/** * Typecsset * * Typecsset is a small, unopinionated library for creating beautifully set type * on the web. Typecsset gives perfect vertical rhythm at any configurable font * size, as well as many other typographical niceties. */ //------------------------------------\\ // SETTINGS //------------------------------------\\ // Typecsset needs some variables setting before it can get started. Some of // these variables can be overriden by developers, others need to remain // untouched because Typecsset will assign them automatically based on what // you’ve told it. // What would you like your base font-size to be? Define in pixels; the library // will convert measurements to the most appropriate units (rems or unitless). $typecsset-base-font-size: 16px !default; $typecsset-base-line-height: 24px !default; // Heading sizes $typecsset-h1-size: 48px !default; $typecsset-h2-size: 36px !default; $typecsset-h3-size: 30px !default; $typecsset-h4-size: 24px !default; $typecsset-h5-size: 20px !default; $typecsset-h6-size: 18px !default; // Would you like indented (rather than spaced) paragraph delimiting? $typecsset-indented-paragraphs: false !default; // Would you like to show a baseline grid? This is handy during development. $typecsset-show-baseline: false !default; // Do not modify these variables; they are internal settings upon which the // library depends. $typecsset-magic-number: $typecsset-base-line-height; $typecsset-magic-ratio: $typecsset-base-line-height / $typecsset-base-font-size; //------------------------------------\\ // TOOLS //------------------------------------\\ // Typecsset has a number of its own tools which it uses to generate its CSS // more efficiently. // Quickly generate a font-size in rems, with a pixel fallback, based on the // value we pass into the mixin, e.g.: // // h1 { // @include typecsset-font-size(24px); // } // @mixin typecsset-font-size($font-size, $line-height: true) { font-size: $font-size; font-size: ($font-size / $typecsset-base-font-size) * 1rem; @if $line-height == true { line-height: ceil($font-size / $typecsset-base-line-height) * ($typecsset-base-line-height / $font-size); } } // Space elements by an amount based on your magic number. Pass in the property // to be indented as a paramater, e.g.: // // pre { // @include typecsset-space(padding-left); // } // @mixin typecsset-space($property) { #{$property}: 2 * $typecsset-magic-number; #{$property}: 2 * $typecsset-magic-ratio + rem; } // A small, internally-used function to remove the units from a given value. @function typecsset-strip-units($number) { @return $number / ($number * 0 + 1); } /*------------------------------------*\ #SHARED \*------------------------------------*/ /** * A lot of elements in Typecsset need to share some declarations (mainly for * vertical rhythm), so we `@extend` some silent classes. */ %typecsset-reset { margin: 0; padding: 0; } %typecsset-vertical-rhythm { @extend %typecsset-reset; margin-bottom: $typecsset-magic-number; margin-bottom: $typecsset-magic-ratio + rem; } /*------------------------------------*\ #BASE \*------------------------------------*/ /** * 1. Set the base element’s `font-size` to the value of your choosing. Set in * ems, assuming a browser default of 16px. * 2. Work out the unitless `line-height` for your project based around your * desired `line-height` (defined previously in pixels), and your project’s * base font size. */ @if $typecsset-show-baseline == true { /** * 3. If you have chosen to display a baseline grid, we turn it on here. */ } html { font-size: $typecsset-base-font-size / 16px + em; /* [1] */ line-height: $typecsset-base-line-height / $typecsset-base-font-size; /* [2] */ // If you have chosen to display a baseline grid, we turn it on here. @if $typecsset-show-baseline == true { $typecsset-baseline-size: typecsset-strip-units($typecsset-magic-number); background-image: url(http://basehold.it/i/#{$typecsset-baseline-size}); /* [3] */ } } body { margin: 0; } /*------------------------------------*\ #HEADINGS \*------------------------------------*/ h1 { @extend %typecsset-vertical-rhythm; @include typecsset-font-size($typecsset-h1-size); } h2 { @extend %typecsset-vertical-rhythm; @include typecsset-font-size($typecsset-h2-size); } h3 { @extend %typecsset-vertical-rhythm; @include typecsset-font-size($typecsset-h3-size); } h4 { @extend %typecsset-vertical-rhythm; @include typecsset-font-size($typecsset-h4-size); } h5 { @extend %typecsset-vertical-rhythm; @include typecsset-font-size($typecsset-h5-size); } h6 { @extend %typecsset-vertical-rhythm; @include typecsset-font-size($typecsset-h6-size); } /*------------------------------------*\ #LISTS \*------------------------------------*/ ul, ol, dd { @extend %typecsset-vertical-rhythm; @include typecsset-space(margin-left); } li > ul, li > ol { margin-bottom: 0; } /*------------------------------------*\ #PARAGRAPHS \*------------------------------------*/ p { @extend %typecsset-vertical-rhythm; @if $typecsset-indented-paragraphs == true { + p { @include typecsset-space(text-indent); margin-top: -$typecsset-magic-number; margin-top: -$typecsset-magic-ratio + rem; } } } /** * Not strictly a paragraph, but probably doesn’t need its own section. */ address { @extend %typecsset-vertical-rhythm; } /*------------------------------------*\ #CODE \*------------------------------------*/ pre { @extend %typecsset-vertical-rhythm; } /** * 1. Fix an odd quirk whereby, without this, code blocks are rendered at a * font-size smaller than 1em. */ code, kbd, pre, samp { font-family: monospace, monospace; /* [1] */ } /*------------------------------------*\ #QUOTES \*------------------------------------*/ /** * 1. Hang the opening quote of the blockquote. */ blockquote { text-indent: -0.41em; /* [1] */ } /** * Set up quote marks on quoting elements. This is very English-based, so we are * using “, ”, ‘, and ’ quotes. */ blockquote { @extend %typecsset-vertical-rhythm; quotes: "“" "”"; p { &:before { content: "“"; content: open-quote; } &:after { content: ""; content: no-close-quote; } &:last-of-type:after { content: "”"; content: close-quote; } } } q { quotes: "‘" "’" "“" "”"; &:before { content: "‘"; content: open-quote; } &:after { content: "’"; content: close-quote; } q:before { content: "“"; content: open-quote; } q:after{ content: "”"; content: close-quote; } /** * If an element opens with an inline quote, let’s hang that. */ &:first-child { display: inline-block; text-indent: -0.22em; } } /*------------------------------------*\ #TABLES \*------------------------------------*/ /** * Crude table styles; tables are very difficult to keep on the baseline. */ table { @extend %typecsset-vertical-rhythm; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; } th, td { padding: $typecsset-base-line-height / 2; }