# Racoon push notification server This project started off as a fork of [apnserver](https://github.com/bpoweski/apnserver). It has since taken on a different path. How does it differ from apnserver? By a few key points: 1. It implements the APNS feedback service; 2. Uses Yajl for JSON encoding/decoding rather than ActiveSupport; 3. Expects certificates as strings instead of paths to files; 4. Does not assume there is only one certificate (read: supports multiple projects); and 5. Receives packets containing notifications from beanstalkd instead of a listening socket; 6. Operates on a distributed architecture (many parallel workers, one firehose). The above changes were made because of the need to replace an existing APNs provider with something more robust, and better suited to scaling upwards. This APNs provider had a couple requirements: 1. Support fully the APNs protocol (including feedback) 2. Scale outwards horizontally 3. Support multiple projects It should be noted that the development of this project is independent of the work bpoweski is doing on apnserver. If you're looking for that project, [go here](https://github.com/bpoweski/apnserver). ## BIT FAT DEPENDENCY WARNING Since version 0.6.0, Racoon uses ZMQMachine. However, the mainline ZMQMachine does not support PUSH/PULL sockets as of the time I wrote this (probably still the same way, else I'd have removed this by now). As such, I strongly urge you to [fork this repository](https://github.com/jeremytregunna/zmqmachine) and install it before installing racoon. ## Description Racoon consists of a firehose, which maintains the connections to Apple's APNs service. It also consists of a worker, which works on a beanstalk tube to pop notifications off and process them, before sending them off to the firehose. You can run many workers, they all run in parallel to one another. Additionally, it includes a command line tool to send (test) the system. At this time, Racoon only supports Apple's APNs service. ## Remaining Tasks & Issues You can see progress by looking at the [issue tracker](https://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/279053). ## Preparing Certificates Certificates must be prepared before they can be used with racoon. Unfortunately, Apple gives us *.p12* files instead of *.pem* files. As such, we need to convert them. This can be accomplished by dropping to the command line and running this command:
$ openssl pkcs12 -in cert.p12 -out cert.pem -nodes -clcerts
This will generate a file suitable for use with this daemon, called *cert.pem*. If you're using frac.as, this is the file you would upload to the web service. If you're not using frac.as, then the contents of this file are what you need to use as your certificate, not the path to the file. ## Firehose The firehose sits at the end of the pipeline. All the workers deliver messages to this part of racoon. Think of it as the drain in your sink.
Usage: racoon-firehose [switches]
 --pid    the path to store the pid
 --log   the path to store the log
 --daemon                               to daemonize the server
 --help                                 this message
## Worker The worker is the part of the system which interacts with a beanstalk cluster. Each worker can talk to more than one beanstalk server, thus forming the "cluster". Since beanstalk clustering is all done client side, it's not a traditional cluster, but I'm going to call it that way anyway. The worker pops items that are ready off of the beanstalk cluster. It grabs those packets, constructs a message out of it, and then forms another packet, suitable for sending to Apple, before sending that packet to the firehose. You may run as many workers as your little heart desires. Keep in mind however, there will come a point when having only one firehose is not suitable to handle the amount of traffic you will be passing through from the workers. At this point, a second firehose will need to be started. I doubt anyone will ever be processing enough messages a second to warrant a second firehose.
Usage: racoon-worker [switches]
 --beanstalk <>        csv list of ip:port for beanstalk servers
 --pid    the path to store the pid
 --log    the path to store the log
 --daemon                             to daemonize the server
 --help                               this message
It should be noted that the worker's `--beanstalk` parameter requires comma separated values in `IP:port` pairings. Where `IP` is either an IP address, or a hostname to a host running a beanstalkd server on the associated port `port`. In the future, I will create a config file instead of having to specify this information on the command line each time. My apologies for the inconvenience. ## Sender The sender is the program used to form a packet, place it on beanstalk for racoon to consume. It is useful during testing.
Usage: racoon-send [switches] (--b64-token | --hex-token) 
 --beanstalk <>        csv of ip:port for beanstalk servers
 --pem                          the path to the pem file, if a pem is supplied the server defaults to gateway.push.apple.com:2195
 --alert                     the message to send
 --sound                     the sound to play, defaults to 'default'
 --badge                      the badge number
 --custom                a custom json string to be added to the main object
 --b64-token                   a base 64 encoded device token
 --hex-token                   a hex encoded device token
 --help                               this message
## Preparing packets to place on beanstalk Until an API can be built that you can tie into with your own applications, please take care to construct your notifications as YAML payload with the following format. I will use ruby syntax for this example: ```ruby { :project => { :name => "My awesome app", :certificate => "...", :sandbox => true }, :identifier => 12345, :notification => { :aps => { :alert => "text", :sound => "default", :badge => 1, :custom => { ... } } }, :device_token => "..." } ``` A few key points need to be raised here. For starters, the `sandbox` key should only be true if you desire to work in the sandbox, and your `certificate` contains the text of your development certificate. Secondly, the `identifier` must be a unique 32-bit number identifying your message should you choose to want useful error messages. (This feature is not presently written, as such, you can supply anything you want, just make sure it falls within the range of `0` to `4294967295`. The `notification` key represents the payload we'll send to Apple. The `custom` key must be present if you intend to send custom data. Note however, that `custom` will be removed, and the items you place in its hash will be substituted in with the payload when the message is passed to Apple. As such, if you want a custom key -> value pair of: `"foo" => "bar"`, you would ensure you have: `:custom => { "foo" => "bar" }` in the notification. Your application should just look for "foo" in the payload delivered to the app. Finally, the ```device_token``` is a binary encoded representation of your devices token. Your app gets it in hex, please ensure you convert it to binary before sending it to beanstalk. TODO: Document new way of handling scheduling notifications in the future. Abstract beanstalk away from users of the library, give them a proper client interface to use instead. ## Installation Racoon is hosted on [rubygems](https://rubygems.org/gems/racoon)
$ gem install racoon
Adding racoon to your Rails application ```ruby gem 'racoon' ``` ## License (The MIT License) Copyright (c) 2011 Jeremy Tregunna Copyright (c) 2011 Ben Poweski Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.