Working with Libraries Books stored in &app; can be grouped into different collections, called libraries. For instance, you may have one library for all your novels, and other for your programming manuals. &app; allows you to create, edit, and move books between libraries. Available libraries are listed in the Library pane at the left of the main &app; window. If you cannot see the library pane, open it with ViewSide Pane. You can close it again with the same menu option, or by clicking the Close icon in the top right of the library pane.
An &app; list of libraries The &app; list of libraries.
Creating a new library To create a new library, click on the New Library button on the toolbar, or choose LibraryNew Library from the main menu. A new library will also be automatically created when you import a list of books from another source.
Renaming a library To rename a library, simply click on its name in the Library pane, and type in the new name. You can also right-click on the library name, and select Rename from the pop-up menu.
Deleting a library To delete a library, select the library in the library pane, either right-click and select Delete, choose EditDelete from the main menu, or press the Delete key on your keyboard. &app; will ask for confirmation before deleting the library. Deleting a library deletes all the books it contains, and cannot be undone!
Moving books between libraries You can move books between libraries by selecting the book or books you wish to move, right-clicking and choosing MoveIn Library Name or choosing EditMoveIn Library Name from the main menu.