without leading slash
def full_url_generate(parent_id, url = '')
'/' + Page.find(parent_id).self_and_ancestors.map(&:url).append(url).join('/')
# Check code_name for field and template.
# When missing method Page find field or page in branch with plural and singular code_name so
# field and template code_name should be uniqueness for page methods
def check_code_name(code_name)
[code_name, code_name.pluralize, code_name.singularize].each {|name|
return false if Page.instance_methods.include?(name.to_sym)}
def search(what_search = nil)
(@where_search.is_a?(String) ? Page.find_by(full_url: @where_search) : @where_search)
.tap {|p| @result = @where_search ? p ? p.descendants : [] : Page.all }
what_search && Template.find_by(code_name: what_search.to_s.singularize.downcase)
.tap {|t| @result = t ? @result.where(template: t) : [] }
@params_search && @params_search.each_pair {|k,v| @result = @result.select {|p| p.send(k) == v}}
@where_search = @params_search = nil
def in(where_search = nil); tap {@where_search = where_search} end
def by(params_search = nil); tap {@params_search = params_search} end
def search_in(where_search = nil); self.in(where_search).search end
def search_by(params_search = nil); self.by(params_search).search end
def search(what_search = nil); Page.in(self).search(what_search) end
def by(params_search = nil); Page.by(params_search); self end
def search_by(params_search = nil); Page.by(params_search).in(self).search end
# Get field by code_name
def field(code_name)
Field.find_by code_name: code_name, template_id: template_id
# Get value of field by code_name
def get_field_value(code_name)
field(code_name).tap {|f| return f.get_value_for(self) if f}
# Set value of field by code_name and value
def set_field_value(code_name, value)
field(code_name).tap {|f| f.set_value_for(self, value) if f}
# Update all fields values with given params.
# @param params should looks like {price: 500, content: 'Hello'}
# @param reset_booleans reset all boolean fields to false before assign params
def update_fields_values(params, reset_booleans = true)
params || return
fields.each {|f| f.find_type_object(self).tap {|t| t || break
t.value = 0 if f.type_value == 'boolean' && reset_booleans
params[f.code_name.to_sym].tap {|v| v && t.value = v}
t.save }}
# Create fields values
def create_fields_values; fields.each {|f| f.create_type_object self} end
# Remove all fields values
def remove_fields_values; fields.each {|f| f.remove_type_object self} end
# Search page by template code_name in same branch of pages and templates.
# It allows to call page.category.brand.series.model etc.
# Return one page if founded in ancestors,
# and return array of pages if founded in descendants
# It determines if code_name is singular or nor
# @param cname template code name
def find_page_in_branch(cname)
Template.find_by(code_name: cname.singularize).tap {|t| t || return
(descendants.where(template_id: t.id) if cname == cname.pluralize).tap {|r| r ||= []
return r.empty? ? ancestors.find_by(template_id: t.id) : r}}
alias_method :find_pages_in_branch, :find_page_in_branch
def published?; active end
alias_method :active?, :published?
# Returns page hash attributes with fields.
# Default attributes are name and title. Options param allows to add more.
# @param options default merge name and title page attributes
def as_json(options = {})
{name: self.name, title: self.title}.merge(options).tap do |options|
fields.each {|f| options.merge!({f.code_name.to_sym => f.get_value_for(self)})}
# Check if link specified
def redirect?; url != link && !link.empty? end
# When method missing it get/set field value or get page in branch
# Examples:
# page.content = 'Hello world'
# puts page.price
# page.brand.models.each do...
def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
super && return if new_record?
name = name.to_s
name[-1] == '=' ? set_field_value(name[0..-2], args[0]) : get_field_value(name) || find_pages_in_branch(name)
# if url has been changed by manually or url is empty
def friendly_url
self.url = ((auto_url || url.empty?) ? translit(name) : url).parameterize
# TODO: add more languages
# translit to english
def translit(str); Russian.translit(str) end
# Page is not valid if there is no template
def template_check; errors.add_on_empty(:template_id) if Template.count == 0 end
# If template_id is nil then get first template
def template_assign; self.template_id = Template.first.id unless template_id end
# Update full_url
def full_url_update
self.full_url = (parent_id ? Page.full_url_generate(parent_id, url) : '/' + url)
# Reload all descendants
def descendants_update; descendants.map(&:save) end