#!/usr/bin/env ruby ################################################## =begin = NAME gpview - quick viewer for the values of a variable specified by a gtool4-type URL. (1) for 1-dimensional variable, make line plot. (2) for 2-dimensional variable, make contour/tone plot. (3) for 3/more-dimensional variable, make contour/tone plot, select first 2D. possible to make animation. = USAGE The first command form is % gpview [options] gturl1 gturl2 gturl3 ... where the format of the gturl is path[@|/]varname[,dimname=pos1[:pos2[:thinning_intv]][,dimname=...]] The second commnad form is % gpview --var url [options] gtfile1 gtfile2 ... where the format of the url is varname[,dimname=pos1[:pos2[:thinning_intv]][,dimname=...]] = OPTIONS if you want to know more description, please read http://ruby.gfd-dennou.org/products/gphys/doc/gpview.html == GLOBAL OPTIONS :--help: print this message. :--var url: set the variable name and slicing parameters. :--wsn [1-4]: set work staion number. each number represent output device: 1 : X window. 2 : PS file. (named dcl.ps) 3 : Tcl/Tk file. 4 : GTK Windows (depend on dcl-5.3) :--clrmap [1-]: set colormap to draw tone/contour. :--itr [1-4,5-7,10-15,20-23,30-33]: set axis scale. default is 1. 1 : linear scale for x/y axis 2 : linear scale for x , log scale for y axis 3 : log scale for x , linear scale for y axis 4 : log scale for x/y axis :--similar [simfac,vxoff,vyoff]: (for 5<=itr<=7) set similarity parameters which are fed in DCL.grssim. :--map_axis [uxc,uyc,rot]: (for 10<=itr<=33) set mapping parameters which are fed in DCL.umpcnt. :--title: set title of figure :--aspect : set aspect ratio of Viewport. default is 2.0. :--noannotate: not draw annotations. :--animate/anim : plot animation along . must be name of dimension. :--alternate, --Ga: enable to backing store. :--nowait, --Gw: not wait for any actions if animate :--reverse, --Gr: plot animation reversible if animate :--smooth, --Gaw: equal to --anlternate && --nowait :--exch: exchange(transpose) x/y axis. :--mean : mean along axis . :--eddy : deviation from mean along axis . :--m, --map : plot map. itr number must be set. this option is neglect if itr number is 1-4. abailable map type is coast_world, border_world, plate_world, state_usa, coast_japan, pref_japan :--operation : operation of the specified math function on the data. should be a math function with one argument such as log10, sqrt, sin, etc. :--time_ax [nil|false|h|ymd]: specify type of calendar-type time axis: nil (=> auto slection) false (=> do not use the time axis even if the units of the axis is a time one with since field) "h" (=> like nil, but always use the hour-resolving datetime_ax method in dclext_datetime_ax.rb) "ymd" (=> like "h" but for y-m-d type using DCL.uc[xy]acl) == LINE/MARK OPTIONS :--line: make line plot forced. (about first 1D) :--mark: make mark plot forced. (about first 1D) :--index: set DCL line index, which set the color/thickness of the line primitive. please see DCL documents. :--type: set line type. :--range [min:max] set min/max value for line plot. min or max must be set. :--overplot set number of lines on each figure == CONTOUR/TONE OPTIONS :--shade: make contour and tone plot. :--noshade: make contour plot, without tone. :--nocont: make tone plot, without contour. :--range [min:max]: set min/max value for contour/tone plot. min or max must be set. :--crange: set min/max value for contour plot. this is more dominant than --range :--srange: set min/max value for tone plot. this is more dominant than --interval/int :--interval,--int [num]: set interval value for contour/tone plot. set the number of lines if you set negative value. :--cint: set interval value for contour plot. this is more dominant than --interval/int :--sint: set interval value for tone plot. this is more dominant than --interval/int. :--levels: set values of contour/tone levels. :--clevels: set values of contour levels. :--slevels: set tone of contour levels. :--patterns: set each patterns for tone plot. :--tonf: use tonf instead of tone. :--nocolorbar: do not draw color bar :--nozero: do not draw zero contour == EXAMPLES For a single GPhys variable, % gpview data.nc@temp % gpview data.nc@temp,lon=130:150,lat=0:90:2 % gpview --nocont data.nc@temp,lon=130:150,lat=0 % gpview --noshade data.nc@temp,lon=130:150,lat=0 % gpview --mean lon data.nc@temp,lon=130:150,lat=0 % gpview --exch data.nc@temp,lon=130:150,lat=0 % gpview --animate lon data.nc@temp,lon=130:150 % gpview --animate lon --alternate data.nc@temp % gpview --smooth lon data.nc@temp,lon=130:150 % gpview --levels 0,10,20,30 --pattern 30999,40999,50999,60999,70999 data.nc@temp % gpview --overplot=3 --anim t data.nc@temp,lon=0 % gpview --mark data.nc@temp,lon=0,lat=0 % gpview --operation log10 data.nc@temp,lon=0 % gpview --time_ax false data.nc@temp,lon=0,lat=0 For multiple GPhys variables, % gpview data1.nc@temp data2.nc@temp % gpview data1.nc@temp,lon=130:150 data2.nc@temp,lon=150:170 % gpview --overplot=3 --anim t data.nc@temp,lon=0 data.nc@temp,lon=10 % gpview --var temp,lon=130:150 data?.nc % gpview --anim t --var temp,lon=130:150 data*.nc == HISTORY 2004/12/14 D Tsukahara && T Horinouti(parse_gturl) 2005/01/08 D Tsukahara (add option --exch and able to invalid value) 2005/01/09 D Tsukahara (add option --animate, smooth, alternate, index ) 2005/01/10 D Tsukahara (transpose axis with attr "positive:down" , abailable loopsense_flag. ) 2005/01/10 D Tsukahara (implement GGraph::color_bar, and margin_info, which file name, date, and toolname. ) 2005/01/11 D Tsukahara ( 1. write document about OPTIONS. 2. add many options. more info please see document. ) 2005/01/23 S Takehiro (add option --similar, map_axis) 2005/02/09 D Tsukahara && M Nakano (add option --reverse, --Gr, --map) 2005/02/10 D Tsukahara (change option parser (getopts => getoptlong)) 2005/02/24 D Tsukahara (apply --range for line plot) 2005/06/15 S Takehiro (add option --levels, --clevels, --slevels, --patterns) 2005/06/17 S Takehiro (missing_value attribute setting removed) 2005/06/22 S Takehiro (debug, clipping control added to GGraph::annotate) 2005/06/23 S Takehiro (debug, option --title implemented) 2005/07/15 S Takehiro (option --noannotate implemented) 2005/08/07 S Takehiro (option --overplot implemented) 2005/08/09 S Takehiro && T Horinouchi (add option --help and help function. URL information corrected. ) 2005/08/23 S Takehiro (multiple Gphys variables plotting and option --var implemented) 2005/08/23 S Takehiro (common methods to gp* command moved to gpcommon.rb) 2005/10/30 S Takehiro (option --animate recoverd) 2005/10/31 S Takehiro (option --smooth bug fixed) 2006/03/07 M Nakano (option --int bug fixed) 2007/10/03 S Takehiro (option --nocolorbar implemented) 2008/04/03 S Takehiro (option --nozero implemented) 2008/12/14 S Takehiro (option --mark implemented) 2010/03/10 Y SASAKI (change help block into RD format) 2011/01/14 T Tanigawa && S Takehiro (option --operation implemented) 2011/11/04 S Takehiro (option --time_ax implemented) 2011/11/20 S Takehiro (option --eddy implemented) 2012/02/19 S Takehiro (description for gturl format updated) =end ################################################# require "getoptlong" # for option_parse require "numru/ggraph" # ggraph library require "numru/gphys/gpcommon" include NumRu ##################################################### ## Default param. VIEWPORT = [0.15,0.85,0.2,0.55] URLfmt = "path[@|/]varname[,dimname=pos1[:pos2[:thinning_intv]][,dimname=...]]" ##################################################### def GGraph::annotate(str_ary) lclip = DCL.sgpget('lclip') DCL.sgpset('lclip',nil) lnum = 0 str_ary.each{ |str|lnum += 1 } charsize = 0.7 * DCL.uzpget('rsizec1') dvx = 0.01 dvy = charsize*1.5 raise TypeError,"Array expected" if ! str_ary.is_a?(Array) vxmin,vxmax,vymin,vymax = DCL.sgqvpt vx = 0.70 vy = 0.045 + (lnum-1)*dvy str_ary.each{|str| DCL::sgtxzv(vx,vy,str,charsize,0,-1,1) vy -= dvy } DCL.sgpset('lclip',lclip) nil end def each_along_dims(gphys, loopdim) raise ArgumentError,"1st argument must be an GPhys." if !gphys.is_a?(GPhys) if loopdim.is_a?(String) dimname = loopdim elsif if loopdim < 0 dimname = gphys.coord(gphys.rank + loopdim).name else dimname = gphys.coord(loopdim).name end else raise ArgumentError,"loopdims must consist of Integer and/or String" end loopdim_na = gphys.coord(dimname).val # get coord ary loopdim_na = loopdim_na[-1..0] if $OPT_reverse || $OPT_Gr # reverse loopdim_na.each { |x| yield( gphys.cut(dimname=>x) ) } end def draw_setup(gp) # set missing value DCLExt.gl_set_params('lmiss'=>true) # fontsize DCL.sgpset('lcntl', false) # DCL.uzfact(0.7) DCL.sgpset('lfull', true) # use full area in the window DCL.sgpset('lfprop',true) # use proportional font DCL.uscset('cyspos', 'B' ) # move unit y axis # viewport size GGraph.set_fig('viewport'=>$VIEWPORT) GGraph.set_fig( 'itr'=>($OPT_itr == nil) ? 1 : $OPT_itr.to_i ) GGraph.set_fig("xrev"=>"units:mb,units:hPa,units:millibar,positive:down", "yrev"=>"units:mb,units:hPa,units:millibar,positive:down") # set options min_range, max_range = __split_range($OPT_range) min_crange, max_crange = __split_range($OPT_crange) min_srange, max_srange = __split_range($OPT_srange) GGraph.set_linear_contour_options( 'int' => ( $OPT_cint || $OPT_interval || $OPT_int ), 'min' => ( min_crange || min_range ), 'max' => ( max_crange || max_range ) ) GGraph.set_linear_tone_options( 'int' => ( $OPT_sint || $OPT_interval || $OPT_int ), 'min' => ( min_srange || min_range ), 'max' => ( max_srange || max_range ) ) if ( $OPT_clevels || $OPT_levels ) $OPT_clevels=($OPT_clevels || $OPT_levels).split(',').map!{|v| v.to_f } end if ( $OPT_slevels || $OPT_levels ) $OPT_slevels=($OPT_slevels||$OPT_levels).split(',').map!{|v| v.to_f } p $OPT_slevels end if ( $OPT_patterns ) $OPT_patterns=$OPT_patterns.split(',').map!{|v| v.to_f } end # judge draw kind gp_rank = gp.rank gp_rank = gp_rank - 1 if ( $OPT_animate || $OPT_anim ) if ($OPT_mark) draw_flag = "mark" elsif ($OPT_line || gp_rank == 1) draw_flag = "line" elsif (!$OPT_line && gp_rank >= 2) && !$OPT_noshade && $OPT_nocont draw_flag = "nocont" elsif (!$OPT_line && gp_rank >= 2) && $OPT_noshade && !$OPT_nocont draw_flag = "noshade" elsif (!$OPT_line && gp_rank >= 2) && !$OPT_noshade && !$OPT_nocont draw_flag = "full" end # similar projection if ($OPT_similar) if /([\d\-.]*),([\d\-.]*),([\d\-.]*)/ =~ $OPT_similar similar=[$1.to_f,$2.to_f,$3.to_f] elsif /([\d\-.]*),([\d\-.]*)/ =~ $OPT_similar similar=[$1.to_f,$2.to_f,0] elsif /([\d\-.]*)/ =~ $OPT_similar similar=[$1.to_f,0,0] end GGraph.set_fig('similar'=>similar) end # similar projection if ($OPT_map_axis) if /([\d\-.]*),([\d\-.]*),([\d\-.]*)/ =~ $OPT_map_axis map_axis=[$1.to_f,$2.to_f,$3.to_f] elsif /([\d\-.]*),([\d\-.]*)/ =~ $OPT_map_axis map_axis=[$1.to_f,$2.to_f,0] elsif /([\d\-.]*)/ =~ $OPT_similar map_axis=[$1.to_f,0,0] end GGraph.set_fig('map_axis'=>map_axis) end # map if ( $OPT_m || $OPT_map) map_type = "coast_world" if $OPT_m map_type = $OPT_map if $OPT_map GGraph::set_map(map_type=>true) end # time axis if ($OPT_time_ax) $OPT_time_ax = false if $OPT_time_ax == "false" GGraph.set_axes('time_ax'=>$OPT_time_ax) end return draw_flag end def draw(gp, draw_flag) # draw hontai case draw_flag when "line" if ( $Overplot == 1 ) GGraph.line(gp, true, "title"=>$OPT_title, "index"=>($OPT_index||1), "type" =>($OPT_type ||1), "exchange"=>$OPT_exch, "annotate"=>$annotate, "min" => __split_range($OPT_range)[0], "max" => __split_range($OPT_range)[1] ) else GGraph.line(gp, false, "title"=>$OPT_title, "index"=>($OPT_index||1), "type" =>($OPT_type ||$Overplot), "exchange"=>$OPT_exch, "annotate"=>$annotate, "min" => __split_range($OPT_range)[0], "max" => __split_range($OPT_range)[1] ) end if ( $Overplot < $Overplot_max ) $Overplot += 1 else $Overplot = 1 end when "mark" if ( $Overplot == 1 ) GGraph.mark(gp, true, "title"=>$OPT_title, "index"=>($OPT_index||1), "type" =>($OPT_type ||1), "exchange"=>$OPT_exch, "annotate"=>$annotate, "min" => __split_range($OPT_range)[0], "max" => __split_range($OPT_range)[1] ) else GGraph.mark(gp, false, "title"=>$OPT_title, "index"=>($OPT_index||1), "type" =>($OPT_type ||$Overplot), "exchange"=>$OPT_exch, "annotate"=>$annotate, "min" => __split_range($OPT_range)[0], "max" => __split_range($OPT_range)[1] ) end if ( $Overplot < $Overplot_max ) $Overplot += 1 else $Overplot = 1 end when "full" GGraph.tone(gp, true, "title"=>$OPT_title, "annotate"=>$annotate, "transpose"=>$OPT_exch, "levels"=>$OPT_slevels, "patterns"=>$OPT_patterns, "tonf"=>$OPT_tonf ) GGraph.contour(gp, false, "transpose"=>$OPT_exch, "levels"=>$OPT_clevels, "nozero"=>$OPT_nozero ) when "nocont" GGraph.tone(gp, true, "title"=>$OPT_title, "annotate"=>$annotate, "transpose"=>$OPT_exch, "levels"=>$OPT_slevels, "patterns"=>$OPT_patterns, "tonf"=>$OPT_tonf ) when "noshade" mj = DCL.udpget('indxmj') mn = DCL.udpget('indxmn') GGraph.contour(gp, true, "title" =>$OPT_title, "label" =>true, "annotate"=>$annotate, "transpose"=>$OPT_exch, "levels"=>$OPT_clevels, "nozero"=>$OPT_nozero ) end # color bar if ( ( draw_flag == "full") || ( draw_flag == "nocont") ) && $colorbar GGraph::color_bar( "left" => true, "landscape" => true ) end end def set_vpsize( default_vp, aspect=2.0 ) raise "#{aspect} must be a positive Numeric" if (aspect.to_f <= 0.0) aspect = aspect.to_f # default viewport x0 = default_vp[0]; x1 = default_vp[1] y0 = default_vp[2]; y1 = default_vp[3] # viewport size hlength = x1 - x0 vlength = y1 - y0 # center grid of viewport cen_of_vp = [ x0 + hlength/2.0, y0 + vlength/2.0 ] if aspect <= 2.0 hlength = vlength * aspect x0 = cen_of_vp[0] - hlength/2.0 x1 = cen_of_vp[0] + hlength/2.0 else vlength = hlength / aspect y0 = cen_of_vp[1] - vlength/2.0 y1 = cen_of_vp[1] + vlength/2.0 end return [ x0, x1, y0, y1 ] end def __split_range(range) if /(.*):(.*)/ =~ range if $1 == "" min = nil else min = $1.to_f end if $2 == "" max = nil else max = $2.to_f end elsif range == nil min = max = nil else raise "invalid range: variable subset specification error. split range with ':'\n\n" end return min, max end ##################################################### ###++++++ Main Routine ++++++### ## parse options parser = GetoptLong.new parser.set_options( ### global option ### ['--var', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--wsn', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--clrmap', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--itr', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--similar', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--map_axis', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--title', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--aspect', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--anim', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--animate', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--noannotate', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--alternate', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--Ga', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--nowait', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--Gw', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--smooth', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--Gaw', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--exch', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--reverse', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--Gr', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--mean', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--eddy', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--map', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--m', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--operation', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--time_ax', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ### line/mark option ### ['--line', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--mark', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--index', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--type', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--overplot', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ### tone or cont option ### ['--nocont', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--noshade', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--range', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--crange', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--srange', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--interval', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--int', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--cint', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--sint', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--levels', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--clevels', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--slevels', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--patterns', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--tonf', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--nocolorbar', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--nozero', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--help', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT] # ['--version', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT] # to be defined ) begin parser.each_option do |name, arg| eval "$OPT_#{name.sub(/^--/, '').gsub(/-/, '_')} = '#{arg}'" # strage option value to $OPT_val end rescue help raise end ## Print out help message if ($OPT_help) help exit(1) end ## set some figure option DCL::swlset('lwait', false) if ($OPT_nowait || $OPT_Gw || $OPT_smooth || $OPT_Gaw) # set wait or nowait DCL::swlset('lalt', true) if ($OPT_alternate || $OPT_Ga || $OPT_smooth || $OPT_Gaw) # set backing store option if ($OPT_noannotate) $annotate = false else $annotate = true end $Overplot_max = ( $OPT_overplot.to_i || 1 ) $Overplot = 1 if ($OPT_nocolorbar) $colorbar = false else $colorbar = true end ## decide VIEWPORT $VIEWPORT = set_vpsize( VIEWPORT, ($OPT_aspect||2.0) ) ## tune the size of axis parameters. DCL.uzfact(0.7) ## draw figure loopdim = ( $OPT_animate || $OPT_anim ) loopdim = loopdim.to_i if loopdim.to_i.to_s == loopdim ### set colormap DCL.sgscmn($OPT_clrmap||1) ## open work station DCL.gropn($OPT_wsn||1) ## open netcdf variables while ARGV[0] do gturl = ARGV[0] gturl = gturl+'@'+$OPT_var if $OPT_var gp = GPhys::IO.open_gturl(gturl) print " Reading #{gturl}\n" ARGV.shift ## mean along any axis if ($OPT_mean) dims = ($OPT_mean).split(/\s*,\s*/) dims.each{|dim| dim = dim.to_i if dim.to_i.to_s == dim gp = gp.mean(dim) } end ## deviation from mean along any axis if ($OPT_eddy) dims = ($OPT_eddy).split(/\s*,\s*/) dims.each{|dim| dim = dim.to_i if dim.to_i.to_s == dim gp = gp.eddy(dim) } end ## operation of a mathematical function if ($OPT_operation) eval "gp = gp.#{$OPT_operation}" end GGraph.margin_info($0, gturl) if $annotate # draw margin infomation kind_of_fig = draw_setup(gp) # determine figure kind if loopdim # animation each_along_dims(gp, loopdim){|gp_subset| draw(gp_subset, kind_of_fig) } else draw( gp, kind_of_fig ) # single figure end end DCL.grcls