#!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- mode: enh-ruby -*- require 'store/digest' require 'store/digest/http' require 'commander' require 'rack' HOST = '' PORT = 10101 MAPSIZE = 2**30 Commander.configure do program :name, File.basename($0) program :version, Store::Digest::HTTP::VERSION program :description, 'Command-line starter for Store::Digest::HTTP' command :serve do |c| c.option '-d', '--dir DIR', 'The root directory of the store' c.option '-m', '--mapsize BYTES', 'The memory map size of the store' c.option '-h', '--host NAME', "Specify host" c.option '-p', '--port NUMBER', "Specify TCP port (default #{PORT})" c.option '-z', '--detach', 'Detach and daemonize the process' c.option '-F', '--fastcgi', 'Run as FastCGI rather than standalone' c.action do |args, opts| opts.default :host => HOST, :port => PORT, :mapsize => MAPSIZE raise Commander::Runner::CommandError.new 'No root directory' unless opts.dir store = Store::Digest.new dir: opts.dir, mapsize: opts.mapsize Rack::Server.start({ app: Store::Digest::HTTP.new(store), server: opts.fastcgi ? 'fastcgi' : 'webrick', environment: 'none', daemonize: opts.detach, Host: opts.host, Port: opts.port, }) end end default_command :serve run! end