module Distribution # Calculate cdf and inverse cdf for Normal Distribution. # Uses Statistics2 module module Normal class << self # Return a proc which return a random number within a gaussian distribution -> N(0,1) # == Reference: # * def rng_ugaussian if Distribution.has_gsl? rng=GSL::Rng.alloc() lambda { rng.ugaussian()} else returned,y1,y2=0,0,0 lambda { if returned==0 begin x1 = 2.0 * rand - 1.0 x2 = 2.0 * rand - 1.0 w = x1 * x1 + x2 * x2 end while ( w >= 1.0 ) w = Math::sqrt( (-2.0 * Math::log( w ) ) / w ) y1 = x1 * w y2 = x2 * w returned=1 y1 else returned=0 y2 end } end end # Return the P-value of the corresponding integral def p_value(pr) Statistics2.pnormaldist(pr) end # Normal cumulative distribution function (cdf). # # Returns the integral of normal distribution # over (-Infty, x]. # def cdf(x) Statistics2.normaldist(x) end if Distribution.has_gsl? alias :cdf_ruby :cdf def cdf(x) # :nodoc: GSL::Cdf::gaussian_P(x) end end # Normal probability density function (pdf) # With x=0 and sigma=1 def pdf(x) (1.0/Math::sqrt(2*Math::PI))*Math::exp(-(x**2/2.0)) end end end end