Class SDL4R::SdlBinary

  1. lib/sdl4r/sdl_binary.rb
Parent: Object

Represents a binary value.

This class was introduced to avoid the confusion between a Ruby String and a binary literal.


public class

  1. decode64
  2. new

public instance

  1. ==
  2. eql?
  3. hash
  4. to_s


bytes [RW]

Public class methods

decode64 (s)

Decodes the specified base-64 encoded string and returns a corresponding SdlBinary instance. s might not include the conventional starting and ending square brackets.

[show source]
    # File lib/sdl4r/sdl_binary.rb, line 57
57:     def self.decode64(s)
58:       s = s.delete("\n\r\t ")
60:       binary = Base64.decode64(s)
62:       if binary.empty? and not s.empty?
63:         raise ArgumentError, "bad binary literal"
64:       end
66:       return
67:     end
new (bytes)

value: a String containing the bytes

[show source]
    # File lib/sdl4r/sdl_binary.rb, line 33
33:     def initialize(bytes)
34:       @bytes = bytes
35:     end

Public instance methods

== (o)
[show source]
    # File lib/sdl4r/sdl_binary.rb, line 37
37:     def ==(o)
38:       return true if self.equal?(o)
39:       return false if not o.instance_of?(self.class)
40:       return self.bytes == o.bytes
41:     end
eql? (o)

Alias for #==

hash ()
[show source]
    # File lib/sdl4r/sdl_binary.rb, line 45
45:     def hash
46:       return bytes.hash
47:     end
to_s ()

Returns the bytes base64-encoded.

[show source]
    # File lib/sdl4r/sdl_binary.rb, line 50
50:     def to_s
51:       return Base64.encode64(bytes)
52:     end