module Csvlint class Field include Csvlint::ErrorCollector attr_reader :name, :constraints, :title, :description def initialize(name, constraints={}, title=nil, description=nil) @name = name @constraints = constraints || {} @uniques = @title = title @description = description reset end def validate_column(value, row=nil, column=nil, all_errors=[]) reset unless all_errors.any?{|error| ((error.type == :invalid_regex) && (error.column == column))} validate_regex(value, row, column, all_errors) end validate_length(value, row, column) validate_values(value, row, column) parsed = validate_type(value, row, column) validate_range(parsed, row, column) if parsed != nil return valid? end private def validate_length(value, row, column) if constraints["required"] == true build_errors(:missing_value, :schema, row, column, value, { "required" => true }) if value.nil? || value.length == 0 end if constraints["minLength"] build_errors(:min_length, :schema, row, column, value, { "minLength" => constraints["minLength"] }) if value.nil? || value.length < constraints["minLength"] end if constraints["maxLength"] build_errors(:max_length, :schema, row, column, value, { "maxLength" => constraints["maxLength"] } ) if !value.nil? && value.length > constraints["maxLength"] end end def validate_regex(value, row, column, all_errors) pattern = constraints["pattern"] if pattern begin build_errors(:pattern, :schema, row, column, value, { "pattern" => constraints["pattern"] } ) if !value.nil? && !value.match( constraints["pattern"] ) rescue RegexpError build_regex_error(value, row, column, pattern, all_errors) end end end def build_regex_error(value, row, column, pattern, all_errors) return if @regex_error_exists build_errors(:invalid_regex, :schema, nil, column, ("#{name}: Constraints: Pattern: #{pattern}"), { "pattern" => constraints["pattern"] }) @regex_error_exists = true end def validate_values(value, row, column) # If a pattern exists, raise an invalid regex error if it is not in # valid regex form, else, if the value of the relevant field in the csv # does not match the given regex pattern in the schema, raise a # pattern error. if constraints["unique"] == true if @uniques.include? value build_errors(:unique, :schema, row, column, value, { "unique" => true }) else @uniques << value end end end def validate_type(value, row, column) if constraints["type"] && value != "" parsed = convert_to_type(value) if parsed == nil failed = { "type" => constraints["type"] } failed["datePattern"] = constraints["datePattern"] if constraints["datePattern"] build_errors(:invalid_type, :schema, row, column, value, failed) return nil end return parsed end return nil end def validate_range(value, row, column) #TODO: we're ignoring issues with converting ranges to actual types, maybe we #should generate a warning? The schema is invalid if constraints["minimum"] minimumValue = convert_to_type( constraints["minimum"] ) if minimumValue build_errors(:below_minimum, :schema, row, column, value, { "minimum" => constraints["minimum"] }) unless value >= minimumValue end end if constraints["maximum"] maximumValue = convert_to_type( constraints["maximum"] ) if maximumValue build_errors(:above_maximum, :schema, row, column, value, { "maximum" => constraints["maximum"] }) unless value <= maximumValue end end end def convert_to_type(value) parsed = nil tv = TYPE_VALIDATIONS[constraints["type"]] if tv begin parsed = value, constraints rescue ArgumentError end end return parsed end TYPE_VALIDATIONS = { '' => lambda { |value, constraints| value }, '' => lambda { |value, constraints| Integer value }, '' => lambda { |value, constraints| Integer value }, '' => lambda { |value, constraints| Float value }, '' => lambda { |value, constraints| Float value }, '' => lambda do |value, constraints| begin u = URI.parse value raise ArgumentError unless u.kind_of?(URI::HTTP) || u.kind_of?(URI::HTTPS) rescue URI::InvalidURIError raise ArgumentError end u end, '' => lambda do |value, constraints| return true if ['true', '1'].include? value return false if ['false', '0'].include? value raise ArgumentError end, '' => lambda do |value, constraints| i = Integer value raise ArgumentError unless i <= 0 i end, '' => lambda do |value, constraints| i = Integer value raise ArgumentError unless i < 0 i end, '' => lambda do |value, constraints| i = Integer value raise ArgumentError unless i >= 0 i end, '' => lambda do |value, constraints| i = Integer value raise ArgumentError unless i > 0 i end, '' => lambda do |value, constraints| date_pattern = constraints["datePattern"] || "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" d = DateTime.strptime(value, date_pattern) raise ArgumentError unless d.strftime(date_pattern) == value d end, '' => lambda do |value, constraints| date_pattern = constraints["datePattern"] || "%Y-%m-%d" d = Date.strptime(value, date_pattern) raise ArgumentError unless d.strftime(date_pattern) == value d end, '' => lambda do |value, constraints| date_pattern = constraints["datePattern"] || "%H:%M:%S" d = DateTime.strptime(value, date_pattern) raise ArgumentError unless d.strftime(date_pattern) == value d end, '' => lambda do |value, constraints| date_pattern = constraints["datePattern"] || "%Y" d = Date.strptime(value, date_pattern) raise ArgumentError unless d.strftime(date_pattern) == value d end, '' => lambda do |value, constraints| date_pattern = constraints["datePattern"] || "%Y-%m" d = Date.strptime(value, date_pattern) raise ArgumentError unless d.strftime(date_pattern) == value d end, } end end