package monkstone.noise;

 * K.jpg's OpenSimplex 2, faster variant
 * - 2D is standard simplex implemented using a lookup table. - 3D is
 * "Re-oriented 4-point BCC noise" which constructs a congruent BCC lattice in a
 * much different way than usual. - 4D constructs the lattice as a union of five
 * copies of its reciprocal. It successively finds the closest point on each.
 * Multiple versions of each function are provided. See the documentation above
 * each, for more info.
public class FastTerrain implements Noise {

    private static final int PSIZE = 2048;
    private static final int PMASK = 2047;

    private final short[] perm;
    private final Grad2[] permGrad2;
    private final Grad3[] permGrad3;
    private final Grad4[] permGrad4;

    public FastTerrain(long seed) {
        perm = new short[PSIZE];
        permGrad2 = new Grad2[PSIZE];
        permGrad3 = new Grad3[PSIZE];
        permGrad4 = new Grad4[PSIZE];
        short[] source = new short[PSIZE];
        for (short i = 0; i < PSIZE; i++) {
            source[i] = i;
        for (int i = PSIZE - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            seed = seed * 6364136223846793005L + 1442695040888963407L;
            int r = (int) ((seed + 31) % (i + 1));
            if (r < 0) {
                r += (i + 1);
            perm[i] = source[r];
            permGrad2[i] = GRADIENTS_2D[perm[i]];
            permGrad3[i] = GRADIENTS_3D[perm[i]];
            permGrad4[i] = GRADIENTS_4D[perm[i]];
            source[r] = source[i];

	 * Noise Evaluators
     * 2D Simplex noise, standard lattice orientation.
     * @param x
     * @param y
     * @return
    public double noise2(double x, double y) {

        // Get points for A2* lattice
        double s = 0.366025403784439 * (x + y);
        double xs = x + s, ys = y + s;

        return noise2_Base(xs, ys);

     * 2D Simplex noise, with Y pointing down the main diagonal.Might be better
     * for a 2D sandbox style game, where Y is vertical.Probably slightly less
     * optimal for heightmaps or continent maps.
     * @param x
     * @param y
     * @return
    public double noise2_XBeforeY(double x, double y) {

        // Skew transform and rotation baked into one.
        double xx = x * 0.7071067811865476;
        double yy = y * 1.224744871380249;

        return noise2_Base(yy + xx, yy - xx);

     * 2D Simplex noise base. Lookup table implementation inspired by
     * DigitalShadow.
    private double noise2_Base(double xs, double ys) {
        double value = 0;

        // Get base points and offsets
        int xsb = fastFloor(xs), ysb = fastFloor(ys);
        double xsi = xs - xsb, ysi = ys - ysb;

        // Index to point list
        int index = (int) ((ysi - xsi) / 2 + 1);

        double ssi = (xsi + ysi) * -0.211324865405187;
        double xi = xsi + ssi, yi = ysi + ssi;

        // Point contributions
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            LatticePoint2D c = LOOKUP_2D[index + i];

            double dx = xi + c.dx, dy = yi + c.dy;
            double attn = 0.5 - dx * dx - dy * dy;
            if (attn <= 0) {

            int pxm = (xsb + c.xsv) & PMASK, pym = (ysb + c.ysv) & PMASK;
            Grad2 grad = permGrad2[perm[pxm] ^ pym];
            double extrapolation = grad.dx * dx + grad.dy * dy;

            attn *= attn;
            value += attn * attn * extrapolation;

        return value;

     * 3D Re-oriented 4-point BCC noise, with better visual isotropy in (X,
     * Y).Recommended for 3D terrain and time-varied animations.The Z coordinate
     * should always be the "different" coordinate in your use case.If Y is
     * vertical in world coordinates, call noise3_XYBeforeZ(x, z, Y) or use
     * noise3_XZBeforeY.If Z is vertical in world coordinates, call
     * noise3_XYBeforeZ(x, y, Z). For a time varied animation, call
     * noise3_XYBeforeZ(x, y, T).
     * @param x
     * @param y
     * @param z
     * @return
    public double noise3_XYBeforeZ(double x, double y, double z) {

        // Re-orient the cubic lattices without skewing, to make X and Y triangular like 2D.
        // Orthonormal rotation. Not a skew transform.
        double xy = x + y;
        double s2 = xy * -0.211324865405187;
        double zz = z * 0.577350269189626;
        double xr = x + s2 - zz, yr = y + s2 - zz;
        double zr = xy * 0.577350269189626 + zz;

        // Evaluate both lattices to form a BCC lattice.
        return noise3_BCC(xr, yr, zr);

     * 3D Re-oriented 4-point BCC noise, with better visual isotropy in (X,
     * Z).Recommended for 3D terrain and time-varied animations.The Y coordinate
     * should always be the "different" coordinate in your use case.If Y is
     * vertical in world coordinates, call noise3_XZBeforeY(x, Y, z).If Z is
     * vertical in world coordinates, call noise3_XZBeforeY(x, Z, y) or use
     * noise3_XYBeforeZ. For a time varied animation, call noise3_XZBeforeY(x,
     * T, y) or use noise3_XYBeforeZ.
     * @param x
     * @param y
     * @param z
     * @return
    public double noise3_XZBeforeY(double x, double y, double z) {

        // Re-orient the cubic lattices without skewing, to make X and Z triangular like 2D.
        // Orthonormal rotation. Not a skew transform.
        double xz = x + z;
        double s2 = xz * -0.211324865405187;
        double yy = y * 0.577350269189626;
        double xr = x + s2 - yy;
        double zr = z + s2 - yy;
        double yr = xz * 0.577350269189626 + yy;

        // Evaluate both lattices to form a BCC lattice.
        return noise3_BCC(xr, yr, zr);

     * Generate overlapping cubic lattices for 3D Re-oriented BCC noise. Lookup
     * table implementation inspired by DigitalShadow. It was actually faster to
     * narrow down the points in the loop itself, than to build up the index
     * with enough info to isolate 4 points.
    private double noise3_BCC(double xr, double yr, double zr) {

        // Get base and offsets inside cube of first lattice.
        int xrb = fastFloor(xr), yrb = fastFloor(yr), zrb = fastFloor(zr);
        double xri = xr - xrb, yri = yr - yrb, zri = zr - zrb;

        // Identify which octant of the cube we're in. This determines which cell
        // in the other cubic lattice we're in, and also narrows down one point on each.
        int xht = (int) (xri + 0.5), yht = (int) (yri + 0.5), zht = (int) (zri + 0.5);
        int index = (xht) | (yht << 1) | (zht << 2);

        // Point contributions
        double value = 0;
        LatticePoint3D c = LOOKUP_3D[index];
        while (c != null) {
            double dxr = xri + c.dxr, dyr = yri + c.dyr, dzr = zri + c.dzr;
            double attn = 0.5 - dxr * dxr - dyr * dyr - dzr * dzr;
            if (attn < 0) {
                c = c.nextOnFailure;
            } else {
                int pxm = (xrb + c.xrv) & PMASK, pym = (yrb + c.yrv) & PMASK, pzm = (zrb + c.zrv) & PMASK;
                Grad3 grad = permGrad3[perm[perm[pxm] ^ pym] ^ pzm];
                double extrapolation = grad.dx * dxr + grad.dy * dyr + * dzr;

                attn *= attn;
                value += attn * attn * extrapolation;
                c = c.nextOnSuccess;
        return value;

     * 4D FastTerrain noise, with XY and ZW forming orthogonal
     * triangular-based planes.Recommended for 3D terrain, where X and Y (or Z
     * and W) are horizontal.Recommended for noise(x, y, sin(time), cos(time))
     * trick.
     * @param x
     * @param y
     * @param z
     * @param w
     * @return
    public double noise4_XYBeforeZW(double x, double y, double z, double w) {

        double s2 = (x + y) * -0.178275657951399372 + (z + w) * 0.215623393288842828;
        double t2 = (z + w) * -0.403949762580207112 + (x + y) * -0.375199083010075342;
        double xs = x + s2, ys = y + s2, zs = z + t2, ws = w + t2;

        return noise4_Base(xs, ys, zs, ws);

     * 4D FastTerrain noise, with XYZ oriented like noise3_Classic, and W for
     * an extra degree of freedom.W repeats eventually.Recommended for
     * time-varied animations which texture a 3D object (W=time)
     * @param x
     * @param y
     * @param z
     * @param w
     * @return
    public double noise4_XYZBeforeW(double x, double y, double z, double w) {

        double xyz = x + y + z;
        double ww = w * 0.2236067977499788;
        double s2 = xyz * -0.16666666666666666 + ww;
        double xs = x + s2, ys = y + s2, zs = z + s2, ws = -0.5 * xyz + ww;

        return noise4_Base(xs, ys, zs, ws);

     * 4D FastTerrain noise base. Current implementation not fully optimized
     * by lookup tables. But still comes out slightly ahead of Gustavson's
     * Simplex in tests.
    private double noise4_Base(double xs, double ys, double zs, double ws) {
        double value = 0;

        // Get base points and offsets
        int xsb = fastFloor(xs), ysb = fastFloor(ys), zsb = fastFloor(zs), wsb = fastFloor(ws);
        double xsi = xs - xsb, ysi = ys - ysb, zsi = zs - zsb, wsi = ws - wsb;

        // If we're in the lower half, flip so we can repeat the code for the upper half. We'll flip back later.
        double siSum = xsi + ysi + zsi + wsi;
        double ssi = siSum * 0.309016994374947; // Prep for vertex contributions.
        boolean inLowerHalf = (siSum < 2);
        if (inLowerHalf) {
            xsi = 1 - xsi;
            ysi = 1 - ysi;
            zsi = 1 - zsi;
            wsi = 1 - wsi;
            siSum = 4 - siSum;

        // Consider opposing vertex pairs of the octahedron formed by the central cross-section of the stretched tesseract
        double aabb = xsi + ysi - zsi - wsi, abab = xsi - ysi + zsi - wsi, abba = xsi - ysi - zsi + wsi;
        double aabbScore = Math.abs(aabb), ababScore = Math.abs(abab), abbaScore = Math.abs(abba);

        // Find the closest point on the stretched tesseract as if it were the upper half
        int vertexIndex, via, vib;
        double asi, bsi;
        if (aabbScore > ababScore && aabbScore > abbaScore) {
            if (aabb > 0) {
                asi = zsi;
                bsi = wsi;
                vertexIndex = 0b0011;
                via = 0b0111;
                vib = 0b1011;
            } else {
                asi = xsi;
                bsi = ysi;
                vertexIndex = 0b1100;
                via = 0b1101;
                vib = 0b1110;
        } else if (ababScore > abbaScore) {
            if (abab > 0) {
                asi = ysi;
                bsi = wsi;
                vertexIndex = 0b0101;
                via = 0b0111;
                vib = 0b1101;
            } else {
                asi = xsi;
                bsi = zsi;
                vertexIndex = 0b1010;
                via = 0b1011;
                vib = 0b1110;
        } else {
            if (abba > 0) {
                asi = ysi;
                bsi = zsi;
                vertexIndex = 0b1001;
                via = 0b1011;
                vib = 0b1101;
            } else {
                asi = xsi;
                bsi = wsi;
                vertexIndex = 0b0110;
                via = 0b0111;
                vib = 0b1110;
        if (bsi > asi) {
            via = vib;
            double temp = bsi;
            bsi = asi;
            asi = temp;
        if (siSum + asi > 3) {
            vertexIndex = via;
            if (siSum + bsi > 4) {
                vertexIndex = 0b1111;

        // Now flip back if we're actually in the lower half.
        if (inLowerHalf) {
            xsi = 1 - xsi;
            ysi = 1 - ysi;
            zsi = 1 - zsi;
            wsi = 1 - wsi;
            vertexIndex ^= 0b1111;

        // Five points to add, total, from five copies of the A4 lattice.
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

            // Update xsb/etc. and add the lattice point's contribution.
            LatticePoint4D c = VERTICES_4D[vertexIndex];
            xsb += c.xsv;
            ysb += c.ysv;
            zsb += c.zsv;
            wsb += c.wsv;
            double xi = xsi + ssi, yi = ysi + ssi, zi = zsi + ssi, wi = wsi + ssi;
            double dx = xi + c.dx, dy = yi + c.dy, dz = zi +, dw = wi + c.dw;
            double attn = 0.5 - dx * dx - dy * dy - dz * dz - dw * dw;
            if (attn > 0) {
                int pxm = xsb & PMASK, pym = ysb & PMASK, pzm = zsb & PMASK, pwm = wsb & PMASK;
                Grad4 grad = permGrad4[perm[perm[perm[pxm] ^ pym] ^ pzm] ^ pwm];
                double ramped = grad.dx * dx + grad.dy * dy + * dz + grad.dw * dw;

                attn *= attn;
                value += attn * attn * ramped;

            // Maybe this helps the compiler/JVM/LLVM/etc. know we can end the loop here. Maybe not.
            if (i == 4) {

            // Update the relative skewed coordinates to reference the vertex we just added.
            // Rather, reference its counterpart on the lattice copy that is shifted down by
            // the vector <-0.2, -0.2, -0.2, -0.2>
            xsi += c.xsi;
            ysi += c.ysi;
            zsi += c.zsi;
            wsi += c.wsi;
            ssi += c.ssiDelta;

            // Next point is the closest vertex on the 4-simplex whose base vertex is the aforementioned vertex.
            double score0 = 1.0 + ssi * (-1.0 / 0.309016994374947); // Seems slightly faster than 1.0-xsi-ysi-zsi-wsi
            vertexIndex = 0b0000;
            if (xsi >= ysi && xsi >= zsi && xsi >= wsi && xsi >= score0) {
                vertexIndex = 0b0001;
            } else if (ysi > xsi && ysi >= zsi && ysi >= wsi && ysi >= score0) {
                vertexIndex = 0b0010;
            } else if (zsi > xsi && zsi > ysi && zsi >= wsi && zsi >= score0) {
                vertexIndex = 0b0100;
            } else if (wsi > xsi && wsi > ysi && wsi > zsi && wsi >= score0) {
                vertexIndex = 0b1000;

        return value;

	 * Utility
    private static int fastFloor(double x) {
        int xi = (int) x;
        return x < xi ? xi - 1 : xi;

	 * Definitions
    private static final LatticePoint2D[] LOOKUP_2D;
    private static final LatticePoint3D[] LOOKUP_3D;
    private static final LatticePoint4D[] VERTICES_4D;

    static {
        LOOKUP_2D = new LatticePoint2D[4];
        LOOKUP_3D = new LatticePoint3D[8];
        VERTICES_4D = new LatticePoint4D[16];

        LOOKUP_2D[0] = new LatticePoint2D(1, 0);
        LOOKUP_2D[1] = new LatticePoint2D(0, 0);
        LOOKUP_2D[2] = new LatticePoint2D(1, 1);
        LOOKUP_2D[3] = new LatticePoint2D(0, 1);

        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
            int i1, j1, k1, i2, j2, k2;
            i1 = (i) & 1;
            j1 = (i >> 1) & 1;
            k1 = (i >> 2) & 1;
            i2 = i1 ^ 1;
            j2 = j1 ^ 1;
            k2 = k1 ^ 1;

            // The two points within this octant, one from each of the two cubic half-lattices.
            LatticePoint3D c0 = new LatticePoint3D(i1, j1, k1, 0);
            LatticePoint3D c1 = new LatticePoint3D(i1 + i2, j1 + j2, k1 + k2, 1);

            // Each single step away on the first half-lattice.
            LatticePoint3D c2 = new LatticePoint3D(i1 ^ 1, j1, k1, 0);
            LatticePoint3D c3 = new LatticePoint3D(i1, j1 ^ 1, k1, 0);
            LatticePoint3D c4 = new LatticePoint3D(i1, j1, k1 ^ 1, 0);

            // Each single step away on the second half-lattice.
            LatticePoint3D c5 = new LatticePoint3D(i1 + (i2 ^ 1), j1 + j2, k1 + k2, 1);
            LatticePoint3D c6 = new LatticePoint3D(i1 + i2, j1 + (j2 ^ 1), k1 + k2, 1);
            LatticePoint3D c7 = new LatticePoint3D(i1 + i2, j1 + j2, k1 + (k2 ^ 1), 1);

            // First two are guaranteed.
            c0.nextOnFailure = c0.nextOnSuccess = c1;
            c1.nextOnFailure = c1.nextOnSuccess = c2;

            // Once we find one on the first half-lattice, the rest are out.
            // In addition, knowing c2 rules out c5.
            c2.nextOnFailure = c3;
            c2.nextOnSuccess = c6;
            c3.nextOnFailure = c4;
            c3.nextOnSuccess = c5;
            c4.nextOnFailure = c4.nextOnSuccess = c5;

            // Once we find one on the second half-lattice, the rest are out.
            c5.nextOnFailure = c6;
            c5.nextOnSuccess = null;
            c6.nextOnFailure = c7;
            c6.nextOnSuccess = null;
            c7.nextOnFailure = c7.nextOnSuccess = null;

            LOOKUP_3D[i] = c0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
            VERTICES_4D[i] = new LatticePoint4D((i) & 1, (i >> 1) & 1, (i >> 2) & 1, (i >> 3) & 1);
    public float noise(float x, float y){
        return (float)noise2_XBeforeY(x, y);    

    public float noise(float x, float y, float z) {
        return (float)noise3_XYBeforeZ(x, y, z);

    public float noise(float x, float y, float z, float w) {
        return (float)noise4_XYBeforeZW(x, y, z, w);

    public void noiseMode(NoiseMode mode) {


    public void noiseSeed(long seed) {

    private static class LatticePoint2D {

        int xsv, ysv;
        double dx, dy;

        public LatticePoint2D(int xsv, int ysv) {
            this.xsv = xsv;
            this.ysv = ysv;
            double ssv = (xsv + ysv) * -0.211324865405187;
            this.dx = -xsv - ssv;
            this.dy = -ysv - ssv;

    private static class LatticePoint3D {

        public double dxr, dyr, dzr;
        public int xrv, yrv, zrv;
        LatticePoint3D nextOnFailure, nextOnSuccess;

        public LatticePoint3D(int xrv, int yrv, int zrv, int lattice) {
            this.dxr = -xrv + lattice * 0.5;
            this.dyr = -yrv + lattice * 0.5;
            this.dzr = -zrv + lattice * 0.5;
            this.xrv = xrv + lattice * 1024;
            this.yrv = yrv + lattice * 1024;
            this.zrv = zrv + lattice * 1024;

    private static class LatticePoint4D {

        int xsv, ysv, zsv, wsv;
        double dx, dy, dz, dw;
        double xsi, ysi, zsi, wsi;
        double ssiDelta;

        public LatticePoint4D(int xsv, int ysv, int zsv, int wsv) {
            this.xsv = xsv + 409;
            this.ysv = ysv + 409;
            this.zsv = zsv + 409;
            this.wsv = wsv + 409;
            double ssv = (xsv + ysv + zsv + wsv) * 0.309016994374947;
            this.dx = -xsv - ssv;
            this.dy = -ysv - ssv;
   = -zsv - ssv;
            this.dw = -wsv - ssv;
            this.xsi = xsi = 0.2 - xsv;
            this.ysi = ysi = 0.2 - ysv;
            this.zsi = zsi = 0.2 - zsv;
            this.wsi = wsi = 0.2 - wsv;
            this.ssiDelta = (0.8 - xsv - ysv - zsv - wsv) * 0.309016994374947;

	 * Gradients
    private static class Grad2 {

        double dx, dy;

        public Grad2(double dx, double dy) {
            this.dx = dx;
            this.dy = dy;

    private static class Grad3 {

        double dx, dy, dz;

        public Grad3(double dx, double dy, double dz) {
            this.dx = dx;
            this.dy = dy;
   = dz;

    private static class Grad4 {

        double dx, dy, dz, dw;

        public Grad4(double dx, double dy, double dz, double dw) {
            this.dx = dx;
            this.dy = dy;
   = dz;
            this.dw = dw;

    private static final double N2 = 0.01001634121365712;
    private static final double N3 = 0.030485933181293584;
    private static final double N4 = 0.009202377986303158;
    private static final Grad2[] GRADIENTS_2D;
    private static final Grad3[] GRADIENTS_3D;
    private static final Grad4[] GRADIENTS_4D;

    static {

        GRADIENTS_2D = new Grad2[PSIZE];
        Grad2[] grad2 = {
            new Grad2(0.130526192220052, 0.99144486137381),
            new Grad2(0.38268343236509, 0.923879532511287),
            new Grad2(0.608761429008721, 0.793353340291235),
            new Grad2(0.793353340291235, 0.608761429008721),
            new Grad2(0.923879532511287, 0.38268343236509),
            new Grad2(0.99144486137381, 0.130526192220051),
            new Grad2(0.99144486137381, -0.130526192220051),
            new Grad2(0.923879532511287, -0.38268343236509),
            new Grad2(0.793353340291235, -0.60876142900872),
            new Grad2(0.608761429008721, -0.793353340291235),
            new Grad2(0.38268343236509, -0.923879532511287),
            new Grad2(0.130526192220052, -0.99144486137381),
            new Grad2(-0.130526192220052, -0.99144486137381),
            new Grad2(-0.38268343236509, -0.923879532511287),
            new Grad2(-0.608761429008721, -0.793353340291235),
            new Grad2(-0.793353340291235, -0.608761429008721),
            new Grad2(-0.923879532511287, -0.38268343236509),
            new Grad2(-0.99144486137381, -0.130526192220052),
            new Grad2(-0.99144486137381, 0.130526192220051),
            new Grad2(-0.923879532511287, 0.38268343236509),
            new Grad2(-0.793353340291235, 0.608761429008721),
            new Grad2(-0.608761429008721, 0.793353340291235),
            new Grad2(-0.38268343236509, 0.923879532511287),
            new Grad2(-0.130526192220052, 0.99144486137381)
        for (Grad2 grad21 : grad2) {
            grad21.dx /= N2;
            grad21.dy /= N2;
        for (int i = 0; i < PSIZE; i++) {
            GRADIENTS_2D[i] = grad2[i % grad2.length];

        GRADIENTS_3D = new Grad3[PSIZE];
        Grad3[] grad3 = {
            new Grad3(-2.22474487139, -2.22474487139, -1.0),
            new Grad3(-2.22474487139, -2.22474487139, 1.0),
            new Grad3(-3.0862664687972017, -1.1721513422464978, 0.0),
            new Grad3(-1.1721513422464978, -3.0862664687972017, 0.0),
            new Grad3(-2.22474487139, -1.0, -2.22474487139),
            new Grad3(-2.22474487139, 1.0, -2.22474487139),
            new Grad3(-1.1721513422464978, 0.0, -3.0862664687972017),
            new Grad3(-3.0862664687972017, 0.0, -1.1721513422464978),
            new Grad3(-2.22474487139, -1.0, 2.22474487139),
            new Grad3(-2.22474487139, 1.0, 2.22474487139),
            new Grad3(-3.0862664687972017, 0.0, 1.1721513422464978),
            new Grad3(-1.1721513422464978, 0.0, 3.0862664687972017),
            new Grad3(-2.22474487139, 2.22474487139, -1.0),
            new Grad3(-2.22474487139, 2.22474487139, 1.0),
            new Grad3(-1.1721513422464978, 3.0862664687972017, 0.0),
            new Grad3(-3.0862664687972017, 1.1721513422464978, 0.0),
            new Grad3(-1.0, -2.22474487139, -2.22474487139),
            new Grad3(1.0, -2.22474487139, -2.22474487139),
            new Grad3(0.0, -3.0862664687972017, -1.1721513422464978),
            new Grad3(0.0, -1.1721513422464978, -3.0862664687972017),
            new Grad3(-1.0, -2.22474487139, 2.22474487139),
            new Grad3(1.0, -2.22474487139, 2.22474487139),
            new Grad3(0.0, -1.1721513422464978, 3.0862664687972017),
            new Grad3(0.0, -3.0862664687972017, 1.1721513422464978),
            new Grad3(-1.0, 2.22474487139, -2.22474487139),
            new Grad3(1.0, 2.22474487139, -2.22474487139),
            new Grad3(0.0, 1.1721513422464978, -3.0862664687972017),
            new Grad3(0.0, 3.0862664687972017, -1.1721513422464978),
            new Grad3(-1.0, 2.22474487139, 2.22474487139),
            new Grad3(1.0, 2.22474487139, 2.22474487139),
            new Grad3(0.0, 3.0862664687972017, 1.1721513422464978),
            new Grad3(0.0, 1.1721513422464978, 3.0862664687972017),
            new Grad3(2.22474487139, -2.22474487139, -1.0),
            new Grad3(2.22474487139, -2.22474487139, 1.0),
            new Grad3(1.1721513422464978, -3.0862664687972017, 0.0),
            new Grad3(3.0862664687972017, -1.1721513422464978, 0.0),
            new Grad3(2.22474487139, -1.0, -2.22474487139),
            new Grad3(2.22474487139, 1.0, -2.22474487139),
            new Grad3(3.0862664687972017, 0.0, -1.1721513422464978),
            new Grad3(1.1721513422464978, 0.0, -3.0862664687972017),
            new Grad3(2.22474487139, -1.0, 2.22474487139),
            new Grad3(2.22474487139, 1.0, 2.22474487139),
            new Grad3(1.1721513422464978, 0.0, 3.0862664687972017),
            new Grad3(3.0862664687972017, 0.0, 1.1721513422464978),
            new Grad3(2.22474487139, 2.22474487139, -1.0),
            new Grad3(2.22474487139, 2.22474487139, 1.0),
            new Grad3(3.0862664687972017, 1.1721513422464978, 0.0),
            new Grad3(1.1721513422464978, 3.0862664687972017, 0.0)
        for (Grad3 grad31 : grad3) {
            grad31.dx /= N3;
            grad31.dy /= N3;
   /= N3;
        for (int i = 0; i < PSIZE; i++) {
            GRADIENTS_3D[i] = grad3[i % grad3.length];

        GRADIENTS_4D = new Grad4[PSIZE];
        Grad4[] grad4 = {
            new Grad4(-0.753341017856078, -0.37968289875261624, -0.37968289875261624, -0.37968289875261624),
            new Grad4(-0.7821684431180708, -0.4321472685365301, -0.4321472685365301, 0.12128480194602098),
            new Grad4(-0.7821684431180708, -0.4321472685365301, 0.12128480194602098, -0.4321472685365301),
            new Grad4(-0.7821684431180708, 0.12128480194602098, -0.4321472685365301, -0.4321472685365301),
            new Grad4(-0.8586508742123365, -0.508629699630796, 0.044802370851755174, 0.044802370851755174),
            new Grad4(-0.8586508742123365, 0.044802370851755174, -0.508629699630796, 0.044802370851755174),
            new Grad4(-0.8586508742123365, 0.044802370851755174, 0.044802370851755174, -0.508629699630796),
            new Grad4(-0.9982828964265062, -0.03381941603233842, -0.03381941603233842, -0.03381941603233842),
            new Grad4(-0.37968289875261624, -0.753341017856078, -0.37968289875261624, -0.37968289875261624),
            new Grad4(-0.4321472685365301, -0.7821684431180708, -0.4321472685365301, 0.12128480194602098),
            new Grad4(-0.4321472685365301, -0.7821684431180708, 0.12128480194602098, -0.4321472685365301),
            new Grad4(0.12128480194602098, -0.7821684431180708, -0.4321472685365301, -0.4321472685365301),
            new Grad4(-0.508629699630796, -0.8586508742123365, 0.044802370851755174, 0.044802370851755174),
            new Grad4(0.044802370851755174, -0.8586508742123365, -0.508629699630796, 0.044802370851755174),
            new Grad4(0.044802370851755174, -0.8586508742123365, 0.044802370851755174, -0.508629699630796),
            new Grad4(-0.03381941603233842, -0.9982828964265062, -0.03381941603233842, -0.03381941603233842),
            new Grad4(-0.37968289875261624, -0.37968289875261624, -0.753341017856078, -0.37968289875261624),
            new Grad4(-0.4321472685365301, -0.4321472685365301, -0.7821684431180708, 0.12128480194602098),
            new Grad4(-0.4321472685365301, 0.12128480194602098, -0.7821684431180708, -0.4321472685365301),
            new Grad4(0.12128480194602098, -0.4321472685365301, -0.7821684431180708, -0.4321472685365301),
            new Grad4(-0.508629699630796, 0.044802370851755174, -0.8586508742123365, 0.044802370851755174),
            new Grad4(0.044802370851755174, -0.508629699630796, -0.8586508742123365, 0.044802370851755174),
            new Grad4(0.044802370851755174, 0.044802370851755174, -0.8586508742123365, -0.508629699630796),
            new Grad4(-0.03381941603233842, -0.03381941603233842, -0.9982828964265062, -0.03381941603233842),
            new Grad4(-0.37968289875261624, -0.37968289875261624, -0.37968289875261624, -0.753341017856078),
            new Grad4(-0.4321472685365301, -0.4321472685365301, 0.12128480194602098, -0.7821684431180708),
            new Grad4(-0.4321472685365301, 0.12128480194602098, -0.4321472685365301, -0.7821684431180708),
            new Grad4(0.12128480194602098, -0.4321472685365301, -0.4321472685365301, -0.7821684431180708),
            new Grad4(-0.508629699630796, 0.044802370851755174, 0.044802370851755174, -0.8586508742123365),
            new Grad4(0.044802370851755174, -0.508629699630796, 0.044802370851755174, -0.8586508742123365),
            new Grad4(0.044802370851755174, 0.044802370851755174, -0.508629699630796, -0.8586508742123365),
            new Grad4(-0.03381941603233842, -0.03381941603233842, -0.03381941603233842, -0.9982828964265062),
            new Grad4(-0.6740059517812944, -0.3239847771997537, -0.3239847771997537, 0.5794684678643381),
            new Grad4(-0.7504883828755602, -0.4004672082940195, 0.15296486218853164, 0.5029860367700724),
            new Grad4(-0.7504883828755602, 0.15296486218853164, -0.4004672082940195, 0.5029860367700724),
            new Grad4(-0.8828161875373585, 0.08164729285680945, 0.08164729285680945, 0.4553054119602712),
            new Grad4(-0.4553054119602712, -0.08164729285680945, -0.08164729285680945, 0.8828161875373585),
            new Grad4(-0.5029860367700724, -0.15296486218853164, 0.4004672082940195, 0.7504883828755602),
            new Grad4(-0.5029860367700724, 0.4004672082940195, -0.15296486218853164, 0.7504883828755602),
            new Grad4(-0.5794684678643381, 0.3239847771997537, 0.3239847771997537, 0.6740059517812944),
            new Grad4(-0.3239847771997537, -0.6740059517812944, -0.3239847771997537, 0.5794684678643381),
            new Grad4(-0.4004672082940195, -0.7504883828755602, 0.15296486218853164, 0.5029860367700724),
            new Grad4(0.15296486218853164, -0.7504883828755602, -0.4004672082940195, 0.5029860367700724),
            new Grad4(0.08164729285680945, -0.8828161875373585, 0.08164729285680945, 0.4553054119602712),
            new Grad4(-0.08164729285680945, -0.4553054119602712, -0.08164729285680945, 0.8828161875373585),
            new Grad4(-0.15296486218853164, -0.5029860367700724, 0.4004672082940195, 0.7504883828755602),
            new Grad4(0.4004672082940195, -0.5029860367700724, -0.15296486218853164, 0.7504883828755602),
            new Grad4(0.3239847771997537, -0.5794684678643381, 0.3239847771997537, 0.6740059517812944),
            new Grad4(-0.3239847771997537, -0.3239847771997537, -0.6740059517812944, 0.5794684678643381),
            new Grad4(-0.4004672082940195, 0.15296486218853164, -0.7504883828755602, 0.5029860367700724),
            new Grad4(0.15296486218853164, -0.4004672082940195, -0.7504883828755602, 0.5029860367700724),
            new Grad4(0.08164729285680945, 0.08164729285680945, -0.8828161875373585, 0.4553054119602712),
            new Grad4(-0.08164729285680945, -0.08164729285680945, -0.4553054119602712, 0.8828161875373585),
            new Grad4(-0.15296486218853164, 0.4004672082940195, -0.5029860367700724, 0.7504883828755602),
            new Grad4(0.4004672082940195, -0.15296486218853164, -0.5029860367700724, 0.7504883828755602),
            new Grad4(0.3239847771997537, 0.3239847771997537, -0.5794684678643381, 0.6740059517812944),
            new Grad4(-0.6740059517812944, -0.3239847771997537, 0.5794684678643381, -0.3239847771997537),
            new Grad4(-0.7504883828755602, -0.4004672082940195, 0.5029860367700724, 0.15296486218853164),
            new Grad4(-0.7504883828755602, 0.15296486218853164, 0.5029860367700724, -0.4004672082940195),
            new Grad4(-0.8828161875373585, 0.08164729285680945, 0.4553054119602712, 0.08164729285680945),
            new Grad4(-0.4553054119602712, -0.08164729285680945, 0.8828161875373585, -0.08164729285680945),
            new Grad4(-0.5029860367700724, -0.15296486218853164, 0.7504883828755602, 0.4004672082940195),
            new Grad4(-0.5029860367700724, 0.4004672082940195, 0.7504883828755602, -0.15296486218853164),
            new Grad4(-0.5794684678643381, 0.3239847771997537, 0.6740059517812944, 0.3239847771997537),
            new Grad4(-0.3239847771997537, -0.6740059517812944, 0.5794684678643381, -0.3239847771997537),
            new Grad4(-0.4004672082940195, -0.7504883828755602, 0.5029860367700724, 0.15296486218853164),
            new Grad4(0.15296486218853164, -0.7504883828755602, 0.5029860367700724, -0.4004672082940195),
            new Grad4(0.08164729285680945, -0.8828161875373585, 0.4553054119602712, 0.08164729285680945),
            new Grad4(-0.08164729285680945, -0.4553054119602712, 0.8828161875373585, -0.08164729285680945),
            new Grad4(-0.15296486218853164, -0.5029860367700724, 0.7504883828755602, 0.4004672082940195),
            new Grad4(0.4004672082940195, -0.5029860367700724, 0.7504883828755602, -0.15296486218853164),
            new Grad4(0.3239847771997537, -0.5794684678643381, 0.6740059517812944, 0.3239847771997537),
            new Grad4(-0.3239847771997537, -0.3239847771997537, 0.5794684678643381, -0.6740059517812944),
            new Grad4(-0.4004672082940195, 0.15296486218853164, 0.5029860367700724, -0.7504883828755602),
            new Grad4(0.15296486218853164, -0.4004672082940195, 0.5029860367700724, -0.7504883828755602),
            new Grad4(0.08164729285680945, 0.08164729285680945, 0.4553054119602712, -0.8828161875373585),
            new Grad4(-0.08164729285680945, -0.08164729285680945, 0.8828161875373585, -0.4553054119602712),
            new Grad4(-0.15296486218853164, 0.4004672082940195, 0.7504883828755602, -0.5029860367700724),
            new Grad4(0.4004672082940195, -0.15296486218853164, 0.7504883828755602, -0.5029860367700724),
            new Grad4(0.3239847771997537, 0.3239847771997537, 0.6740059517812944, -0.5794684678643381),
            new Grad4(-0.6740059517812944, 0.5794684678643381, -0.3239847771997537, -0.3239847771997537),
            new Grad4(-0.7504883828755602, 0.5029860367700724, -0.4004672082940195, 0.15296486218853164),
            new Grad4(-0.7504883828755602, 0.5029860367700724, 0.15296486218853164, -0.4004672082940195),
            new Grad4(-0.8828161875373585, 0.4553054119602712, 0.08164729285680945, 0.08164729285680945),
            new Grad4(-0.4553054119602712, 0.8828161875373585, -0.08164729285680945, -0.08164729285680945),
            new Grad4(-0.5029860367700724, 0.7504883828755602, -0.15296486218853164, 0.4004672082940195),
            new Grad4(-0.5029860367700724, 0.7504883828755602, 0.4004672082940195, -0.15296486218853164),
            new Grad4(-0.5794684678643381, 0.6740059517812944, 0.3239847771997537, 0.3239847771997537),
            new Grad4(-0.3239847771997537, 0.5794684678643381, -0.6740059517812944, -0.3239847771997537),
            new Grad4(-0.4004672082940195, 0.5029860367700724, -0.7504883828755602, 0.15296486218853164),
            new Grad4(0.15296486218853164, 0.5029860367700724, -0.7504883828755602, -0.4004672082940195),
            new Grad4(0.08164729285680945, 0.4553054119602712, -0.8828161875373585, 0.08164729285680945),
            new Grad4(-0.08164729285680945, 0.8828161875373585, -0.4553054119602712, -0.08164729285680945),
            new Grad4(-0.15296486218853164, 0.7504883828755602, -0.5029860367700724, 0.4004672082940195),
            new Grad4(0.4004672082940195, 0.7504883828755602, -0.5029860367700724, -0.15296486218853164),
            new Grad4(0.3239847771997537, 0.6740059517812944, -0.5794684678643381, 0.3239847771997537),
            new Grad4(-0.3239847771997537, 0.5794684678643381, -0.3239847771997537, -0.6740059517812944),
            new Grad4(-0.4004672082940195, 0.5029860367700724, 0.15296486218853164, -0.7504883828755602),
            new Grad4(0.15296486218853164, 0.5029860367700724, -0.4004672082940195, -0.7504883828755602),
            new Grad4(0.08164729285680945, 0.4553054119602712, 0.08164729285680945, -0.8828161875373585),
            new Grad4(-0.08164729285680945, 0.8828161875373585, -0.08164729285680945, -0.4553054119602712),
            new Grad4(-0.15296486218853164, 0.7504883828755602, 0.4004672082940195, -0.5029860367700724),
            new Grad4(0.4004672082940195, 0.7504883828755602, -0.15296486218853164, -0.5029860367700724),
            new Grad4(0.3239847771997537, 0.6740059517812944, 0.3239847771997537, -0.5794684678643381),
            new Grad4(0.5794684678643381, -0.6740059517812944, -0.3239847771997537, -0.3239847771997537),
            new Grad4(0.5029860367700724, -0.7504883828755602, -0.4004672082940195, 0.15296486218853164),
            new Grad4(0.5029860367700724, -0.7504883828755602, 0.15296486218853164, -0.4004672082940195),
            new Grad4(0.4553054119602712, -0.8828161875373585, 0.08164729285680945, 0.08164729285680945),
            new Grad4(0.8828161875373585, -0.4553054119602712, -0.08164729285680945, -0.08164729285680945),
            new Grad4(0.7504883828755602, -0.5029860367700724, -0.15296486218853164, 0.4004672082940195),
            new Grad4(0.7504883828755602, -0.5029860367700724, 0.4004672082940195, -0.15296486218853164),
            new Grad4(0.6740059517812944, -0.5794684678643381, 0.3239847771997537, 0.3239847771997537),
            new Grad4(0.5794684678643381, -0.3239847771997537, -0.6740059517812944, -0.3239847771997537),
            new Grad4(0.5029860367700724, -0.4004672082940195, -0.7504883828755602, 0.15296486218853164),
            new Grad4(0.5029860367700724, 0.15296486218853164, -0.7504883828755602, -0.4004672082940195),
            new Grad4(0.4553054119602712, 0.08164729285680945, -0.8828161875373585, 0.08164729285680945),
            new Grad4(0.8828161875373585, -0.08164729285680945, -0.4553054119602712, -0.08164729285680945),
            new Grad4(0.7504883828755602, -0.15296486218853164, -0.5029860367700724, 0.4004672082940195),
            new Grad4(0.7504883828755602, 0.4004672082940195, -0.5029860367700724, -0.15296486218853164),
            new Grad4(0.6740059517812944, 0.3239847771997537, -0.5794684678643381, 0.3239847771997537),
            new Grad4(0.5794684678643381, -0.3239847771997537, -0.3239847771997537, -0.6740059517812944),
            new Grad4(0.5029860367700724, -0.4004672082940195, 0.15296486218853164, -0.7504883828755602),
            new Grad4(0.5029860367700724, 0.15296486218853164, -0.4004672082940195, -0.7504883828755602),
            new Grad4(0.4553054119602712, 0.08164729285680945, 0.08164729285680945, -0.8828161875373585),
            new Grad4(0.8828161875373585, -0.08164729285680945, -0.08164729285680945, -0.4553054119602712),
            new Grad4(0.7504883828755602, -0.15296486218853164, 0.4004672082940195, -0.5029860367700724),
            new Grad4(0.7504883828755602, 0.4004672082940195, -0.15296486218853164, -0.5029860367700724),
            new Grad4(0.6740059517812944, 0.3239847771997537, 0.3239847771997537, -0.5794684678643381),
            new Grad4(0.03381941603233842, 0.03381941603233842, 0.03381941603233842, 0.9982828964265062),
            new Grad4(-0.044802370851755174, -0.044802370851755174, 0.508629699630796, 0.8586508742123365),
            new Grad4(-0.044802370851755174, 0.508629699630796, -0.044802370851755174, 0.8586508742123365),
            new Grad4(-0.12128480194602098, 0.4321472685365301, 0.4321472685365301, 0.7821684431180708),
            new Grad4(0.508629699630796, -0.044802370851755174, -0.044802370851755174, 0.8586508742123365),
            new Grad4(0.4321472685365301, -0.12128480194602098, 0.4321472685365301, 0.7821684431180708),
            new Grad4(0.4321472685365301, 0.4321472685365301, -0.12128480194602098, 0.7821684431180708),
            new Grad4(0.37968289875261624, 0.37968289875261624, 0.37968289875261624, 0.753341017856078),
            new Grad4(0.03381941603233842, 0.03381941603233842, 0.9982828964265062, 0.03381941603233842),
            new Grad4(-0.044802370851755174, 0.044802370851755174, 0.8586508742123365, 0.508629699630796),
            new Grad4(-0.044802370851755174, 0.508629699630796, 0.8586508742123365, -0.044802370851755174),
            new Grad4(-0.12128480194602098, 0.4321472685365301, 0.7821684431180708, 0.4321472685365301),
            new Grad4(0.508629699630796, -0.044802370851755174, 0.8586508742123365, -0.044802370851755174),
            new Grad4(0.4321472685365301, -0.12128480194602098, 0.7821684431180708, 0.4321472685365301),
            new Grad4(0.4321472685365301, 0.4321472685365301, 0.7821684431180708, -0.12128480194602098),
            new Grad4(0.37968289875261624, 0.37968289875261624, 0.753341017856078, 0.37968289875261624),
            new Grad4(0.03381941603233842, 0.9982828964265062, 0.03381941603233842, 0.03381941603233842),
            new Grad4(-0.044802370851755174, 0.8586508742123365, -0.044802370851755174, 0.508629699630796),
            new Grad4(-0.044802370851755174, 0.8586508742123365, 0.508629699630796, -0.044802370851755174),
            new Grad4(-0.12128480194602098, 0.7821684431180708, 0.4321472685365301, 0.4321472685365301),
            new Grad4(0.508629699630796, 0.8586508742123365, -0.044802370851755174, -0.044802370851755174),
            new Grad4(0.4321472685365301, 0.7821684431180708, -0.12128480194602098, 0.4321472685365301),
            new Grad4(0.4321472685365301, 0.7821684431180708, 0.4321472685365301, -0.12128480194602098),
            new Grad4(0.37968289875261624, 0.753341017856078, 0.37968289875261624, 0.37968289875261624),
            new Grad4(0.9982828964265062, 0.03381941603233842, 0.03381941603233842, 0.03381941603233842),
            new Grad4(0.8586508742123365, -0.044802370851755174, -0.044802370851755174, 0.508629699630796),
            new Grad4(0.8586508742123365, -0.044802370851755174, 0.508629699630796, -0.044802370851755174),
            new Grad4(0.7821684431180708, -0.12128480194602098, 0.4321472685365301, 0.4321472685365301),
            new Grad4(0.8586508742123365, 0.508629699630796, -0.044802370851755174, -0.044802370851755174),
            new Grad4(0.7821684431180708, 0.4321472685365301, -0.12128480194602098, 0.4321472685365301),
            new Grad4(0.7821684431180708, 0.4321472685365301, 0.4321472685365301, -0.12128480194602098),
            new Grad4(0.753341017856078, 0.37968289875261624, 0.37968289875261624, 0.37968289875261624)
        for (Grad4 grad41 : grad4) {
            grad41.dx /= N4;
            grad41.dy /= N4;
   /= N4;
            grad41.dw /= N4;
        for (int i = 0; i < PSIZE; i++) {
            GRADIENTS_4D[i] = grad4[i % grad4.length];