# # Author:: Prajakta Purohit () # Author:: Lamont Granquist () # Copyright:: Copyright 2011-2016, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/win32/registry" require "chef/resource_reporter" require "spec_helper" describe Chef::Resource::RegistryKey, :unix_only do before(:all) do events = Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new node = Chef::Node.new ohai = Ohai::System.new ohai.all_plugins node.consume_external_attrs(ohai.data, {}) run_context = Chef::RunContext.new(node, {}, events) @resource = Chef::Resource::RegistryKey.new("HKCU\\Software", run_context) end context "when load_current_resource is run on a non-windows node" do it "throws an exception because you don't have a windows registry (derp)" do @resource.key("HKCU\\Software\\Opscode") @resource.values([{ :name => "Color", :type => :string, :data => "Orange" }]) expect { @resource.run_action(:create) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Win32NotWindows) end end end describe Chef::Resource::RegistryKey, :windows_only, :broken => true do # parent and key must be single keys, not paths let(:parent) { "Opscode" } let(:child) { "Whatever" } let(:key_parent) { "SOFTWARE\\" + parent } let(:key_child) { "SOFTWARE\\" + parent + "\\" + child } # must be under HKLM\SOFTWARE for WOW64 redirection to work let(:reg_parent) { "HKLM\\" + key_parent } let(:reg_child) { "HKLM\\" + key_child } let(:hive_class) { ::Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE } let(:resource_name) { "This is the name of my Resource" } def clean_registry if windows64? # clean 64-bit space on WOW64 @registry.architecture = :x86_64 @registry.delete_key(reg_parent, true) @registry.architecture = :machine end # clean 32-bit space on WOW64 @registry.architecture = :i386 @registry.delete_key(reg_parent, true) @registry.architecture = :machine end def reset_registry clean_registry hive_class.create(key_parent, Win32::Registry::KEY_WRITE | 0x0100) hive_class.create(key_parent, Win32::Registry::KEY_WRITE | 0x0200) end def create_deletable_keys # create them both 32-bit and 64-bit [ 0x0100, 0x0200 ].each do |flag| hive_class.create(key_parent + '\Opscode', Win32::Registry::KEY_WRITE | flag) hive_class.open(key_parent + '\Opscode', Win32::Registry::KEY_ALL_ACCESS | flag) do |reg| reg["Color", Win32::Registry::REG_SZ] = "Orange" reg.write("Opscode", Win32::Registry::REG_MULTI_SZ, %w{Seattle Washington}) reg["AKA", Win32::Registry::REG_SZ] = "OC" end hive_class.create(key_parent + '\ReportKey', Win32::Registry::KEY_WRITE | flag) hive_class.open(key_parent + '\ReportKey', Win32::Registry::KEY_ALL_ACCESS | flag) do |reg| reg["ReportVal4", Win32::Registry::REG_SZ] = "report4" reg["ReportVal5", Win32::Registry::REG_SZ] = "report5" end hive_class.create(key_parent + '\OpscodeWhyRun', Win32::Registry::KEY_WRITE | flag) hive_class.open(key_parent + '\OpscodeWhyRun', Win32::Registry::KEY_ALL_ACCESS | flag) do |reg| reg["BriskWalk", Win32::Registry::REG_SZ] = "is good for health" end end end before(:all) do @events = Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new @node = Chef::Node.new ohai = Ohai::System.new ohai.all_plugins @node.consume_external_attrs(ohai.data, {}) @run_context = Chef::RunContext.new(@node, {}, @events) @new_resource = Chef::Resource::RegistryKey.new(resource_name, @run_context) @registry = Chef::Win32::Registry.new(@run_context) reset_registry end #Reporting setup before do @node.name("windowsbox") @rest_client = double("Chef::ServerAPI (mock)") allow(@rest_client).to receive(:create_url).and_return("reports/nodes/windowsbox/runs/#{@run_id}") allow(@rest_client).to receive(:raw_http_request).and_return({ "result" => "ok" }) allow(@rest_client).to receive(:post_rest).and_return({ "uri" => "https://example.com/reports/nodes/windowsbox/runs/#{@run_id}" }) @resource_reporter = Chef::ResourceReporter.new(@rest_client) @events.register(@resource_reporter) @run_status = Chef::RunStatus.new(@node, @events) @resource_reporter.run_started(@run_status) @run_id = @resource_reporter.run_id @new_resource.cookbook_name = "monkey" @cookbook_version = double("Cookbook::Version", :version => "1.2.3") @new_resource.cookbook_version(@cookbook_version) end after (:all) do clean_registry end context "when action is create" do before (:all) do reset_registry end it "creates registry key, value if the key is missing" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "Color", :type => :string, :data => "Orange" }]) @new_resource.run_action(:create) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child)).to eq(true) expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_child, { :name => "Color", :type => :string, :data => "Orange" })).to eq(true) end it "does not create the key if it already exists with same value, type and data" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "Color", :type => :string, :data => "Orange" }]) @new_resource.run_action(:create) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child)).to eq(true) expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_child, { :name => "Color", :type => :string, :data => "Orange" })).to eq(true) end it "does not create the key if it already exists with same value and type but datatype of data differs" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "number", :type => :dword, :data => "12345" }]) @new_resource.run_action(:create) expect(@new_resource).not_to be_updated_by_last_action expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child)).to eq(true) expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_child, { :name => "number", :type => :dword, :data => 12344 })).to eq(true) end it "creates a value if it does not exist" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "Mango", :type => :string, :data => "Yellow" }]) @new_resource.run_action(:create) expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_child, { :name => "Mango", :type => :string, :data => "Yellow" })).to eq(true) end it "modifies the data if the key and value exist and type matches" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "Color", :type => :string, :data => "Not just Orange - OpscodeOrange!" }]) @new_resource.run_action(:create) expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_child, { :name => "Color", :type => :string, :data => "Not just Orange - OpscodeOrange!" })).to eq(true) end it "modifys the type if the key and value exist and the type does not match" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "Color", :type => :multi_string, :data => ["Not just Orange - OpscodeOrange!"] }]) @new_resource.run_action(:create) expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_child, { :name => "Color", :type => :multi_string, :data => ["Not just Orange - OpscodeOrange!"] })).to eq(true) end it "creates subkey if parent exists" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\OpscodeTest') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "Chef", :type => :multi_string, :data => %w{OpscodeOrange Rules} }]) @new_resource.recursive(false) @new_resource.run_action(:create) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\OpscodeTest')).to eq(true) expect(@registry.value_exists?(reg_child + '\OpscodeTest', { :name => "Chef", :type => :multi_string, :data => %w{OpscodeOrange Rules} })).to eq(true) end it "raises an error if action create and parent does not exist and recursive is set to false" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Missing1\Missing2') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "OC", :type => :string, :data => "MissingData" }]) @new_resource.recursive(false) expect { @new_resource.run_action(:create) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Win32RegNoRecursive) end it "raises an error if action create and type key missing in values hash" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "OC", :data => "my_data" }]) expect { @new_resource.run_action(:create) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::RegKeyValuesTypeMissing) end it "raises an error if action create and data key missing in values hash" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "OC", :type => :string }]) expect { @new_resource.run_action(:create) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::RegKeyValuesDataMissing) end it "raises an error if action create and only name key present in values hash" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "OC" }]) expect { @new_resource.run_action(:create) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::RegKeyValuesTypeMissing) end it "does not raise an error if action create and all keys are present in values hash" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "OC", :type => :string, :data => "my_data" }]) expect { @new_resource.run_action(:create) }.to_not raise_error end it "creates missing keys if action create and parent does not exist and recursive is set to true" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Missing1\Missing2') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "OC", :type => :string, :data => "MissingData" }]) @new_resource.recursive(true) @new_resource.run_action(:create) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Missing1\Missing2')).to eq(true) expect(@registry.value_exists?(reg_child + '\Missing1\Missing2', { :name => "OC", :type => :string, :data => "MissingData" })).to eq(true) end it "creates key with multiple value as specified" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "one", :type => :string, :data => "1" }, { :name => "two", :type => :string, :data => "2" }, { :name => "three", :type => :string, :data => "3" }]) @new_resource.recursive(true) @new_resource.run_action(:create) @new_resource.values.each do |value| expect(@registry.value_exists?(reg_child, value)).to eq(true) end end context "when running on 64-bit server", :windows64_only do before(:all) do reset_registry end after(:all) do @new_resource.architecture(:machine) @registry.architecture = :machine end it "creates a key in a 32-bit registry that is not viewable in 64-bit" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Atraxi' ) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "OC", :type => :string, :data => "Data" }]) @new_resource.recursive(true) @new_resource.architecture(:i386) @new_resource.run_action(:create) @registry.architecture = :i386 expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_child + '\Atraxi', { :name => "OC", :type => :string, :data => "Data" })).to eq(true) @registry.architecture = :x86_64 expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Atraxi')).to eq(false) end end it "prepares the reporting data for action :create" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Ood') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "ReportingVal1", :type => :string, :data => "report1" }, { :name => "ReportingVal2", :type => :string, :data => "report2" }]) @new_resource.recursive(true) @new_resource.run_action(:create) @report = @resource_reporter.prepare_run_data expect(@report["action"]).to eq("end") expect(@report["resources"][0]["type"]).to eq("registry_key") expect(@report["resources"][0]["name"]).to eq(resource_name) expect(@report["resources"][0]["id"]).to eq(reg_child + '\Ood') expect(@report["resources"][0]["after"][:values]).to eq([{ :name => "ReportingVal1", :type => :string, :data => "report1" }, { :name => "ReportingVal2", :type => :string, :data => "report2" }]) expect(@report["resources"][0]["before"][:values]).to eq([]) expect(@report["resources"][0]["result"]).to eq("create") expect(@report["status"]).to eq("success") expect(@report["total_res_count"]).to eq("1") end context "while running in whyrun mode" do before (:each) do Chef::Config[:why_run] = true end it "does not raise an exception if the keys do not exist but recursive is set to false" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Slitheen\Raxicoricofallapatorius') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "BriskWalk", :type => :string, :data => "is good for health" }]) @new_resource.recursive(false) @new_resource.run_action(:create) # should not raise_error expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Slitheen')).to eq(false) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Slitheen\Raxicoricofallapatorius')).to eq(false) end it "does not create key if the action is create" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Slitheen') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "BriskWalk", :type => :string, :data => "is good for health" }]) @new_resource.recursive(false) @new_resource.run_action(:create) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Slitheen')).to eq(false) end it "does not raise an exception if the action create and type key missing in values hash" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Slitheen') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "BriskWalk", :data => "my_data" }]) @new_resource.run_action(:create) # should not raise_error expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Slitheen')).to eq(false) end it "does not raise an exception if the action create and data key missing in values hash" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Slitheen') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "BriskWalk", :type => :string }]) @new_resource.run_action(:create) # should not raise_error expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Slitheen')).to eq(false) end it "does not raise an exception if the action create and only name key present in values hash" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Slitheen') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "BriskWalk" }]) @new_resource.run_action(:create) # should not raise_error expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Slitheen')).to eq(false) end it "does not raise an exception if the action create and all keys are present in values hash" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Slitheen') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "BriskWalk", :type => :string, :data => "my_data" }]) @new_resource.run_action(:create) # should not raise_error expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Slitheen')).to eq(false) end end end context "when action is create_if_missing" do before (:all) do reset_registry end it "creates registry key, value if the key is missing" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "Color", :type => :string, :data => "Orange" }]) @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_parent)).to eq(true) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child)).to eq(true) expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_child, { :name => "Color", :type => :string, :data => "Orange" })).to eq(true) end it "does not create the key if it already exists with same value, type and data" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "Color", :type => :string, :data => "Orange" }]) @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child)).to eq(true) expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_child, { :name => "Color", :type => :string, :data => "Orange" })).to eq(true) end it "creates a value if it does not exist" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "Mango", :type => :string, :data => "Yellow" }]) @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_child, { :name => "Mango", :type => :string, :data => "Yellow" })).to eq(true) end it "creates subkey if parent exists" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Pyrovile') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "Chef", :type => :multi_string, :data => %w{OpscodeOrange Rules} }]) @new_resource.recursive(false) @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Pyrovile')).to eq(true) expect(@registry.value_exists?(reg_child + '\Pyrovile', { :name => "Chef", :type => :multi_string, :data => %w{OpscodeOrange Rules} })).to eq(true) end it "raises an error if action create and parent does not exist and recursive is set to false" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Sontaran\Sontar') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "OC", :type => :string, :data => "MissingData" }]) @new_resource.recursive(false) expect { @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Win32RegNoRecursive) end it "raises an error if action create_if_missing and type key missing in values hash" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "OC", :data => "my_data" }]) expect { @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::RegKeyValuesTypeMissing) end it "raises an error if action create_if_missing and data key missing in values hash" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "OC", :type => :string }]) expect { @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::RegKeyValuesDataMissing) end it "raises an error if action create_if_missing and only name key present in values hash" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "OC" }]) expect { @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::RegKeyValuesTypeMissing) end it "does not raise an error if action create_if_missing and all keys are present in values hash" do @new_resource.key(reg_child) @new_resource.values([{ :name => "OC", :type => :string, :data => "my_data" }]) expect { @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) }.to_not raise_error end it "creates missing keys if action create and parent does not exist and recursive is set to true" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Sontaran\Sontar') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "OC", :type => :string, :data => "MissingData" }]) @new_resource.recursive(true) @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Sontaran\Sontar')).to eq(true) expect(@registry.value_exists?(reg_child + '\Sontaran\Sontar', { :name => "OC", :type => :string, :data => "MissingData" })).to eq(true) end it "creates key with multiple value as specified" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Adipose') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "one", :type => :string, :data => "1" }, { :name => "two", :type => :string, :data => "2" }, { :name => "three", :type => :string, :data => "3" }]) @new_resource.recursive(true) @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) @new_resource.values.each do |value| expect(@registry.value_exists?(reg_child + '\Adipose', value)).to eq(true) end end it "prepares the reporting data for :create_if_missing" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Judoon') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "ReportingVal3", :type => :string, :data => "report3" }]) @new_resource.recursive(true) @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) @report = @resource_reporter.prepare_run_data expect(@report["action"]).to eq("end") expect(@report["resources"][0]["type"]).to eq("registry_key") expect(@report["resources"][0]["name"]).to eq(resource_name) expect(@report["resources"][0]["id"]).to eq(reg_child + '\Judoon') expect(@report["resources"][0]["after"][:values]).to eq([{ :name => "ReportingVal3", :type => :string, :data => "report3" }]) expect(@report["resources"][0]["before"][:values]).to eq([]) expect(@report["resources"][0]["result"]).to eq("create_if_missing") expect(@report["status"]).to eq("success") expect(@report["total_res_count"]).to eq("1") end context "while running in whyrun mode" do before (:each) do Chef::Config[:why_run] = true end it "does not raise an exception if the keys do not exist but recursive is set to false" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Zygons\Zygor') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "BriskWalk", :type => :string, :data => "is good for health" }]) @new_resource.recursive(false) @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) # should not raise_error expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Zygons')).to eq(false) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Zygons\Zygor')).to eq(false) end it "does nothing if the action is create_if_missing" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Zygons') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "BriskWalk", :type => :string, :data => "is good for health" }]) @new_resource.recursive(false) @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Zygons')).to eq(false) end it "does not raise an exception if the action create_if_missing and type key missing in values hash" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Zygons') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "BriskWalk", :data => "my_data" }]) @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) # should not raise_error expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Zygons')).to eq(false) end it "does not raise an exception if the action create_if_missing and data key missing in values hash" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Zygons') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "BriskWalk", :type => :string }]) @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) # should not raise_error expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Zygons')).to eq(false) end it "does not raise an exception if the action create_if_missing and only name key present in values hash" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Zygons') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "BriskWalk" }]) @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) # should not raise_error expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Zygons')).to eq(false) end it "does not raise an exception if the action create_if_missing and all keys are present in values hash" do @new_resource.key(reg_child + '\Zygons') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "BriskWalk", :type => :string, :data => "my_data" }]) @new_resource.run_action(:create_if_missing) # should not raise_error expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_child + '\Zygons')).to eq(false) end end end context "when the action is delete" do before(:all) do reset_registry create_deletable_keys end it "takes no action if the specified key path does not exist in the system" do expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_parent + '\Osirian')).to eq(false) @new_resource.key(reg_parent + '\Osirian') @new_resource.recursive(false) @new_resource.run_action(:delete) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_parent + '\Osirian')).to eq(false) end it "takes no action if the key exists but the value does not" do expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_parent + '\Opscode', { :name => "Color", :type => :string, :data => "Orange" })).to eq(true) @new_resource.key(reg_parent + '\Opscode') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "LooksLike", :type => :multi_string, :data => %w{SeattleGrey OCOrange} }]) @new_resource.recursive(false) @new_resource.run_action(:delete) expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_parent + '\Opscode', { :name => "Color", :type => :string, :data => "Orange" })).to eq(true) end it "deletes only specified values under a key path" do @new_resource.key(reg_parent + '\Opscode') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "Opscode", :type => :multi_string, :data => %w{Seattle Washington} }, { :name => "AKA", :type => :string, :data => "OC" }]) @new_resource.recursive(false) @new_resource.run_action(:delete) expect(@registry.data_exists?(reg_parent + '\Opscode', { :name => "Color", :type => :string, :data => "Orange" })).to eq(true) expect(@registry.value_exists?(reg_parent + '\Opscode', { :name => "AKA", :type => :string, :data => "OC" })).to eq(false) expect(@registry.value_exists?(reg_parent + '\Opscode', { :name => "Opscode", :type => :multi_string, :data => %w{Seattle Washington} })).to eq(false) end it "it deletes the values with the same name irrespective of it type and data" do @new_resource.key(reg_parent + '\Opscode') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "Color", :type => :multi_string, :data => %w{Black Orange} }]) @new_resource.recursive(false) @new_resource.run_action(:delete) expect(@registry.value_exists?(reg_parent + '\Opscode', { :name => "Color", :type => :string, :data => "Orange" })).to eq(false) end it "prepares the reporting data for action :delete" do @new_resource.key(reg_parent + '\ReportKey') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "ReportVal4", :type => :string, :data => "report4" }, { :name => "ReportVal5", :type => :string, :data => "report5" }]) @new_resource.recursive(true) @new_resource.run_action(:delete) @report = @resource_reporter.prepare_run_data expect(@registry.value_exists?(reg_parent + '\ReportKey', [{ :name => "ReportVal4", :type => :string, :data => "report4" }, { :name => "ReportVal5", :type => :string, :data => "report5" }])).to eq(false) expect(@report["action"]).to eq("end") expect(@report["resources"].count).to eq(1) expect(@report["resources"][0]["type"]).to eq("registry_key") expect(@report["resources"][0]["name"]).to eq(resource_name) expect(@report["resources"][0]["id"]).to eq(reg_parent + '\ReportKey') expect(@report["resources"][0]["before"][:values]).to eq([{ :name => "ReportVal4", :type => :string, :data => "report4" }, { :name => "ReportVal5", :type => :string, :data => "report5" }]) #Not testing for after values to match since after -> new_resource values. expect(@report["resources"][0]["result"]).to eq("delete") expect(@report["status"]).to eq("success") expect(@report["total_res_count"]).to eq("1") end context "while running in whyrun mode" do before (:each) do Chef::Config[:why_run] = true end it "does nothing if the action is delete" do @new_resource.key(reg_parent + '\OpscodeWhyRun') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "BriskWalk", :type => :string, :data => "is good for health" }]) @new_resource.recursive(false) @new_resource.run_action(:delete) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_parent + '\OpscodeWhyRun')).to eq(true) end end end context "when the action is delete_key" do before (:all) do reset_registry create_deletable_keys end it "takes no action if the specified key path does not exist in the system" do expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_parent + '\Osirian')).to eq(false) @new_resource.key(reg_parent + '\Osirian') @new_resource.recursive(false) @new_resource.run_action(:delete_key) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_parent + '\Osirian')).to eq(false) end it "deletes key if it has no subkeys and recursive == false" do @new_resource.key(reg_parent + '\OpscodeTest') @new_resource.recursive(false) @new_resource.run_action(:delete_key) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_parent + '\OpscodeTest')).to eq(false) end it "raises an exception if the key has subkeys and recursive == false" do @new_resource.key(reg_parent) @new_resource.recursive(false) expect { @new_resource.run_action(:delete_key) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Win32RegNoRecursive) end it "ignores the values under a key" do @new_resource.key(reg_parent + '\OpscodeIgnoredValues') #@new_resource.values([{:name=>"DontExist", :type=>:string, :data=>"These will be ignored anyways"}]) @new_resource.recursive(true) @new_resource.run_action(:delete_key) end it "deletes the key if it has subkeys and recursive == true" do @new_resource.key(reg_parent + '\Opscode') @new_resource.recursive(true) @new_resource.run_action(:delete_key) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_parent + '\Opscode')).to eq(false) end it "prepares the reporting data for action :delete_key" do @new_resource.key(reg_parent + '\ReportKey') @new_resource.recursive(true) @new_resource.run_action(:delete_key) @report = @resource_reporter.prepare_run_data expect(@report["action"]).to eq("end") expect(@report["resources"][0]["type"]).to eq("registry_key") expect(@report["resources"][0]["name"]).to eq(resource_name) expect(@report["resources"][0]["id"]).to eq(reg_parent + '\ReportKey') #Not testing for before or after values to match since #after -> new_resource.values and #before -> current_resource.values expect(@report["resources"][0]["result"]).to eq("delete_key") expect(@report["status"]).to eq("success") expect(@report["total_res_count"]).to eq("1") end context "while running in whyrun mode" do before (:each) do Chef::Config[:why_run] = true end it "does not throw an exception if the key has subkeys but recursive is set to false" do @new_resource.key(reg_parent + '\OpscodeWhyRun') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "BriskWalk", :type => :string, :data => "is good for health" }]) @new_resource.recursive(false) @new_resource.run_action(:delete_key) end it "does nothing if the action is delete_key" do @new_resource.key(reg_parent + '\OpscodeWhyRun') @new_resource.values([{ :name => "BriskWalk", :type => :string, :data => "is good for health" }]) @new_resource.recursive(false) @new_resource.run_action(:delete_key) expect(@registry.key_exists?(reg_parent + '\OpscodeWhyRun')).to eq(true) end end end end