require 'uri' require 'ably/realtime/channel/publisher' require 'ably/realtime/recovery_key_context' module Ably module Realtime # A client that extends the functionality of the {Ably::Realtime::Client} and provides additional realtime-specific features. # class Client include Ably::Modules::AsyncWrapper include Ably::Realtime::Channel::Publisher include Ably::Modules::Conversions extend Forwardable using Ably::Util::AblyExtensions DOMAIN = '' # A {Aby::Realtime::Channels} object. # # @spec RTC3, RTS1 # # @return [Aby::Realtime::Channels] # attr_reader :channels # An {Ably::Auth} object. # # @spec RTC4 # # @return [Ably::Auth] # attr_reader :auth # A {Aby::Realtime::Connection} object. # # @spec RTC2 # # @return [Aby::Realtime::Connection] # attr_reader :connection # The {Ably::Rest::Client REST client} instantiated with the same credentials and configuration that is used for all REST operations such as authentication # @return [Ably::Rest::Client] # @private attr_reader :rest_client # When false the client suppresses messages originating from this connection being echoed back on the same connection. Defaults to true # @return [Boolean] attr_reader :echo_messages # If false, this disables the default behaviour whereby the library queues messages on a connection in the disconnected or connecting states. Defaults to true # @return [Boolean] attr_reader :queue_messages # The custom realtime websocket host that is being used if it was provided with the option `:ws_host` when the {Client} was created # @return [String,Nil] attr_reader :custom_realtime_host # When true, as soon as the client library is instantiated it will connect to Ably. If this attribute is false, a connection must be opened explicitly # @return [Boolean] attr_reader :auto_connect # When a recover option is specified a connection inherits the state of a previous connection that may have existed under a different instance of the Realtime library, please refer to the API documentation for further information on connection state recovery # @return [String,Nil] attr_reader :recover # Additional parameters to be sent in the querystring when initiating a realtime connection # @return [Hash] attr_reader :transport_params def_delegators :auth, :client_id, :auth_options def_delegators :@rest_client, :encoders def_delegators :@rest_client, :use_tls?, :protocol, :protocol_binary? def_delegators :@rest_client, :environment, :custom_host, :custom_port, :custom_tls_port def_delegators :@rest_client, :log_level def_delegators :@rest_client, :options # Creates a {Ably::Realtime::Client Realtime Client} and configures the {Ably::Auth} object for the connection. # # @spec RSC1 # # @param (see {Ably::Rest::Client#initialize}) # @option options (see Ably::Rest::Client#initialize) An options {Hash} object. # @option options [Proc] :auth_callback when provided, the Proc will be called with the token params hash as the first argument, whenever a new token is required. # Whilst the proc is called synchronously, it does not block the EventMachine reactor as it is run in a separate thread. # The Proc should return a token string, {Ably::Models::TokenDetails} or JSON equivalent, {Ably::Models::TokenRequest} or JSON equivalent # @option options [Boolean] :queue_messages If false, this disables the default behaviour whereby the library queues messages on a connection in the disconnected or connecting states # @option options [Boolean] :echo_messages If false, prevents messages originating from this connection being echoed back on the same connection # @option options [String] :recover When a recover option is specified a connection inherits the state of a previous connection that may have existed under a different instance of the Realtime library, please refer to the API documentation for further information on connection state recovery # @option options [Boolean] :auto_connect By default as soon as the client library is instantiated it will connect to Ably. You can optionally set this to false and explicitly connect. # @option options [Hash] :transport_params Additional parameters to be sent in the querystring when initiating a realtime connection. Keys are Strings, values are Stringifiable(a value must respond to #to_s) # # @option options [Integer] :channel_retry_timeout (15 seconds). When a channel becomes SUSPENDED, after this delay in seconds, the channel will automatically attempt to reattach if the connection is CONNECTED # @option options [Integer] :disconnected_retry_timeout (15 seconds). When the connection enters the DISCONNECTED state, after this delay in seconds, if the state is still DISCONNECTED, the client library will attempt to reconnect automatically # @option options [Integer] :suspended_retry_timeout (30 seconds). When the connection enters the SUSPENDED state, after this delay in seconds, if the state is still SUSPENDED, the client library will attempt to reconnect automatically # @option options [Boolean] :disable_websocket_heartbeats WebSocket heartbeats are more efficient than protocol level heartbeats, however they can be disabled for development purposes # # @return [Ably::Realtime::Client] # # @example # # Constructs a {Ably::Realtime::Client} object using an Ably API key or token string. # client ='') # # # Constructs a {Ably::Realtime::Client} object using an Ably options object. # client = '', client_id: 'john') # def initialize(options) raise ArgumentError, 'Options Hash is expected' if options.nil? options = options.clone if options.kind_of?(String) options = if options.match(Ably::Auth::API_KEY_REGEX) { key: options } else { token: options } end end @transport_params = options.delete(:transport_params).to_h.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), acc| acc[key.to_s] = value.to_s end @rest_client = self)) @echo_messages = rest_client.options.fetch_with_default(:echo_messages, true) @queue_messages = rest_client.options.fetch_with_default(:queue_messages, true) @custom_realtime_host = rest_client.options[:realtime_host] || rest_client.options[:ws_host] @auto_connect = rest_client.options.fetch_with_default(:auto_connect, true) @recover = rest_client.options.fetch_with_default(:recover, '') @auth = @channels = @connection =, options) unless @recover.nil_or_empty? recovery_context = RecoveryKeyContext.from_json(@recover, logger) unless recovery_context.nil? @channels.set_channel_serials recovery_context.channel_serials # RTN16j @connection.set_msg_serial_from_recover = recovery_context.msg_serial # RTN16f end end end # Return a {Ably::Realtime::Channel Realtime Channel} for the given name # # @param (see Ably::Realtime::Channels#get) # @return (see Ably::Realtime::Channels#get) # def channel(name, channel_options = {}) channels.get(name, channel_options) end # Retrieves the time from the Ably service as milliseconds since the Unix epoch. Clients that do not have access # to a sufficiently well maintained time source and wish to issue Ably {Ably::Models::TokenRequests} with # a more accurate timestamp should use the queryTime property instead of this method. # # @spec RTC6a # # @yield [Time] The time as milliseconds since the Unix epoch. # @return [Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable] # def time(&success_callback) async_wrap(success_callback) do rest_client.time end end # Queries the REST /stats API and retrieves your application's usage statistics. # Returns a {Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable} object, containing an array of {Ably::Models::Stats} objects. See the Stats docs. # # @spec RTC5 # # @param (see Ably::Rest::Client#stats) # @option options (see Ably::Rest::Client#stats) # # @yield [Ably::Models::PaginatedResult] A {Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable} object containing an array of {Ably::Models::Stats} objects. # # @return [Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable] # def stats(options = {}, &success_callback) async_wrap(success_callback) do rest_client.stats(options) end end # Calls {Connection#close} and causes the connection to close, entering the closing state. # Once closed, the library will not attempt to re-establish the connection without an explicit call to {Connection#connect}. # @spec RTN12 # (see Ably::Realtime::Connection#close) def close(&block) connection.close(&block) end # Calls {Ably::Realtime::Connection#connect} and causes the connection to open, entering the connecting # state. Explicitly calling connect() is unnecessary unless the autoConnect property is disabled. # @spec RTN11 # (see Ably::Realtime::Connection#connect) def connect(&block) connection.connect(&block) end # A {Ably::Realtime::Push} object. # @return [Ably::Realtime::Push] def push @push ||= end # Makes a REST request to a provided path. This is provided as a convenience for developers who wish to use REST # API functionality that is either not documented or is not yet included in the public API, without having to # directly handle features such as authentication, paging, fallback hosts, MsgPack and JSON support. # # @spec RTC9 # # (see {Ably::Rest::Client#request}) # @yield [Ably::Models::HttpPaginatedResponse<>] An Array of Stats # # @return [Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable] An {Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable} response object returned by the HTTP request, containing an empty or JSON-encodable object. def request(method, path, params = {}, body = nil, headers = {}, &callback) async_wrap(callback) do rest_client.request(method, path, params, body, headers, async_blocking_operations: true) end end # Publish one or more messages to the specified channel. # # This method allows messages to be efficiently published to Ably without instancing a {Ably::Realtime::Channel} object. # If you want to publish a high rate of messages to Ably without instancing channels or using the REST API, then this method # is recommended. However, channel options such as encryption are not supported with this method. If you need to specify channel options # we recommend you use the {Ably::Realtime::Channel} +publish+ method without attaching to each channel, unless you also want to subscribe # to published messages on that channel. # # Note: This feature is still in beta. As such, we cannot guarantee the API will not change in future. # # @param channel [String] The channel name you want to publish the message(s) to # @param name [String, Array, nil] The event name of the message to publish, or an Array of [Ably::Model::Message] objects or [Hash] objects with +:name+ and +:data+ pairs # @param data [String, ByteArray, nil] The message payload unless an Array of [Ably::Model::Message] objects passed in the first argument # @param attributes [Hash, nil] Optional additional message attributes such as :client_id or :connection_id, applied when name attribute is nil or a string # # @yield [Ably::Models::Message,Array] On success, will call the block with the {Ably::Models::Message} if a single message is published, or an Array of {Ably::Models::Message} when multiple messages are published # @return [Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable] Deferrable that supports both success (callback) and failure (errback) callbacks # # @example # # Publish a single message # client.publish 'activityChannel', click', { x: 1, y: 2 } # # # Publish an array of message Hashes # messages = [ # { name: 'click', { x: 1, y: 2 } }, # { name: 'click', { x: 2, y: 3 } } # ] # client.publish 'activityChannel', messages # # # Publish an array of Ably::Models::Message objects # messages = [ # Ably::Models::Message(name: 'click', { x: 1, y: 2 }) # Ably::Models::Message(name: 'click', { x: 2, y: 3 }) # ] # client.publish 'activityChannel', messages # # client.publish('activityChannel', 'click', 'body') do |message| # puts "#{} event received with #{}" # end # # client.publish('activityChannel', 'click', 'body').errback do |error, message| # puts "#{} was not received, error #{error.message}" # end # def publish(channel_name, name, data = nil, attributes = {}, &success_block) if !connection.can_publish_messages? error ="Message cannot be published. Client is not allowed to queue messages when connection is in state #{connection.state}") return Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable.new_and_fail_immediately(logger, error) end messages = if name.kind_of?(Enumerable) name else name = ensure_utf_8(:name, name, allow_nil: true) ensure_supported_payload data [{ name: name, data: data }.merge(attributes)] end if messages.length > Realtime::Connection::MAX_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_BATCH_SIZE error ="It is not possible to publish more than #{Realtime::Connection::MAX_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_BATCH_SIZE} messages with a single publish request.") return Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable.new_and_fail_immediately(logger, error) end enqueue_messages_on_connection(self, messages, channel_name).tap do |deferrable| deferrable.callback(&success_block) if block_given? end end # @!attribute [r] endpoint # @return [URI::Generic] Default Ably Realtime endpoint used for all requests def endpoint endpoint_for_host(custom_realtime_host || [environment, DOMAIN].compact.join('-')) end # (see Ably::Rest::Client#register_encoder) def register_encoder(encoder) rest_client.register_encoder encoder end # (see Ably::Rest::Client#fallback_hosts) def fallback_hosts rest_client.fallback_hosts end # (see Ably::Rest::Client#logger) def logger @logger ||=, log_level, rest_client.logger.custom_logger) end # Disable connection recovery, typically used after a connection has been recovered # @return [void] # @api private def disable_automatic_connection_recovery @recover = nil end # @!attribute [r] fallback_endpoint # @return [URI::Generic] Fallback endpoint used to connect to the realtime Ably service. Note, after each connection attempt, a new random {Ably::FALLBACK_HOSTS fallback host} or provided fallback hosts are used # @api private def fallback_endpoint unless defined?(@fallback_endpoints) && @fallback_endpoints @fallback_endpoints = { |fallback_host| endpoint_for_host(fallback_host) } @fallback_endpoints << endpoint # Try the original host last if all fallbacks have been used end fallback_endpoint_index = connection.manager.retry_count_for_state(:disconnected) + connection.manager.retry_count_for_state(:suspended) - 1 @fallback_endpoints[fallback_endpoint_index % @fallback_endpoints.count] end # Retrieves a {Ably::Models::LocalDevice} object that represents the current state of the device as a target for push notifications. # @spec RSH8 # @return [Ably::Models::LocalDevice] A {Ably::Models::LocalDevice} object. # # @note This is unsupported in the Ruby library def device raise Ably::Exceptions::PushNotificationsNotSupported, 'This device does not support receiving or subscribing to push notifications. The local device object is not unavailable' end private def endpoint_for_host(host) port = if use_tls? custom_tls_port else custom_port end raise ArgumentError, "Custom port must be an Integer or nil" if port && !port.kind_of?(Integer) options = { scheme: use_tls? ? 'wss' : 'ws', host: host } options.merge!(port: port) if port end end end end