#!/usr/bin/env rspec -cfd require_relative '../../spec_helper' require 'arborist' require 'arborist/node/host' require 'arborist/node/service' require 'arborist/monitor/socket' describe Arborist::Monitor::Socket do describe 'TCP' do let( :described_class ) { Arborist::Monitor::Socket::TCP } let( :host_node ) do Arborist::Node.create( 'host', 'test' ) do description "Test host node with a few TCP services" address '' tags :testing end end let( :default_timeout ) { described_class::DEFAULT_OPTIONS[:timeout] } let( :www_service_node ) { host_node.service('www') } let( :ssh_service_node ) { host_node.service('ssh') } let( :nat_pmp_service_node ) { host_node.service('nat-pmp', port: 5351) } let( :service_nodes ) {[ www_service_node, ssh_service_node, nat_pmp_service_node ]} let( :service_nodes_hash ) do service_nodes.each_with_object({}) do |node, accum| accum[ node.identifier ] = node.fetch_values end end # it_behaves_like "an Arborist Monitor" def sockaddr_for( node ) return Socket.sockaddr_in( node.port, node.addresses.first.to_s ) end def make_successful_mock_socket( node ) address = Addrinfo.tcp( node.addresses.first.to_s, node.port ) socket = instance_double( Socket, "#{node.identifier} socket", remote_address: address ) expect( socket ).to receive( :connect_nonblock ).with( sockaddr_for(node) ). and_raise( IO::EINPROGRESSWaitWritable ) allow( socket ).to receive( :getpeername ). and_return( address.to_sockaddr ) return socket end def make_initial_error_mock_socket( node, error_class, message ) address = Addrinfo.tcp( node.addresses.first.to_s, node.port ) socket = instance_double( Socket, "#{node.identifier} socket", remote_address: address ) expect( socket ).to receive( :connect_nonblock ). with( sockaddr_for(node) ). and_raise( error_class.new(message) ) return socket end def make_wait_error_mock_socket( node, error_class, message ) address = Addrinfo.tcp( node.addresses.first.to_s, node.port ) socket = instance_double( Socket, "#{node.identifier} socket", remote_address: address ) expect( socket ).to receive( :connect_nonblock ).with( sockaddr_for(node) ). and_raise( IO::EINPROGRESSWaitWritable ) expect( socket ).to receive( :getpeername ). and_raise( Errno::EINVAL.new("Invalid argument - getpeername(2)") ) expect( socket ).to receive( :read ).with( 1 ). and_raise( Errno::ECONNREFUSED.new ) return socket end it "opens TCP connections to the ports of the nodes" do fake_sockets = service_nodes.map do |node| make_successful_mock_socket( node ) end expect( Socket ).to receive( :new ).and_return( *fake_sockets ) expect( IO ).to receive( :select ). with( nil, fake_sockets, nil, kind_of(Numeric) ). and_return( [nil, fake_sockets, nil] ) expect( fake_sockets ).to all( receive( :close ) ) result = described_class.run( service_nodes_hash ) expect( result ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( result ).to include( *service_nodes.map(&:identifier) ) expect( result.values ).to all( include( tcp_socket_connect: a_hash_including(:time, :duration) ) ) expect( result.map {|_, res| res[:tcp_socket_connect][:time]} ).to all( be_a(String) ) end it "updates nodes with an error on a SocketError" do socket = make_initial_error_mock_socket( www_service_node, SocketError, "getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known" ) allow( Socket ).to receive( :new ).and_return( socket ) result = described_class.run( 'test-www' => www_service_node.fetch_values ) expect( result ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( result ).to include( 'test-www' ) expect( result['test-www'] ).to include( error: 'getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known' ) end it "updates nodes with an error if the connection times out" do socket = make_successful_mock_socket( www_service_node ) allow( Socket ).to receive( :new ).and_return( socket ) allow( socket ).to receive( :close ) allow( IO ).to receive( :select ) do sleep 0.2 [nil, nil, nil] end result = described_class.new( timeout: 0.1 ). run( 'test-www' => www_service_node.fetch_values ) expect( result ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( result ).to include( 'test-www' ) expect( result['test-www'] ).to include( error: 'Timeout after 0.100s' ) end it "updates nodes with an error on a 'connection refused' error" do socket = make_initial_error_mock_socket( www_service_node, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, "the message" ) allow( Socket ).to receive( :new ).and_return( socket ) result = described_class.run( 'test-www' => www_service_node.fetch_values ) expect( result ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( result ).to include( 'test-www' ) expect( result['test-www'] ).to include( error: 'Connection refused - the message' ) end it "updates nodes with an error on a 'host unreachable' error" do socket = make_initial_error_mock_socket( www_service_node, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, "the message" ) allow( Socket ).to receive( :new ).and_return( socket ) result = described_class.run( 'test-www' => www_service_node.fetch_values ) expect( result ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( result ).to include( 'test-www' ) expect( result['test-www'] ).to include( error: 'No route to host - the message' ) end it "can be instantiated to run with a different timeout" do mon = described_class.new.with_timeout( 30 ) expect( mon.timeout ).to eq( 30 ) end end end