require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/markup_app/app' class TestFormBuilder < Test::Unit::TestCase include Padrino::Helpers::FormHelpers def app MarkupDemo.tap { |app| app.set :environment, :test } end def setup error_stub = stub(:full_messages => ["1", "2"], :count => 2, :[] => []) role_types = [stub(:name => 'Admin', :id => 1), stub(:name => 'Moderate', :id => 2), stub(:name => 'Limited', :id => 3)] @user = stub(:errors => error_stub, :class => 'User', :first_name => "Joe", :session_id => 54) @user.stubs(:role_types => role_types, :role => "1") @user_none = stub(:errors => stub(:count => 0), :class => 'User') end def standard_builder(object=@user), object) end context 'for #form_for method' do should "display correct form html" do actual_html = form_for(@user, '/register', :id => 'register', :method => 'post') { "Demo" } assert_has_tag('form', :action => '/register', :id => 'register', :method => 'post', :content => "Demo") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('form input[type=hidden]', :name => '_method', :count => 0) { actual_html } # no method action field end should "display correct form html with fake object" do actual_html = form_for(:markup_user, '/register', :id => 'register', :method => 'post') { |f| f.text_field :username } assert_has_tag('form', :action => '/register', :id => 'register', :method => 'post') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('form input', :type => 'text', :name => 'markup_user[username]') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('form input[type=hidden]', :name => '_method', :count => 0) { actual_html } # no method action field end should "display correct form html for namespaced object" do actual_html = form_for(, '/register', :method => 'post') { |f| f.text_field :username } assert_has_tag('form', :action => '/register', :method => 'post') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('form input', :type => 'text', :name => 'outer-user_account[username]') { actual_html } end should "display correct form html with method :put" do actual_html = form_for(@user, '/update', :method => 'put') { "Demo" } assert_has_tag('form', :action => '/update', :method => 'post') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('form input', :type => 'hidden', :name => "_method", :value => 'put') { actual_html } end should "display correct form html with method :delete" do actual_html = form_for(@user, '/destroy', :method => 'delete') { "Demo" } assert_has_tag('form', :action => '/destroy', :method => 'post') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('form input', :type => 'hidden', :name => "_method", :value => 'delete') { actual_html } end should "display correct form html with multipart" do actual_html = form_for(@user, '/register', :multipart => true) { "Demo" } assert_has_tag('form', :action => '/register', :enctype => "multipart/form-data") { actual_html } end should "support changing form builder type" do form_html = proc { form_for(@user, '/register', :builder => "AbstractFormBuilder") { |f| f.text_field_block(:name) } } assert_raise(NoMethodError) { } end should "support using default standard builder" do actual_html = form_for(@user, '/register') { |f| f.text_field_block(:name) } assert_has_tag('form p input[type=text]') { actual_html } end should "display fail for form with nil object" do assert_raises(RuntimeError) { form_for(@not_real, '/register', :id => 'register', :method => 'post') { "Demo" } } end should "display correct form in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector :form, :action => '/demo', :id => 'demo' assert_have_selector :form, :action => '/another_demo', :id => 'demo2', :method => 'get' assert_have_selector :form, :action => '/third_demo', :id => 'demo3', :method => 'get' end should "display correct form in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector :form, :action => '/demo', :id => 'demo' assert_have_selector :form, :action => '/another_demo', :id => 'demo2', :method => 'get' assert_have_selector :form, :action => '/third_demo', :id => 'demo3', :method => 'get' end end context 'for #fields_for method' do should 'display correct fields html' do actual_html = fields_for(@user) { |f| f.text_field(:first_name) } assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'text', :name => 'user[first_name]', :id => 'user_first_name') { actual_html } end should 'display correct fields html with symbol object' do actual_html = fields_for(:markup_user) { |f| f.text_field(:first_name) } assert_has_tag(:input, :type => 'text', :name => 'markup_user[first_name]', :id => 'markup_user_first_name') { actual_html } end should "display fail for nil object" do assert_raises(RuntimeError) { fields_for(@not_real) { |f| "Demo" } } end should 'display correct simple fields in haml' do visit '/haml/fields_for' assert_have_selector :form, :action => '/demo1', :id => 'demo-fields-for' assert_have_selector '#demo-fields-for input', :type => 'text', :name => 'markup_user[gender]', :value => 'male' assert_have_selector '#demo-fields-for input', :type => 'checkbox', :name => 'permission[can_edit]', :value => '1', :checked => 'checked' assert_have_selector '#demo-fields-for input', :type => 'checkbox', :name => 'permission[can_delete]' end should "display correct simple fields in erb" do visit '/erb/fields_for' assert_have_selector :form, :action => '/demo1', :id => 'demo-fields-for' assert_have_selector '#demo-fields-for input', :type => 'text', :name => 'markup_user[gender]', :value => 'male' assert_have_selector '#demo-fields-for input', :type => 'checkbox', :name => 'permission[can_edit]', :value => '1', :checked => 'checked' assert_have_selector '#demo-fields-for input', :type => 'checkbox', :name => 'permission[can_delete]' end end # =========================== # AbstractFormBuilder # =========================== context 'for #error_messages method' do should "display correct form html with no record" do actual_html = standard_builder(@user_none).error_messages(:header_message => "Demo form cannot be saved") assert actual_html.blank? end should "display correct form html with valid record" do actual_html = standard_builder.error_messages(:header_message => "Demo form cannot be saved", :style => "foo:bar", :class => "mine") assert_has_tag('#field-errors h2', :content => "Demo form cannot be saved") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('#field-errors ul li', :content => "1") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('#field-errors ul li', :content => "2") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('#field-errors', :style => "foo:bar") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('#field-errors', :class => "mine") { actual_html } end should "display correct form in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo div.field-errors h2', :content => "custom MarkupUser cannot be saved!" assert_have_selector '#demo div.field-errors ul li', :content => "This is a fake error" assert_have_selector '#demo2 div.field-errors h2', :content => "custom MarkupUser cannot be saved!" assert_have_selector '#demo2 div.field-errors ul li', :content => "This is a fake error" assert_have_selector '#demo input', :name => 'markup_user[email]', :class => 'invalid' end should "display correct form in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo div.field-errors h2', :content => "custom MarkupUser cannot be saved!" assert_have_selector '#demo div.field-errors ul li', :content => "This is a fake error" assert_have_selector '#demo2 div.field-errors h2', :content => "custom MarkupUser cannot be saved!" assert_have_selector '#demo2 div.field-errors ul li', :content => "This is a fake error" assert_have_selector '#demo input', :name => 'markup_user[email]', :class => 'invalid' end end context 'for #label method' do should "display correct label html" do actual_html = standard_builder.label(:first_name, :class => 'large', :caption => "F. Name: ") assert_has_tag('label', :class => 'large', :for => 'user_first_name', :content => "F. Name: ") { actual_html } end should "display correct label in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo label', :content => "Login: ", :class => 'user-label' assert_have_selector '#demo label', :content => "About Me: " assert_have_selector '#demo2 label', :content => "Nickname: ", :class => 'label' end should "display correct label in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo label', :content => "Login: ", :class => 'user-label' assert_have_selector '#demo label', :content => "About Me: " assert_have_selector '#demo2 label', :content => "Nickname: ", :class => 'label' end end context 'for #hidden_field method' do should "display correct hidden field html" do actual_html = standard_builder.hidden_field(:session_id, :class => 'hidden') assert_has_tag('input.hidden[type=hidden]', :value => "54", :id => 'user_session_id', :name => 'user[session_id]') { actual_html } end should "display correct hidden field in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo input[type=hidden]', :id => 'markup_user_session_id', :value => "45" assert_have_selector '#demo2 input', :type => 'hidden', :name => 'markup_user[session_id]' end should "display correct hidden field in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo input[type=hidden]', :id => 'markup_user_session_id', :value => "45" assert_have_selector '#demo2 input', :type => 'hidden', :name => 'markup_user[session_id]' end end context 'for #text_field method' do should "display correct text field html" do actual_html = standard_builder.text_field(:first_name, :class => 'large') assert_has_tag('input.large[type=text]', :value => "Joe", :id => 'user_first_name', :name => 'user[first_name]') { actual_html } end should "display correct text field in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo input.user-text[type=text]', :id => 'markup_user_username', :value => "John" assert_have_selector '#demo2 input', :type => 'text', :class => 'input', :name => 'markup_user[username]' end should "display correct text field in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo input.user-text[type=text]', :id => 'markup_user_username', :value => "John" assert_have_selector '#demo2 input', :type => 'text', :class => 'input', :name => 'markup_user[username]' end end context 'for #check_box method' do should "display correct checkbox html" do actual_html = standard_builder.check_box(:confirm_destroy, :class => 'large') assert_has_tag('input.large[type=checkbox]', :id => 'user_confirm_destroy', :name => 'user[confirm_destroy]') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('input[type=hidden]', :name => 'user[confirm_destroy]', :value => '0') { actual_html } end should "display correct checkbox html when checked" do actual_html = standard_builder.check_box(:confirm_destroy, :checked => true) assert_has_tag('input[type=checkbox]', :checked => 'checked', :name => 'user[confirm_destroy]') { actual_html } end should "display correct checkbox html as checked when object value matches" do @user.stubs(:show_favorites => 'human') actual_html = standard_builder.check_box(:show_favorites, :value => 'human') assert_has_tag('input[type=checkbox]', :checked => 'checked', :name => 'user[show_favorites]') { actual_html } end should "display correct checkbox html as checked when object value is true" do @user.stubs(:show_favorites => true) actual_html = standard_builder.check_box(:show_favorites, :value => '1') assert_has_tag('input[type=checkbox]', :checked => 'checked', :name => 'user[show_favorites]') { actual_html } end should "display correct checkbox html as unchecked when object value doesn't match" do @user.stubs(:show_favorites => 'alien') actual_html = standard_builder.check_box(:show_favorites, :value => 'human') assert_has_no_tag('input[type=checkbox]', :checked => 'checked') { actual_html } end should "display correct checkbox html as unchecked when object value is false" do @user.stubs(:show_favorites => false) actual_html = standard_builder.check_box(:show_favorites, :value => '1') assert_has_no_tag('input[type=checkbox]', :checked => 'checked') { actual_html } end should "display correct unchecked hidden field when specified" do actual_html = standard_builder.check_box(:show_favorites, :value => 'female', :uncheck_value => 'false') assert_has_tag('input[type=hidden]', :name => 'user[show_favorites]', :value => 'false') { actual_html } end should "display correct checkbox in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo input[type=checkbox]', :checked => 'checked', :id => 'markup_user_remember_me', :name => 'markup_user[remember_me]' end should "display correct checkbox in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo input[type=checkbox]', :checked => 'checked', :id => 'markup_user_remember_me', :name => 'markup_user[remember_me]' end end context 'for #radio_button method' do should "display correct radio button html" do actual_html = standard_builder.radio_button(:gender, :value => 'male', :class => 'large') assert_has_tag('input.large[type=radio]', :id => 'user_gender_male', :name => 'user[gender]', :value => 'male') { actual_html } end should "display correct radio button html when checked" do actual_html = standard_builder.radio_button(:gender, :checked => true) assert_has_tag('input[type=radio]', :checked => 'checked', :name => 'user[gender]') { actual_html } end should "display correct radio button html as checked when object value matches" do @user.stubs(:gender => 'male') actual_html = standard_builder.radio_button(:gender, :value => 'male') assert_has_tag('input[type=radio]', :checked => 'checked', :name => 'user[gender]') { actual_html } end should "display correct radio button html as unchecked when object value doesn't match" do @user.stubs(:gender => 'male') actual_html = standard_builder.radio_button(:gender, :value => 'female') assert_has_no_tag('input[type=radio]', :checked => 'checked') { actual_html } end should "display correct radio button in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo input[type=radio]', :id => 'markup_user_gender_male', :name => 'markup_user[gender]', :value => 'male' assert_have_selector '#demo input[type=radio]', :id => 'markup_user_gender_female', :name => 'markup_user[gender]', :value => 'female' assert_have_selector '#demo input[type=radio][checked=checked]', :id => 'markup_user_gender_male' end should "display correct radio button in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo input[type=radio]', :id => 'markup_user_gender_male', :name => 'markup_user[gender]', :value => 'male' assert_have_selector '#demo input[type=radio]', :id => 'markup_user_gender_female', :name => 'markup_user[gender]', :value => 'female' assert_have_selector '#demo input[type=radio][checked=checked]', :id => 'markup_user_gender_male' end end context 'for #text_area method' do should "display correct text_area html" do actual_html = standard_builder.text_area(:about, :class => 'large') assert_has_tag('textarea.large', :id => 'user_about', :name => 'user[about]') { actual_html } end should "display correct text_area html and content" do actual_html = standard_builder.text_area(:about, :value => "Demo") assert_has_tag('textarea', :id => 'user_about', :content => 'Demo') { actual_html } end should "display correct text_area in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo textarea', :name => 'markup_user[about]', :id => 'markup_user_about', :class => 'user-about' assert_have_selector '#demo2 textarea', :name => 'markup_user[about]', :id => 'markup_user_about', :class => 'textarea' end should "display correct text_area in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo textarea', :name => 'markup_user[about]', :id => 'markup_user_about', :class => 'user-about' assert_have_selector '#demo2 textarea', :name => 'markup_user[about]', :id => 'markup_user_about', :class => 'textarea' end end context 'for #password_field method' do should "display correct password_field html" do actual_html = standard_builder.password_field(:code, :class => 'large') assert_has_tag('input.large[type=password]', :id => 'user_code', :name => 'user[code]') { actual_html } end should "display correct password_field in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo input', :type => 'password', :class => 'user-password', :value => 'secret' assert_have_selector '#demo2 input', :type => 'password', :class => 'input', :name => 'markup_user[code]' end should "display correct password_field in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo input', :type => 'password', :class => 'user-password', :value => 'secret' assert_have_selector '#demo2 input', :type => 'password', :class => 'input', :name => 'markup_user[code]' end end context 'for #file_field method' do should "display correct file_field html" do actual_html = standard_builder.file_field(:photo, :class => 'large') assert_has_tag('input.large[type=file]', :id => 'user_photo', :name => 'user[photo]') { actual_html } end should "display correct file_field in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo input.user-photo', :type => 'file', :name => 'markup_user[photo]', :id => 'markup_user_photo' assert_have_selector '#demo2 input.upload', :type => 'file', :name => 'markup_user[photo]', :id => 'markup_user_photo' end should "display correct file_field in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo input.user-photo', :type => 'file', :name => 'markup_user[photo]', :id => 'markup_user_photo' assert_have_selector '#demo2 input.upload', :type => 'file', :name => 'markup_user[photo]', :id => 'markup_user_photo' end end context 'for #select method' do should "display correct select html" do actual_html =, :options => ['California', 'Texas', 'Wyoming'], :class => 'selecty') assert_has_tag('select.selecty', :id => 'user_state', :name => 'user[state]') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select.selecty option', :count => 3) { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select.selecty option', :value => 'California', :content => 'California') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select.selecty option', :value => 'Texas', :content => 'Texas') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select.selecty option', :value => 'Wyoming', :content => 'Wyoming') { actual_html } end should "display correct select html with selected item if it matches value" do @user.stubs(:state => 'California') actual_html =, :options => ['California', 'Texas', 'Wyoming']) assert_has_tag('select', :id => 'user_state', :name => 'user[state]') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :selected => 'selected', :count => 1) { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :value => 'California', :selected => 'selected') { actual_html } end should "display correct select html with include_blank" do actual_html =, :options => ['California', 'Texas', 'Wyoming'], :include_blank => true) assert_has_tag('select', :id => 'user_state', :name => 'user[state]') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :count => 4) { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option:first-child', :content => '') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option:first-child', :value => '') { actual_html } actual_html =, :options => ['California', 'Texas', 'Wyoming'], :include_blank => 'Select') assert_has_tag('select', :id => 'user_state', :name => 'user[state]') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :count => 4) { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option:first-child', :content => 'Select') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option:first-child', :value => '') { actual_html } end should "display correct select html with collection passed in" do actual_html =, :collection => @user.role_types, :fields => [:name, :id]) assert_has_tag('select', :id => 'user_role', :name => 'user[role]') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :count => 3) { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :value => '1', :content => 'Admin', :selected => 'selected') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :value => '2', :content => 'Moderate') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('select option', :value => '3', :content => 'Limited') { actual_html } end should "display correct select in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo textarea', :name => 'markup_user[about]', :id => 'markup_user_about', :class => 'user-about' assert_have_selector '#demo2 textarea', :name => 'markup_user[about]', :id => 'markup_user_about', :class => 'textarea' end should "display correct select in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo textarea', :name => 'markup_user[about]', :id => 'markup_user_about', :class => 'user-about' assert_have_selector '#demo2 textarea', :name => 'markup_user[about]', :id => 'markup_user_about', :class => 'textarea' end end context 'for #submit method' do should "display correct submit button html with no options" do actual_html = standard_builder.submit assert_has_tag('input[type=submit]', :value => "Submit") { actual_html } end should "display correct submit button html" do actual_html = standard_builder.submit("Commit", :class => 'large') assert_has_tag('input.large[type=submit]', :value => "Commit") { actual_html } end should "display correct submit button in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo input', :type => 'submit', :id => 'demo-button', :class => 'success' assert_have_selector '#demo2 input', :type => 'submit', :class => 'button', :value => "Create" end should "display correct submit button in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo input', :type => 'submit', :id => 'demo-button', :class => 'success' assert_have_selector '#demo2 input', :type => 'submit', :class => 'button', :value => "Create" end end context 'for #image_submit method' do should "display correct image submit button html with no options" do actual_html = standard_builder.image_submit('buttons/ok.png') assert_has_tag('input[type=image]', :src => "/images/buttons/ok.png") { actual_html } end should "display correct image submit button html" do actual_html = standard_builder.image_submit('/system/ok.png', :class => 'large') assert_has_tag('input.large[type=image]', :src => "/system/ok.png") { actual_html } end should "display correct image submit button in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo input', :type => 'image', :id => 'image-button', :src => '/images/buttons/post.png' assert_have_selector '#demo2 input', :type => 'image', :class => 'image', :src => "/images/buttons/ok.png" end should "display correct image submit button in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo input', :type => 'image', :id => 'image-button', :src => '/images/buttons/post.png' assert_have_selector '#demo2 input', :type => 'image', :class => 'image', :src => "/images/buttons/ok.png" end end # =========================== # StandardFormBuilder # =========================== context 'for #text_field_block method' do should "display correct text field block html" do actual_html = standard_builder.text_field_block(:first_name, :class => 'large', :caption => "FName") assert_has_tag('p label', :for => 'user_first_name', :content => "FName") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('p input.large[type=text]', :value => "Joe", :id => 'user_first_name', :name => 'user[first_name]') { actual_html } end should "display correct text field block in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p label', :for => 'markup_user_username', :content => "Nickname: ", :class => 'label' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p input', :type => 'text', :name => 'markup_user[username]', :id => 'markup_user_username' end should "display correct text field block in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p label', :for => 'markup_user_username', :content => "Nickname: ", :class => 'label' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p input', :type => 'text', :name => 'markup_user[username]', :id => 'markup_user_username' end end context 'for #text_area_block method' do should "display correct text area block html" do actual_html = standard_builder.text_area_block(:about, :class => 'large', :caption => "About Me") assert_has_tag('p label', :for => 'user_about', :content => "About Me") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('p textarea', :id => 'user_about', :name => 'user[about]') { actual_html } end should "display correct text area block in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p label', :for => 'markup_user_about', :content => "About: " assert_have_selector '#demo2 p textarea', :name => 'markup_user[about]', :id => 'markup_user_about' end should "display correct text area block in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p label', :for => 'markup_user_about', :content => "About: " assert_have_selector '#demo2 p textarea', :name => 'markup_user[about]', :id => 'markup_user_about' end end context 'for #password_field_block method' do should "display correct password field block html" do actual_html = standard_builder.password_field_block(:keycode, :class => 'large', :caption => "Code: ") assert_has_tag('p label', :for => 'user_keycode', :content => "Code: ") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('p input.large[type=password]', :id => 'user_keycode', :name => 'user[keycode]') { actual_html } end should "display correct password field block in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p label', :for => 'markup_user_code', :content => "Code: " assert_have_selector '#demo2 p input', :type => 'password', :name => 'markup_user[code]', :id => 'markup_user_code' end should "display correct password field block in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p label', :for => 'markup_user_code', :content => "Code: " assert_have_selector '#demo2 p input', :type => 'password', :name => 'markup_user[code]', :id => 'markup_user_code' end end context 'for #file_field_block method' do should "display correct file field block html" do actual_html = standard_builder.file_field_block(:photo, :class => 'large', :caption => "Photo: ") assert_has_tag('p label', :for => 'user_photo', :content => "Photo: ") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('p input.large[type=file]', :id => 'user_photo', :name => 'user[photo]') { actual_html } end should "display correct file field block in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p label', :for => 'markup_user_photo', :content => "Photo: " assert_have_selector '#demo2 p input.upload', :type => 'file', :name => 'markup_user[photo]', :id => 'markup_user_photo' end should "display correct file field block in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p label', :for => 'markup_user_photo', :content => "Photo: " assert_have_selector '#demo2 p input.upload', :type => 'file', :name => 'markup_user[photo]', :id => 'markup_user_photo' end end context 'for #check_box_block method' do should "display correct check box block html" do actual_html = standard_builder.check_box_block(:remember_me, :class => 'large', :caption => "Remember session?") assert_has_tag('p label', :for => 'user_remember_me', :content => "Remember session?") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('p input.large[type=checkbox]', :id => 'user_remember_me', :name => 'user[remember_me]') { actual_html } end should "display correct check box block in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p label', :for => 'markup_user_remember_me', :content => "Remember me: " assert_have_selector '#demo2 p input.checker', :type => 'checkbox', :name => 'markup_user[remember_me]' end should "display correct check box block in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p label', :for => 'markup_user_remember_me', :content => "Remember me: " assert_have_selector '#demo2 p input.checker', :type => 'checkbox', :name => 'markup_user[remember_me]' end end context 'for #select_block method' do should "display correct select_block block html" do actual_html = standard_builder.select_block(:country, :options => ['USA', 'Canada'], :class => 'large', :caption => "Your country") assert_has_tag('p label', :for => 'user_country', :content => "Your country") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('p select', :id => 'user_country', :name => 'user[country]') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('p select option', :content => 'USA') { actual_html } assert_has_tag('p select option', :content => 'Canada') { actual_html } end should "display correct select_block block in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p label', :for => 'markup_user_state', :content => "State: " assert_have_selector '#demo2 p select', :name => 'markup_user[state]', :id => 'markup_user_state' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p select option', :content => 'California' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p select option', :content => 'Texas' end should "display correct select_block block in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p label', :for => 'markup_user_state', :content => "State: " assert_have_selector '#demo2 p select', :name => 'markup_user[state]', :id => 'markup_user_state' end end context 'for #submit_block method' do should "display correct submit block html" do actual_html = standard_builder.submit_block("Update", :class => 'large') assert_has_tag('p input.large[type=submit]', :value => 'Update') { actual_html } end should "display correct submit block in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p input', :type => 'submit', :class => 'button' end should "display correct submit block in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p input', :type => 'submit', :class => 'button' end end context 'for #image_submit_block method' do should "display correct image submit block html" do actual_html = standard_builder.image_submit_block("buttons/ok.png", :class => 'large') assert_has_tag('p input.large[type=image]', :src => '/images/buttons/ok.png') { actual_html } end should "display correct image submit block in haml" do visit '/haml/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p input', :type => 'image', :class => 'image', :src => '/images/buttons/ok.png' end should "display correct image submit block in erb" do visit '/erb/form_for' assert_have_selector '#demo2 p input', :type => 'image', :class => 'image', :src => '/images/buttons/ok.png' end end end