# A moveable has a shape, speed etc. # # TODO moveable should only have active components, like accelerate etc. Positioning etc. should go to Thing. # module Moveable extend Trait def self::Accelerate strength = 1.0; [:accelerate, strength] end def self::Left strength = 1.0; [:move_left, strength] end def self::Right strength = 1.0; [:move_right, strength] end def self::Up strength = 1.0; [:move_up, strength] end def self::Down strength = 1.0; [:move_down, strength] end def self::Backwards strength = 1.0; [:backwards, strength] end # TODO Jump = :jump def self.included klass klass.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods # Initial setting. # def friction amount = nil, &block to_execute = block_given? ? block : lambda { amount } InitializerHooks.register self do self.friction = to_execute[] end end def velocity amount = nil, &block to_execute = block_given? ? block : lambda { amount } InitializerHooks.register self do self.velocity = to_execute[] end end def rotation amount = nil, &block to_execute = block_given? ? block : lambda { amount } InitializerHooks.register self do self.rotation = to_execute[] end end def random_rotation rotation { 2*Math::PI*rand } end end # Directly set the position of our Moveable using a vector. # def warp vector @shape.body.p = vector end # Directly set the position of our Moveable. # def warp_to x, y @shape.body.p = CP::Vec2.new(x, y) end # Directly set the position of our Moveable. # def position= position @shape.body.p = position end def position @shape.body.p end # Directly set the torque of our Moveable. # def torque= torque @shape.body.t = torque end def torque @shape.body.t end # Directly set the speed of our Moveable. # def speed= v @shape.body.v = v end def speed @shape.body.v end def current_speed speed.length end # Directly set the rotation of our Moveable. # def rotation= rotation @shape.body.a = rotation % (2*Math::PI) end def rotation @shape.body.a end def drawing_rotation self.rotation.radians_to_gosu end def rotation_vector @shape.body.a.radians_to_vec2 end def friction= friction @shape.u = friction end def friction @shape.u end # Length is the vector length you want. # # Note: radians_to_vec2 # def rotation_as_vector length rotation = -self.rotation + Math::PI / 2 x = Math.sin rotation y = Math.cos rotation total_length = Math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) multiplier = length / total_length CP::Vec2.new(x * multiplier, y * multiplier) end def move end # Methods for controls. # def accelerate strength = 1.0 self.speed += self.rotation_vector * strength/SUBSTEPS end def move_left strength = 1.0 self.speed += CP::Vec2.new(-strength.to_f/SUBSTEPS, 0) end def move_right strength = 1.0 self.speed += CP::Vec2.new(strength.to_f/SUBSTEPS, 0) end def move_up strength = 1.0 self.speed += CP::Vec2.new(0, -strength.to_f/SUBSTEPS) end def move_down strength = 1.0 self.speed += CP::Vec2.new(0, strength.to_f/SUBSTEPS) end def backwards strength = 1.0 accelerate -0.5*strength end # def jump strength = 100 # self.speed += CP::Vec2.new(0, -strength.to_f/SUBSTEPS) if self.current_speed <= 1 # end # Movement rules # # Note: Call in method move. # def bounce_off_border_x elasticity = 1.0 if position.x > window.screen_width || position.x < 0 shape.body.v.x = -shape.body.v.x.to_f*elasticity end end def bounce_off_border_y elasticity = 1.0 if position.y > window.screen_height || position.y < 0 shape.body.v.y = -shape.body.v.y.to_f*elasticity end end def bounce_off_border elasticity = 1.0 bounce_off_border_x elasticity bounce_off_border_y elasticity end def wrap_around_border_x if position.x > window.screen_width position.x -= window.screen_width elsif position.x < 0 position.x += window.screen_width end end def wrap_around_border_y if position.y > window.screen_height position.y -= window.screen_height elsif position.y < 0 position.y += window.screen_height end end def wrap_around_border wrap_around_border_x wrap_around_border_y end def obey_gravity self.speed += window.gravity_vector end def on_hitting_x yield if block_given? && position.x > window.screen_width || position.x < 0 end def on_hitting_y yield if block_given? && position.y > window.screen_height || position.y < 0 end def rotate_towards_velocity self.rotation = self.speed.to_angle end end